Do women love being "taken" by a huge cock?


Aug 5, 2012
Let's hear from women who've been with men with huge, sexy cock:

I love the thought of women abandoning all inhibition and letting themselves be fully "taken" by a man with big, huge, thick cock.

It you've had that experience, please describe how it felt and how it made you feel. Did you feel extra sexy? Did it make you feel like talking dirty during sex? Did it make you orgasm harder? Did he have more come than other men?

What about the man? Did he want to pump you extra hard to see how much you could take? Did you or he talk about his big cock while making love?
All of a sudden the theme from Tara came into my head. Oh Rhett! I abandon all my self awareness and lay here like a good girl and let you plow me with your big strapping cock! :rolleyes::D

Actually on a friday night come on over. Just be prepared to be the one used.
Yeah...I'm thrown by using huge and sexy together when describing a cock.

Sexy to me is enough to be suckable and fuckable. Top that off with a tongue that never stops....we will get along just fine. ;)
Do women love being "taken" by a huge cock?

After further thought, and from reading the history of the Fetish board (including your posts as well), it seems more "straight" men are obsessed with the huge cocks than women are. They post that they "want to see their wife taken by a huge cock" and/or the things they, too, would do to said cock once their wife or her bull gave them permission.

It even seems like the men who start the threads aren't happy with our replies, as women, when we say things like, "No, size doens't matter" or "It's how he uses the thing that matters". I know that's the truth for me. (And could guess it's true for the other women who have posted similar.)

Why is it you men who are obsessed with cock size never want to believe us?
After further thought, and from reading the history of the Fetish board (including your posts as well), it seems more "straight" men are obsessed with the huge cocks than women are. They post that they "want to see their wife taken by a huge cock" and/or the things they, too, would do to said cock once their wife or her bull gave them permission.

It even seems like the men who start the threads aren't happy with our replies, as women, when we say things like, "No, size doens't matter" or "It's how he uses the thing that matters". I know that's the truth for me. (And could guess it's true for the other women who have posted similar.)

Why is it you men who are obsessed with cock size never want to believe us?

Now there's a thread title! lmao! ;)
After further thought, and from reading the history of the Fetish board (including your posts as well), it seems more "straight" men are obsessed with the huge cocks than women are. They post that they "want to see their wife taken by a huge cock" and/or the things they, too, would do to said cock once their wife or her bull gave them permission.

It even seems like the men who start the threads aren't happy with our replies, as women, when we say things like, "No, size doens't matter" or "It's how he uses the thing that matters". I know that's the truth for me. (And could guess it's true for the other women who have posted similar.)

Why is it you men who are obsessed with cock size never want to believe us?

Geez, take a pill will ya? Last I checked this forum was entitled, Fetish & Sexuality Central. All I asked was if there were some women who found this exciting. If you don't so be it. I'm not disparaging women who aren't into this. So why do you pull psychoanalyst on me 'cause i am. I never said I didn't believe women who aren't into this. That's what makes it a Fetish... a small but certain proportion of women (and men) are into it.
I can't say I've ever been with anyone who had what I would consider a "huge" cock, but will say that even with an average-to-generous-sized dude, once he starts hitting my cervix, I'm out. It hurts and is distracting from the fun. So I think I would have to pass if some guy was sporting a baseball bat and wanted it inconsiderately plow me with it. There's only so much wang I have room for.
I guess many people (read guys) try to draw parallels between boob-fixation and dick-fixation. When it comes to boobs, size is the only thing that matters for many guys. They often jerk off just on the idea of huge melons. There is actually nothing wrong in it. People can have their own kinks. And the same idea is often extended towards the female point of view too. Which naturally does not work.
It's very different

I don't think every girl needs a big cock to be happy, I could only imagine some girls may be bigger down below. I could only imagine a smaller or average size would be fustrating other might be smaller down below or not as flexable. I think it's just part of the equation of finding that right fit so to say no offense met by saying that. As far as how it feels I personally enjoyed one that was 9 1/2" long and 6 3/4" around so it's very long and thick. I admit I enjoyed the stretching sensation allot it's VERY DIFFERENT compared to average sizes 5 1/2"-7 1/2" thats are apx 5"-5 1/2" around. When I use the word average I think common can be used to better describe size in general. I have been asked about size many times before It's something guys just wonder about. At first I was like other girls thinking WTF with this question again lol. Guys just have this in their heads its not only on the internet its on TV celebs talking about it. I uderstand why female get fustrated with the question lol it's akward when we are trying to build a relationship and this question comes up. It feels like the guy is try to sabatage our relationship, if you are a guy don't ask the question unless your ready for any answer and accepting it. I was reading the other female comments and felt compeled to say my 2 cents.
I don't think every girl needs a big cock to be happy, I could only imagine some girls may be bigger down below. I could only imagine a smaller or average size would be fustrating other might be smaller down below or not as flexable. I think it's just part of the equation of finding that right fit so to say no offense met by saying that. As far as how it feels I personally enjoyed one that was 9 1/2" long and 6 3/4" around so it's very long and thick. I admit I enjoyed the stretching sensation allot it's VERY DIFFERENT compared to average sizes 5 1/2"-7 1/2" thats are apx 5"-5 1/2" around. When I use the word average I think common can be used to better describe size in general. I have been asked about size many times before It's something guys just wonder about. At first I was like other girls thinking WTF with this question again lol. Guys just have this in their heads its not only on the internet its on TV celebs talking about it. I uderstand why female get fustrated with the question lol it's akward when we are trying to build a relationship and this question comes up. It feels like the guy is try to sabatage our relationship, if you are a guy don't ask the question unless your ready for any answer and accepting it. I was reading the other female comments and felt compeled to say my 2 cents.

Thanks for the candid reply, Valleygirl. I totally get it that size isn't a big deal to lots of women, but at least for me, it's incredibly sexy when a woman who does enjoy ample size talks about it. :rose: