Do women actually enjoy wearing high heels?


Literary Eroticist
Jun 27, 2022
I know they're usually uncomfortable, but sometimes people wear less than comfortable clothes for their own enjoyment of how they look, how they make them feel. Is that the case for women and heels, or is it mostly that they wear them only because they are expected to in certain situations?

The closest I can relate to is wearing a tie. I absolutely despise it, but I have had to in some situations, and I do get how it makes me feel different. It's a little bit nice, but so not worth it.

I like what heels do to a woman's posture and ass, but to me, the heels themselves look silly, often out of place, and cringingly uncomfortable. The silliness goes over the top in photo shoots where a naked woman is strolling around in stilletto heels in the back yard, on a deck with spaces between the boards, through the woods, or even on a beach.

If it was up to me, I would do away with them entirely.
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Just going by my experience with women I've dated and conversations I've had with them about the subject, as with almost everything, opinions vary.

There probably are many women who find them annoying and wear them only because they think they are expected to. I would think they would be very uncomfortable.

But I've known women who liked them because of the way they looked, and the way heels made their legs look. There's no question in my mind that high heels make a woman's legs look sexier.
Just going by my experience with women I've dated and conversations I've had with them about the subject, as with almost everything, opinions vary.

There probably are many women who find them annoying and wear them only because they think they are expected to. I would think they would be very uncomfortable.

But I've known women who liked them because of the way they looked, and the way heels made their legs look. There's no question in my mind that high heels make a woman's legs look sexier.
Exactly, I feel sexy, and if I have the option to flash my defined leg lines to the girls, I will. šŸ˜˜
I don't care for them, only have a few pair and usually only wear them when I can't think of a good alternative for the event.
I went through a phase where I wore them and they certainly took some getting used to comfort wise. There is a certain psychological attitude that you can get with them too that I never fully embraced. I thought that I had gotten used to them but when I stopped wearing them I realized that I never really adjusted to them fully. I have a couple of pairs still that I can't remember the last time that I wore them.

I don't mind low heels at all, like a 1-inch, especially boots.
Yes and no. Love hate thing.

They make me feel sexy and beautiful and make my legs look incredible.

But I'm 5'11" so I don't wear them that often and they cause foot pain and back trouble for me.
I went through a phase where I wore them and they certainly took some getting used to comfort wise. There is a certain psychological attitude that you can get with them too that I never fully embraced. I thought that I had gotten used to them but when I stopped wearing them I realized that I never really adjusted to them fully. I have a couple of pairs still that I can't remember the last time that I wore them.

I don't mind low heels at all, like a 1-inch, especially boots.
Yeah low heels are okay.
Yes and no. Love hate thing.

They make me feel sexy and beautiful and make my legs look incredible.

But I'm 5'11" so I don't wear them that often and they cause foot pain and back trouble for me.
Also If you've ever stepped in a grate or something in a stiletto...fuck me sideways. I've had to walk barefoot with a tweaked ankle all over downtown LA (yeah, it's even worse than it sounds) because I broke off a heel.

Fuck that.
But I'm 5'11" so I don't wear them that often and they cause foot pain and back trouble for me.

I'm 5'7". I once had a boyfriend who was also 5'7". When I wore heels I was taller than him. Everyone thought it was adorable. : P
I'm 5'7". I once had a boyfriend who was also 5'7". When I wore heels I was taller than him. Everyone thought it was adorable. : P
Lol yeah, that's an interesting dynamic

There are guys who get off on being with taller women. Even MUCH taller women. Usually short guys.

And there are guys who are very uncomfortable with women as tall or taller. Usually tall guys.

People are weird.
My wife wears heels only on special occasions and they honestly look great on her especially when she's also wearing a sexy dress or shortish skirt. Her long, lean legs are accentuated even more.

She easily turns heads in her heels so it'd be nice if she wore them more often but they're also uncomfortable so it's understandable why she doesn't ugh šŸ™„!?!?
Same. Feeling sexy is worth some sacrifice. Having said that, I also LOVE taking them off after I've been wearing them all day. :)
If you can find a guy (or woman) that will give you some foot massage foreplay (but isn't overly fetishy) then it's all worth it
I'm all for women feeling sexy, but I want them to feel comfortable and be able to walk safely first. And if high heels get in the way of that, by all means take them off please. And I'll be the guy enbiji describes to ease their foot pain if any. :)
I'm all for women feeling sexy, but I want them to feel comfortable and be able to walk safely first. And if high heels get in the way of that, by all means take them off please. And I'll be the guy enbiji describes to ease their foot pain if any. :)
Yeah, pretty much my take too. And in case any women out there are wearing heels just for my benefit, please don't.
Ah, the ever-fascinating differences between men and women.

When it comes to fashion pieces I donā€™t care for, like bow ties, I donā€™t keep ā€œa fewā€ of them around. I simply have zero šŸ˜

Well, there would probably never be a circumstance where you HAD to wear a bow tie.
Unfortunately, there are some events I've had to attend where anything other than heels doesn't make sense with the dress.
My wife hates heels and has not a single pair. She doesn't see the point (no pun there). She's tall...ish - 5'8" vs. my 5'10". She's good (great, IMO!) with low-heel boots. She has what I guess could be described as a lanky but curvy figure (long-waisted) and shapely legs with good proportions. IMO heels would knock the look out of balance, and apparently she agrees. When it comes to sexy, it's sandals. She has attractive feet which I appreciate, tho' I wouldn't exactly call myself a foot guy.

Then again, it is mostly about comfort with her. Think "SAS" shoes - super practical, the kind of shoes that don't make a fashion statement but are frequently the choice of women in professions such as nursing who are on their feet all day.

Now what I don't get is heels in video porn. The female can be stark naked otherwise, but is having the deed done to her on the bed or whatever while wearing stiletto heels. Yeah, I guess it's a fetish needing to be serviced, but it's the pragmatist in me that immediately goes, "Somebody's going to get hurt when they change positions."

...there are some events I've had to attend where anything other than heels doesn't make sense with the dress.

My wife solves this with long dresses that hug curves and go great with sandals. Let's just say that the scowls she gets from the other ladies are not due to lack of elevating footwear.
Strappy heels with exposed painted toes are so sexy.šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°.

Makes me want to remove them and start licking and sucking them toesšŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°.