Do you ever ....


Oct 9, 2001
... become so overwhelmed that you become sort of paralyzed?

I think I'm in shock.

I'm moving in less than 3 weeks and I have a very large house to pack up by myself, and frankly, I have no idea where to even begin.
Rubyfruit said:
... become so overwhelmed that you become sort of paralyzed?

I think I'm in shock.

I'm moving in less than 3 weeks and I have a very large house to pack up by myself, and frankly, I have no idea where to even begin.

start by making a list and then sticking to it. don't aweat the small stuff. this helps.... some :)
Sorry, Ruby. I don't know how you can do it with 3 kids. I would hate to move. Good luck!
You begin by gathering everyone you know for a "Packing Party". Beer/wine and Pizza. Cheaper than hireing movers though if you can swing it that's another option.

If you do end up having to pack on your own do NOT give yourself the oportunity to wax sentimental over items and memories or you will spend the next three weeks crying. You're packing up a life. It's different.

So put on the most upbeat, feel good music you have and just wrap and pack. Sing, dance a little, don't pay attenetion to what you're packing. Just do it.
Oh yeah, been there many times.

Baby steps. Don't think of it as one huge job, think of it as several small ones. One task at a time.

Good luck!
As with most jouneys in life you begin by taking the first step.
Start with books and linens. Small boxes for the books. You need to be able to lift them. Those suckers are heavy!
sunstruck said:
You begin by gathering everyone you know for a "Packing Party". Beer/wine and Pizza. Cheaper than hireing movers though if you can swing it that's another option.

If you do end up having to pack on your own do NOT give yourself the oportunity to wax sentimental over items and memories or you will spend the next three weeks crying. You're packing up a life. It's different.

So put on the most upbeat, feel good music you have and just wrap and pack. Sing, dance a little, don't pay attenetion to what you're packing. Just do it.

I agree, with one stipulation...don't pass out the beer until later in the day, or else your stuff will be packed all wrong.
Pack one room at a time, starting at the top, and for goodness sake label the boxes.
Summer of '99, I had to both plan my wedding quickly - since we needed to get married before moving to England - as well as pack up my house - to move to England. Plus wrap things up at my jobe before I left. Plus we were still doing construction in the house, so it was half a building site. Plus, that was one of the hottest summers on record in the NY area. It was insane. I would get so overwhelmed just laying in bed in the morning thinking about all I had to do that day and I was exhausted before even getting up! So I would lay there a bit longer, a bit longer, a bit longer....yes, I know that 'paralyzed' feeling well.
I'm normally a smartass, but in all seriousness, do the kitchen first.

It's usually the toughest room to do because there's so much little stuff and breakable stuff you have to pack.

Everything else will seem like a piece of cake after that. When you go thru your closets, make two piles of clothes. One to pack and one to take to Goodwill or Salvation Army. You'll be suprised how much stuff you can do without.

Hope that helps.

In my first job after finishing university, I reached a point where I'd built up an office full of files, each of which required tasks to complete.

It got to the point where I had more work than I thought I could handle....there were stacks of files everywhere on my credenza, under my desk, on my desk, in the corners...all calling out to me.

One day a senior partner walked by, glanced in, saw me sitting there with a vacant look on my face. He stopped, smiled and sat down.

"What?" I said.

"You've met him, haven't you?"

"Who?" I said.

"General Fear."

"Who the hell is General Fear?"

~ General Fear is the paralysis that you get when the weight of having 10,000 things to do prevents you from doing...anything.

The only way to defeat General Fear is to forget about the mountain of little, go get one box, go to one room and pack that one box.

When you've labelled and sealed it....go get another box.

And so on.

Don't let General Fear keep you from doing what you need to do.

Take it one thing at a time... My grand mother use to tell me Eyes afraid and hands function
The overwhelmed thing happens to me all the time. At the most inopportune moments. I have to break things down into the tiniest pieces.

I moved an entire household to Alaska once. Packed it myself. A moving company was out of the question. Got paralyzed frequently. Put some music on. Pick one cabinet. Just start with one box. The momentum will catch you. I had to stop thinking about it and just let the music catch me.

Stop, start. Stop, start. I got it done.

Good luck Ruby :)
Rubyfruit said:
... become so overwhelmed that you become sort of paralyzed?

I think I'm in shock.

I'm moving in less than 3 weeks and I have a very large house to pack up by myself, and frankly, I have no idea where to even begin.
Hire a big muscular stud to stuff your box.

Luckily for you, I come cheap.

Rubyfruit said:
Thank you everybody.

I am going to go get one box and pack it right now.


You are getting a lot of good advice, Ruby. The important thing is to not let it overwhelm you — something that can happen packing a house or just getting to work and realizing what is in store for you that day. Just take it one thing at a time, narrowing your focus to that one thing, and you'll be surprised at how much progress you can make.
You will need boxes. I suggest going to those "Dollar Stores" that are popping up all over the place. They turn over a lot of inventory, receive shipments almost daily, and you can work out a deal with them to pick up boxes or you can just go behind the store and grab what you need.
Don't forget, Ruby - take this time to throw out as much stuff as you can - or Goodwill it. A) it's less to pack and B) someone else could use it more than you could, if you actually have to think about when the last time you used it. Good luck. One box at a time, and don't forget to label what's in what box, not just where it goes.
As you are packing , throw away anything you know you will not need or have never used before but for some reason decided to keep ... that is how I usually pack.

Good luck :)

I feel your pain. Overwhelming is almost an understatement. ;)

I just packed up tons of stuff in a relatively brief period earlier this year. I did most of it on my own. I've done quite a bit of moving in the last few short years. I do it fairly quickly. Do it room by room. Mark 2 rooms to do a day on your list. Get boxes, lots and lots of boxes. You can either buy them from a Mail Boxes, Etc. or other place, or you can find some good ones at stores like KMart, WalMart, etc. if you get there at the right time.

For your listening pleasure, I have 3 CDs that I love to pack and clean to. Grab a Violent Femmes CD or U2's War and play over and over again while you are packing. I work frantically for a few hours at a time. Sometimes late at night, is the best time to just get your groove on.

I'm sorry you have to go through all of this. But really make a list, stick to it, and work your ass off when you're in the mood. Then relax at various times in the day when you can sit down and think, damn I actually got some shit done.

Best of luck.