Do you and your partner have an understanding about what should happen if injury or illness leaves you unable to participate in any kind of sexual activity? It’s not a pleasant subject, I realize.
It wasn’t easy but i told my wife that if something happens to me - eg., a head injury from a fall/ car accident, stroke, alzheimers, etc..- that leaves me unable to engage with her sexually that she should feel free, without any sense of guilt, to seek sex from someone else. I told her that I would expect her to keep me at the center of her life, to continue to love and care for me but in no way do I expect her to cease having sex. I truly believe physical intimacy is too important to her physical and mental health to stop enjoying it simply b/c I can’t give it to her. I’m even willing to put it in writing so she can show our kids, family, and even potential sex partners should they express dismay.
I’m a big believer in legalizing and normalizing sex-work and the above would be a perfect situation for a sexual stand-in. ..Someone who visits a person in such a situation once a month (or whatever) to give them the sexual release he/she might need while minimizing risk of emotional attachments, etc.. As I see it, receiving such treatment from a trained, bonded, professional sex worker should be viewed no differently than having an impinged back muscle released by a massage therapist.
To me, it's the ultimate expression of love to give your partner this freedom. Your thoughts?
It wasn’t easy but i told my wife that if something happens to me - eg., a head injury from a fall/ car accident, stroke, alzheimers, etc..- that leaves me unable to engage with her sexually that she should feel free, without any sense of guilt, to seek sex from someone else. I told her that I would expect her to keep me at the center of her life, to continue to love and care for me but in no way do I expect her to cease having sex. I truly believe physical intimacy is too important to her physical and mental health to stop enjoying it simply b/c I can’t give it to her. I’m even willing to put it in writing so she can show our kids, family, and even potential sex partners should they express dismay.
I’m a big believer in legalizing and normalizing sex-work and the above would be a perfect situation for a sexual stand-in. ..Someone who visits a person in such a situation once a month (or whatever) to give them the sexual release he/she might need while minimizing risk of emotional attachments, etc.. As I see it, receiving such treatment from a trained, bonded, professional sex worker should be viewed no differently than having an impinged back muscle released by a massage therapist.
To me, it's the ultimate expression of love to give your partner this freedom. Your thoughts?
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