Do I deserve an explanation?


Occasionally Spotted
Oct 31, 2001
Hypothetically speaking...

Suppose I'm dumped by my girlfriend after spending some wonderful time together. She refuses to tell me the reasons, but simply says that "It isn't working." She can't just break up with me without explaining why, can she? Dammit, she owes me an explanation, don't you think?
an explanation would be nice, don't jump into a discussion with her demanding an answer. women talk and will remember if you're an ass even if she turned you into one.

I suggest letting things cool down, then ask her without demanding. If she says no more get away, then do that and move on.
I know how you feel, but the sad fact is that she can walk away without a word or backward glance. It hurts. Its unreasonable. It makes you feel used, but that is what we set ourselves up for when we hand someone our heart

The really hard thing is to not let it keep you from entering into another relationship with someone new who might be deserving, because when it is resipocated, that trusting love is the most rewarding experance possiable.

Good luck, horny_giraffe.
At least she didn't move to another city and not leave a forwarding message on her old phone.

I'd be a bit annoyed myself if I were dumped without explanation. Good luck to you. Take it easy, be civil about it all no matter how tempting it is to be something else and maybe she'll tell you someday (Hopefully soon)

It could be anything from she's afraid to tell you the reason (Bad), to she simply hasn't figured it out yet and doesn't want to say anything until she understands it better herself (Better)

Whatever the case, I hope she gives you the reason soon. It isn't nice to leave one hanging like that. You deserve better treatment than that.