Do black people support Obama because he's black?


Educating The Uneducated
Jul 9, 2008

The theme of the insults: A black woman would have to be stupid, subservient or both to choose a white Republican over the first black president.

Russell Simmons, the hip-hop mogul and Obama backer, called Dash's experience "racism." Said Barbara Walters on "The View": "If she were white, this wouldn't have happened."
Twitter users are by no means representative of America, and many black Obama supporters quickly denounced the attacks. But for people like Art Gary, an information technology professional, the reason Dash was attacked is simple: She is a black woman supporting a white candidate over a black one.
"It goes both ways," said Gary, who is white. "There is racial bias amongst whites, and there is racial bias amongst blacks. But as far as the press is concerned, it only goes one way."
I think it would be incorrect to say that black people support Obama because he is black. Most black people would vote for any Democrat.

However, in 2008, It would have been correct. I don't mean in the general election; I mean in the primary elections that were held, especially in The South. The Big O won huge majorities in the mostly black areas against any other Dem. on the ballot. In the areas that were not mostly black, the vote was more evenly divided, although Hillary Clinton received a plurality of the votes in such precincts. :eek:
on the planet where the OP lives ( where apparently there were race riots when Obama was elected) blakc eople only vote for Obama

just like Michael teele, Hermain Cain, Allen West, Condaleea Rice... those are just the most blatant examples of Obama supporters in his minds eye

but then again, he is a dumbass
Hurricane Sandy created more jobs than Bronco Bama, and shipped none of them overseas. Lets elect Sandy President!
I think it would be incorrect to say that black people support Obama because he is black. Most black people would vote for any Democrat.

However, in 2008, It would have been correct. I don't mean in the general election; I mean in the primary elections that were held, especially in The South. The Big O won huge majorities in the mostly black areas against any other Dem. on the ballot. In the areas that were not mostly black, the vote was more evenly divided, although Hillary Clinton received a plurality of the votes in such precincts. :eek:

True but you do have your hardcore racists that will vote against a white guy. You see a couple of them here.