Do You Forgive & Forget?


Literotica Guru
Sep 24, 2001
Is it easy or difficult for you to forgive/forget when someone has hurt you?

juicylips said:
Is it easy or difficult for you to forgive/forget when someone has hurt you?


Morning JL

well never forget - and if the truth be told I cant really forgive those who really hurt - a lot of water has to pass under that bridge first !!
Re: Re: Do You Forgive & Forget?

Gord said:

Morning JL

well never forget - and if the truth be told I cant really forgive those who really hurt - a lot of water has to pass under that bridge first !!

Morning, G.

Your av is cute.:kiss:
Indigo.Rose said:

no i never ever forget.

i might forgive but it depends on what they did and how much i cared about them to begin with.

The depths of our emotions towards that person is what determines how we forgive them.
forgive, but never forget.

no matter what you say, no matter how much you wish it, things can never be the same between you again, whether for good or bad.
What's the expression "Fool me once...?"

I modify my own behavior in accordance with other people's history. People that don't pay me back will stop recieving loans. People who are always late will find me less willing to make appointments.

Forgive, yes. Forget, never.
scylis said:
forgive, but never forget.

no matter what you say, no matter how much you wish it, things can never be the same between you again, whether for good or bad.

Darlin' of these days I'm going to pull you down on my lap and all this hurt is going to go far, far away.:heart: :kiss:
horny_giraffe said:
What's the expression "Fool me once...?"

I modify my own behavior in accordance with other people's history. People that don't pay me back will stop recieving loans. People who are always late will find me less willing to make appointments.

Forgive, yes. Forget, never.

I love it when you come out of hiding and post.:kiss:
Depends on what I am forgiving and what I am forgetting.

Y'know it will never be the same, but it has the potential to be better. Because, it can't really get as bad as it is when you got into it with the other person.

Sometimes you do have to clear the air and re-establish that which you lost contact with...usually yourself. When you can do that, then there is a chance of creating something better.
juicylips said:

Growing up emotionally?
well yeah, like in highschool or right after, i took things alot more personally than i do now. i can make myself be more objective now, and try to understand why people do certian things, even if they hurt me..and if there is no good reason that they hurt me then they are just not worth the fuss
sorry if that doesn't make alot of sense lol it's really late..uhhh..early for me :)
If you are able to forgive and forget, that makes you a very respectable and unique person who is in control of his/her emotions. This is what TRUE LOVE is all about.
Everything that happens is experience...

I wish them well (never wanting to part on a harsh word), and vow not to repeat the same mistake again. This dance in the sun is too brief to dwell on what's now over in my books. (it's history) :D

*Except terrorists!
Forgive, don't forget, hopefully learn something and then, move on.

Good morning, JL:rose:
claybeherenow said:

well yeah, like in highschool or right after, i took things alot more personally than i do now. i can make myself be more objective now, and try to understand why people do certian things, even if they hurt me..and if there is no good reason that they hurt me then they are just not worth the fuss
sorry if that doesn't make alot of sense lol it's really late..uhhh..early for me :)

I see what you mean. It does take maturity to realize that some people are never going to change their actions just because you're hurt by them.

Most of the time maturity breeds confidence and that helps in realizing that we don't build our self esteem on what other's think of us.
LordOfDarkness said:
If you are able to forgive and forget, that makes you a very respectable and unique person who is in control of his/her emotions. This is what TRUE LOVE is all about.

True love?

That's another thread entirely, LD...:D
sometimes it's not another person to whom you must give forgiveness, but yourself.
juicylips said:

I see what you mean. It does take maturity to realize that some people are never going to change their actions just because you're hurt by them.

Most of the time maturity breeds confidence and that helps in realizing that we don't build our self esteem on what other's think of us.
yeah, exactly, plus it really irks some people when they realize that you could care less what they do or think lol :p