Do Women Tend To Wake Up Horny Too?



Like a lot of men, I usually wake up in an aroused state. I’ve asked my girlfriend and a few of my friends if women do too. None could really give a definitive answer, but they are curious to know as well.

Have at it Litsters. Do women wake up horny?
I will add that on a small handful of occasions, a bed partner has very gently stimulated my erogenous zones and turned me on while I slept. This has led to very vivid erotic dreams and, two of those times, to orgasms. one which woke me up in the middle of it, and the other which I slept through and only remembered later.
I will add that on a small handful of occasions, a bed partner has very gently stimulated my erogenous zones and turned me on while I slept. This has led to very vivid erotic dreams and, two of those times, to orgasms. one which woke me up in the middle of it, and the other which I slept through and only remembered later.
Ooooo I wanna try that last one 😮
Ooooo I wanna try that last one 😮
It's pretty wild, actually. He explained to me that while he was spooning me, he had a hand on a breast, and he slowly started playing with the nipple. It stiffened, of course, and he kept on stimulating it. He said that he could tell I was getting turned on because I was making slight moaning sounds when I breathed and my hips were rocking in rhythm a bit. He said this went on for about half an hour before he felt a thud-thud-thud of muscle contractions in my lower abdomen that woke me up. I was embarrassed at first because I thought I simply had a wet dream of sorts, but he later he explained to me that he caused it.
I usually wake up horny, and half been told on numerous occasions by my husband that just because he wakes up hard, that it doesn't mean he is horny. (Not that he does not perform when asked) but so the question begs are you waking up horny or just hard?
I've often wondered that as well ... but have never been able to frame the question correctly!
Like a lot of men, I usually wake up in an aroused state. I’ve asked my girlfriend and a few of my friends if women do too. None could really give a definitive answer, but they are curious to know as well.

Have at it Litsters. Do women wake up horny?
Um, do we wake up as humans who have sexual needs also? Yes😊.
I usually wake up horny, and half been told on numerous occasions by my husband that just because he wakes up hard, that it doesn't mean he is horny. (Not that he does not perform when asked) but so the question begs are you waking up horny or just hard?
I would say 80:20. I'm most often hard when I wake up because I'm horny, spurred on by dreams I had or thoughts that were percolating as I surfaced. But sometimes I'm hard for mysterious reasons.
I usually wake up horny, and half been told on numerous occasions by my husband that just because he wakes up hard, that it doesn't mean he is horny. (Not that he does not perform when asked) but so the question begs are you waking up horny or just hard?
That is a great question. Maybe other guys will chime in. In the original question I said aroused, that could mean physically or mentally, then I changed it to horny when I asked about women. The spirit of the question should have been,”Do women tend to wake-up physically aroused?”
My answer (based on what is the norm for me).

Not really. Mostly when I wake I just feel tired and want to either keep sleeping, or have a sort of, "Okay, time to start my day," kind of feeling. However, I am single now and live alone.

When I was with my ex he'd often want sex in the morning. And at the time I was in love with him, so I liked being with him and liked that we had morning sex.

So while I wouldn't say I woke up feeling mmmm .... having someone in bed that I was in love with, who made me feel like he wanted me ... got m in the mood.
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When I was with my ex he'd often want sex in the morning. And at the time, (ugh I hate saying this now) ... at the time I was in love with him
Fuck him! (Was that the right move? I'm trying to make you feel better about it).
I usually wake up horny, and half been told on numerous occasions by my husband that just because he wakes up hard, that it doesn't mean he is horny. (Not that he does not perform when asked) but so the question begs are you waking up horny or just hard?
I don’t usually wake up horny. On more than a few occasions a certain ex would wake me up by stroking me. I’d be thinking noooo i’m so peaceful, let me sleep…
But soon after I’d get seriously horny haha.
But no, initially not!