Do I have the worlds stupidest dog?


Literotica Guru
Apr 13, 2002
I think I do. It's 34 fucking degrees outside, and I'm washing mud from my boots that I got doing something illegal (don't ask), and this fucking dog attacks the stream of water. YEAH! so now she's soaked... she's just lucky I'm not like some owners and left her ass outside to freeze.
lol that poor doggie....bless her shivering heart...

so c'mon....what illegal something were you doing?...i'm thinking you might've been peeping in windows, jacking off....that was a fun flash....hmmm...or maybe flashing old ladies in the park?....c'mon...i'm dying to know...and i promise not to call the coppers....:)
*LOL* Sorry. it's WAY too cold to be exposing flesh *S* I'd look like a thirty cent stack of dimes

I was just on some pre-Christmas Destruction *S*

omg you destroyed the outdoor nativity scene at a nearby church didn't you? wicked man....i can see you whacking the manger....tossing baby jesus up in the air....yikes.....;)

i know you really didn't do that, but it was a fun, deranged man flash....i had you naked in it too...just your boots on...
Actually, I have destroyed a Nativity scene once... not this year though.
Dantetier said:
Actually, I have destroyed a Nativity scene once... not this year though.

my lil miracle destroys one at's the one i played with when i was lil....and she gets her barbies and groovy girls out....has them riding the cows....arranges them inside of the nativity scene...just discards poor ole mary, joseph and sweet baby jesus...i tried to explain what sacrilegious meant to her....but it didn't faze her.....i'm so glad God has a sense of humor...;)
I think a God would HAVE to have a sense of humor... otherwise, we'd have a flood ever few hours
If it makes you feel better, I've seen stupider dogs. My stepfather inherited a dog after it got hit by a car and the previous owner decided he didn't feel like paying for veterinary care for him. As a result of the accident, he was completely lame in one of his front paws. One day he walked up to me, and I started scratching his belly. Eventually nature tooke its course and his back leg started jumping. Did I mention he was STILL STANDING at the time? After he picked himself up off the deck, he came back to me five more times wanting to do it again.
You would like to think that your doggie has learned her lesson but I don't think so. sometimes when it comes to pleasures we all have a little brain fart every now and then.