Do good guys always win? (open to one woman)


Literotica Guru
Feb 15, 2012
Pfc. Bryan C. Donaldson
Age 19
Height 5'10
Weight 145lbs
Buzz cut dark brown hair and dark brown eyes
Clean shaven, thin with little build but very intelligent. No tattoos or piercings.

I was told constantly growing up that good guys always win in the end. The prince kills the dragon and gets the princess, Allies win World War 2 and kill the enemy, the cowboy kills the greedy land baron and gets the girl in the end and so forth, but in real life, with what I've seen, I really thought it was all just a big fat lie. I'm in the Army with a supply company stationed at Fort Hood, Texas. Haven't been deployed yet, but we've been told constantly that it would happen sooner or later , but it’s not the fear of being deployed, it's the whole concept that good guys always win when you're in this rivalry that I didn't ask for.

This man, Pfc. Roman De Guierre, 6'2" 166 pounds with short blonde hair, blue eyes, chiseled body; some would say the Adonis in our unit. A lot of women loved him for he spoke French fluently and had a body to die for. He loved to show that off when we worked, taking off his blouse and under shirt and letting the sweat glisten off his rippling body. The women would be watching, I could see them, they were always around and that was where De Gueirre was all smiles and laughing, but when it was the two of us, that was where the claws came out. We drove in the same truck, I being the driver and it was here that this rivalry was fostered and De Gueirre began his so called war against me. I don't know why, but he began to find ways of ‘one upping’ me in something whether it was in PT, paperwork except physical labor, such as maintenance on our truck. Instead he spent most of his time strutting or showing off for the ladies and it ends up being me e laboring on this beast, even on Saturdays when it was most pressing, I would be there. Sure, I complained to higher up but nothing was done and then De Guierre would come and hassle me, calling me a tattle tale or a rat. I couldn't take him and I couldn't get evidence to show this. I tried a hidden camera but he found it and to get back at me he went after this PV2 that he knew I liked, seduced her and took photographs of her doing it. I honestly don't know what his problem was with me. At first he was very kind and considerate, but after a few days he changed into a rival, he just seemed to be a man out to get me. He seems to enjoy tormenting me, never throwing a punch but finding much deeper ways of hurting, and it usually involved women, which is why I kept my mouth shut about any more that I so much as talked to here.

In a transportation or rear echelon unit there were more women available and the headquarters company and battalion headquarters were considered the hunting ground for someone like Roman to try and woo any woman he saw fit. Rank and marital status did not matter to him as long as they were in his bed or anywhere else to except him, though he did not use force. He did not have to as his words were somehow always persuasive and he became the envy of many of us that struggled to keep things together.

Just didn’t seem fair that we had to endure so much hardship and people like Roman get to have all the fun and the women. How did that work. I always thought that the good guys, those that go through toils and the much, would always win in the end when instead it was the lazy and the liars and cheaters that steal it out from underneath you.

Open to one woman. The idea is, I play both Roman and Donaldson and both are competing for the attention of a female soldier and she decides whom wins her favor
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The tires of the five ton needed to be changed and I was trying to get the bolts off by myself. Being a small, thin, man I joined the Army hoping to have my muscles and confidence grow and it was not working out well, but I kept at it and started to remove them one by one. If Roman were here he could have them off in no time flat, but again he was not. I had to do all the work myself. My sergeants knew of his absences but nothing was done of it. I do not know why. Perhaps he bribed them or was friends with him, but I could not call them out of it unless I had some sort of proof. It was infuriating to go all this, laboring under an ungodly hot Texas sun as someone else, whom was supposed to be your partner, would be inside a cool AC drive building and sipping on a cold drink.

If they were officers then that were to be natural but Roman was a private like I and I could never find him. Around me other truck drivers were getting their jobs done and one by one they would finish up and leave their troubles over. Taking off tires was just to be the start of my problems and I could have sunken and cried ‘boo’hoo me’ to garner sympathy, but I didn’t want that, I wanted help thus I used my anger to take the rest of the bolts off and replaced the tires all the while yelling as I took threw the heavy rubber wheels and cast them aside.

And where was Roman all this time? Well, it was true that he was using his work time to be with one of the mail clerks in battalion. She was not the woman mentioned earlier that I liked, but she became another of Roman's victims, someone that he could dangle in front of me that he got to her first before I could. She was a petite, pretty looking 19 year old, fresh to the unit with perky breasts, clubbed blonde hair, and blue eyes with glasses her name was Gazelle from New Jersey. Very innocent looking and she had confessed to Roman upon first meeting him that she had never kissed a man before. That was called opportunity knocking and he went for it.

Like a lot of us being stationed out here Gazelle was home sick and lonely with no friends out here as she was new and she was also gullible to say the least. I don’t know how it started, his best move was using French to woo the women and one thing led to another and inside the locked mail room where it was packed with boxes and unopened envelopes Gazzelle found herself on her knees before the towering Roman whom was running one hand through her held back blonde hair and had his long, dangling rod inserting into her yawning mouth.

He liked to boast that it was eight inches long, three inches in diameter and hairless and circumcised. It was the first time she had ever seen one and taking it up into her hands she began stroking it and Roman demanded that she spit on it to lube it up. Roman began moaning in delight and this drove Gazelle to keep going as he was enjoying himself. She thought, a man really liked her and couldn’t help but smile and began slurping as quickly as possible with Roman taking his hands and pulling her in, to ensure that she deep throated. She had never done this before, in fact she never kissed a man, Roman wouldn't even do that for her, and instead he wanted her to give a blow job as quickly as possible.

In less than three minutes he began spurting in long streams of smooth white that arced over her head and then began landing all over her face. Taking his entire lengthy meat and wagging it above her head he began to beat it lightly against her face as the thick spunk began to roll down her smooth face, "That's a good girl," he sighed as the mail clerk smiled but did not know what should be done next. With the deed done Roman pulled away and began dressing himself and the mail clerk stood up and wathed and dressed herself, the last to be done was cleaning the stinking sperm off her face with several wads of tissues, "Call me," she said somewhat in a desperate plea as Roman left the room without saying another word to her.
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If this kept up then Roman would be out of women, but...augh! the more I thought about it the more my head began to hurt. After getting the tires on the truck I decided to call it a day. It was almost five, we have a final formation, and then dismissal and we get the weekend off. Lathered in sweat I put on my blouse and headed across the street to battalion, not to find Roman but to get a drink. It was there that I saw the embarrassed Gazelle having cleaned up her face, she could not look at people in the eye and instead sorted through the mail and went out as quickly as possible. Appears that Roman had struck again, I thought, getting a drink from one of the fountains. Didn't surprise me. New women were usually the first and easiest to get, in his eye, they were fresh and easy, but when he wanted a challenge, he'd go for a married or older woman, sometimes an officer.

To him I was pathetic looking, but by no means was I inferior. I could out do him in many more things; running for one, for I had long legs, and I could shoot my rifle better, quilified as expert and he just gained marksman which meant I was deadlier than him, but my frame was shorter and thinner. It was something I kept working on. Since joining the Army I gained about five pounds of muscle, but it was a far cry from what Roman had, but at least I was trying.
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I didn't understand Roman, he could be better, but he didn't seem to care. To him, women were chew toys, use them up and then move to the next one. I don't understand why someone didn't get him to stop, well, I tried a couple of times, even reported it up the chain that he was doing people but they didn't seem to care. There wasno shaking them from their foundation, it was; ignorance is bliss.

Sincethen I've tried to warn any women about whom Roman was, just a man whore and sometimes dangerous, even told this to the married women. Most took the advice, but some, like the jizzed Gazielle, well, it could be worse. It wasn't an attempt to be a hero, just trying to get a thorn out of the side of the unit. We had to rely on one another and Roman was proving to be a major obstacle and what's worse, there were people that either had to keep looking over their shoulders for him or had to keep a extra eye on him to ensure that he was where he was suppose to be and not where he wasn't.

Assembling for formation the colonel gave his usual speech about staying safe, no drinking and driving, the DD or designated driver program for soldiers and how to notify the chain of command if there was trouble. This didn't apply to me as I didnt drink and didn't do any partying except at my room so I just stood there in a at ease position and counted the minutes until it was all over and finally we were told to fall out and I was gone.
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