Do you believe everything you read?

Calamity Jane

Reverend Blue Jeans
Sep 19, 2001
Do you verify seemingly outlandish stories on snopes or another debunker before you pass it on? Or are you the type that believes every virus warning/news flash/heartwarming pic that crosses your email?

The Darwin Awards aren't always true.
The Stella Awards are almost all fake.
The picture of the woman taking a picture of a Teddy Bear in the clouds is fake.
If you delete that file to kill a virus, you're damaging your operating system.

Am I the only cynical bitch who runs everything through snopes first?
I don't use snopes but I have a heavy dose of distrust on board when reading the news.
pagancowgirl said:

Am I the only cynical bitch who runs everything through snopes first?
I run everything through Snopes if I haven't heard it from a reliable source (reliable sources don't include friends or family.)

If it's cute of funny though, it's fun to share regardless of it's reality status. If I were to post something that is cute but untrue, I'd mention it somewhere in the post.
Ofcourse I believe everything I'm told on the net.

What do you think I am.. stupid or something? ;)

I do like Angel does.
You do realize the Stella awards (unless it's adifferent publication, his is called "the TRUE Stella awards")are put out buy a journalist by the name of Randy Cassingham and he verifies the stories to the best of his ability before printing them? He's also responsible for "This is true"

Check em out here -

This is true


Stella awards
I totally see the entertainment value in some of the things taht come across the net... but I rarely actually believe them. I have friends though that actually believe everything.

I get so many OH MY GOD HAVE YOU SEEN THIS!!!! Type emails I could puke.

It's not that I don't want to help poor little girls who were kidnapped 15 years ago from the furniture store that sells really hot coffee.... but puh-lease!

I do, howver, admire the people that took the time to make up these bits of internet folklore.
If you can't find truth on the net, where can you find it? From friends? nope. Family? nope. only the net.

I've read just about everything on Snopes, and I even have a book or two on urban legends, so when I hear a story, I can usually recognize it as false right away.

You can't possibly believe everything you read or hear, just like you can't possibly verify everything you hear or read.
I don't believe anything I read in junk mail. In fact I never read junk mail. Whenever anyone sends me something, the second I see that it's been mass mailed I delete it. I dont' have the time to waste.

You have no idea how many people fall for the file deletion email. My husbands company has made thousnads fixing computers for those idiots.

That said if there is something I believe to be true I don't look at snoops. If someone shows me that it's untrue I'll just say "Oopsie, I was wrong". I have no problem with that. It's easier than researching every fact I utter. lol
It's called culture jamming, baby.

Mistrust everything...pass it on as if it were true...or make up your own myths and pass 'em around like Doritos at a poker game.

Language is a virus from outer spread the disease.
I believe everything that everyone posts at Lit. After all, who would have the heart to lie to me??