Do you burn books?


Really Experienced
Sep 17, 2002
Do you take the additional time up to make what correct and good is to maintain and your safe children of the evils of the little safe material of the reading? I burn books; I feel ever more patriotic, if I burn a book. God is with the book burners; God and the government are with you everything.

Hiel Smoochie.

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Pm's come in, but they can't go out. My computer considers you a non-entity.
Burning books is a sin! Never - I would never burn a book. That is someone's hard work, even if it sucks!
No, Im not a book burner.

Why burn a book anyway?

Oh, sorry.......God Is With The Bookburners???

That explains it all...... :confused:
I have found other forms of entertainment.
