Do you ever wonder if you are TOO demanding as a lover???

Hell no... how are yu going to get what you want if you don't go after it. :D
Wait, you mean I'm supposed to give a shit whether or not they like it?

Damn, maybe that's what I've been doing wrong...
I think it depends on the person. Some people can be intimidated by some one who is very sexually aggressive. At the same time it can be a real turn on that some desires you that much. So I think each case is different depending on how the persom reacts. If the perwson is put off because you are to aggressive you should talk it over and tel them how it is. Some people just have very low sex drives while others are just to shy submissive to let their true colors show.
Sure, sure, Brat. I bet you say that to all the girls... ;)
Aww, now I'm touched! Well, ok. But I want 2 boys and a girl and you have to raise them. I want them well educated and presented to me neat, clean and well-mannered for precisely 10 minutes each day. The rest of the time I don't want to see or hear them. ok?
I don't have to wonder..........

I KNOW I am....:D I wanna fuck everyday, at least once a day.
*bratcat* said:
I mean...when I am head over heels in lust with someone...I just can't seem to get enough of them. I crave to be with them...need their touch...their voice...their body melding into mine...constantly...neverending...

Do you ever think that by wanting, no...craving..all of that, it makes someone nervous? Or that you are too demanding??

If they're not 110% into the "Fucking Our Brains Out" phase, chances are they're not into you at all, in my experience.

Your hormones may vary.
I use to think that I burned lovers out just as I was really getting warmed up ... and then, I met the BIG GUY!

He's brought new meaning to the word stamina for me ... I'm usually the one begging for mercy now (much to his amusement).

btw --> hiya, girlie
Haven't had one in so long it is difficult to remember if I was or not! :(
One can never be too rich, too booby or too demanding in bed.

It's the law.

So, maybe the bullhorn and the announcement on the scoreboard were a bit much. But the banner on the plane seemed like a good idea at the time.

Heck, most people aren't mindreaders. What are you gonna do? Just lay there and take it? Quietly? No, you purr, and moan and whisper what you want. Then you build to a higher crescendo and proclaim your desire and lust till you are in a frenzy. Your touches and kisses let your lover know that there is no one else on earth who can please you. No one else who can touch that very part of you that makes you explode.

You must express these feelings till your lover is so worked up they don't know which end is up. The head doesn't know what the tail is doing.

Don't ask. Don't tell. And don't worry. Demand satisfaction! And give it back in spades.
I know someone as insatiable (or moreso) than I am. Like Agent 99 said, You can never be too rich or too demanding in bed.
I'm a firm believer in Ask and you shall Receive

and if asking doesn't work, TELL!!!!!
*bratcat* said:

Do you ever think that by wanting, no...craving..all of that, it makes someone nervous? Or that you are too demanding??

Personally, I don't think me or my man are to demanding of each other, we crave, hunger, and ache to see one another .. since we are miles apart there are times we find ourselves just dying to see one another.

But our wants and desires for one another... have never been seen as demanding .. in our eyes.

As for someone being nervous or thinking you are demanding because you are lusting over them - I think they would be flattered to have so much attention showered on them. :)
*bratcat* said:
Thank you...and I believe that he is happy. :)

From another thread:

*bratcat* said:
I have decided that I am NOT going to fall in love again...But I need to have mindblowing, orgasmic, body trembling sex at every opportunity I can find. I think that tossing out all the romance and just focusing on the physical pleasure should make for a sweet interlude, don't you?

Yup, my response there still holds true:

Cheyenne said:
What you've "decided" doesn't matter. You can't help yourself, IMHO. It isn't a matter if "if" for you, it is a matter of "when."

Someone on this thread may even be your next Lit attachment, who knows? The only thing we know for sure is that it won't be me. :)