Do any of you authors write in Script Format?


Oct 16, 2022
I am new and just joined today. I looked at all the stories and I have seen there is no "script offer" section for writers to upload to. I did, however, see an audio section for VA's and people willing to voice stories.

So I was wondering if anyone else here writes any stories in script format (script offers). Since there's only a handful of audios on Literotica, it could help the audio people get more content on this site.

There's another place for script offer/script fill, but a lot of people are losing their accounts there for no reason, so I thought this site COULD BECOME a good alternative place for that place. And another place to get the VA's work out there even more.. and another place for script offer writers to upload their stuff as well.
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There's a "letters and transcripts" category here where, I'd imagine, you could submit a story written as a script, rather than in prose.

But I wouldn't read it.
I doubt that script format would work on Literotica, and it would definitely take some work to get around the standard formatting that the system employs, especially where the dialog formats are concerned.
I doubt that script format would work on Literotica, and it would definitely take some work to get around the standard formatting that the system employs, especially where the dialog formats are concerned.

Aren't scripts just center-justified? You can do that on Lit; I've seen it in a few stories.
I doubt that script format would work on Literotica, and it would definitely take some work to get around the standard formatting that the system employs, especially where the dialog formats are concerned.
It may not be a big deal. It would just come out in the same style as a lit story, the same way you lose indents and other formatting in word when you paste it into the box.

But seeing a lot of lines in the script are just that, one line they might think its poorly formatted because its looking for paragraphs?
I am new and just joined today. I looked at all the stories and I have seen there is no "script offer" section for writers to upload to. I did, however, see an audio section for VA's and people willing to voice stories.

So I was wondering if anyone else here writes any stories in script format (script offers). Since there's only a handful of audios on Literotica, it could help the audio people get more content on this site.

There's another place for script offer/script fill, but a lot of people are losing their accounts there for no reason, so I thought this site COULD BECOME a good alternative place for that place. And another place to get the VA's work out there even more.. and another place for script offer writers to upload their stuff as well.
I've seen a couple of stories written in script format, but it's annoying as hell to read.
It's not a bad idea, actually; you might suggest the mods create a "Script" story category
I've seen a couple of stories written in script format, but it's annoying as hell to read.
It's not a bad idea, actually; you might suggest the mods create a "Script" story category

The forums are short on anything to support erotic audio. A more effective solution than trying to get a new "Script" story category (which I doubt they'd do) might be to ask for a forum to support erotic audio. The forum could be used to offer scripts, among other things.

The scripts themselves would have to be exchanged through some other channel, but we do that now for reviews, editing and beta reading.
Why would it have to be from some other channel? Why couldn't it be just on here via a story post? Sadly, Literotica is the closest thing to script offers made to potential script fills (audios) there is.... except the place where it originated from and people are losing their accounts there for no reason for life. So I figured it would be a great idea to make another place for script writers and script fillers.
Why would it have to be from some other channel? Why couldn't it be just on here via a story post? Sadly, Literotica is the closest thing to script offers made to potential script fills (audios) there is.... except the place where it originated from and people are losing their accounts there for no reason for life. So I figured it would be a great idea to make another place for script writers and script fillers.
The current forum policy limits posted stories to two or three paragraphs. It would be possible to post a short excerpt, but that's all. The forums are not for posting stories. That's what the story side is for.
The current forum policy limits posted stories to two or three paragraphs. It would be possible to post a short excerpt, but that's all. The forums are not for posting stories. That's what the story side is for.

I don't think the OP is talking about posting a script here. I think the intent is to post it on the story side.

But I'm not sure why, and to be honest? The jargon-y tone of the comments about scripts and shit make me think we're all talking past each other. Lol.
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Don't say things never change here. Now we have a subforum to support the audio producers.
Theoretically you can upload a story in script formatting to any category. Though I don't do it myself and can't say it would be well received, I don't see any reason why you couldn't do it.
I am new and just joined today. I looked at all the stories and I have seen there is no "script offer" section for writers to upload to. I did, however, see an audio section for VA's and people willing to voice stories.

So I was wondering if anyone else here writes any stories in script format (script offers). Since there's only a handful of audios on Literotica, it could help the audio people get more content on this site.

There's another place for script offer/script fill, but a lot of people are losing their accounts there for no reason, so I thought this site COULD BECOME a good alternative place for that place. And another place to get the VA's work out there even more.. and another place for script offer writers to upload their stuff as well.
Hi Starburst! Welcome!
So, I’ve actually been talking to Laurel and @lunarhiccups about this question, because at the moment there’s not an established solution.
I think what we need is to come up with our own “Best Practice” for how to handle script offers, especially since there’s a need for it in the audio porn world and people are already coming to Lit to meet that need.
I think Voboy’s suggestion to use the Letters & Transcripts category is a good one, and I think that using both a tag and a title prefix are important. The tag would help VAs find the scripts and the prefix would help flag the scripts to let readers know what they’re getting into.

For everyone who is confused about this whole question, here’s a quick and still-pretty-ignorant layman’s breakdown: The audio porn (audio erotica) community is largely at home on reddit, in the gonewildaudio subreddit, but reddit isn’t used to host the scripts that the VAs (voice actors and voice actresses) use to record their audios. Those are hosted elsewhere and linked in reddit posts called script offers. The scripts are not generally considered *for* reading by anyone but VAs who may “fill”, or record and post, audio performances of the scripts. As far as I know, Lit is capable of performing nearly all the same functions as reddit in this regard, while also being able to host the scripts themselves, which reddit does not do or is not used for (for some reason). This is especially timely because one of the common script hosting sites is cracking down on erotic scripts, closing porn-related accounts without notice. That’s where Lit comes in.
So as for the “why would anyone read them” question: most readers wouldn’t. Just VAs. The success of a script would be gauged by the fills, not the reads on the script itself.
Laurel has said that if the activity is there, they’ll consider programming a more built-in solution for matching VAs with scripts, but at this time we need to come up with a Best Practice that uses the functionality currently available.

Somehow I stumbled into being a moderator on this forum, so I guess I’ll let you all make comments here about it and then create a sticky thread synthesizing it all once I figure out how to do that
OK thanks. I'll use the "Letters and Transcripts" section for now for my scripts.

I 100% agree on the prefix and tags for the scripts and audios. I was actually looking at the audio section and noticed there's no F section, or M section of which genders are doing the voice, and also it doesn't have the prefix tag like.. [F4M] [M4F] [FF4A] etc... Not trying to be rude, but the audio section is poorly organized. I think it they should have [F4M] / [M4F] [MF4A] tags or at least have a prefix like [M] or [F] to let us know which gender the audio is from, so we don't have to click and listen to each and everyone to find out which gender is doing the particular audio.

As far as no one would read scripts, well, there several non-VA's who read some of my scripts and loved them. And they were looking forward to them getting filled.

Thank you for the welcome and thank you so much for the well explained answer and information.
Here's a stupid question from an ignoramus:

Why would VAs need a "script format?" Why could they not simply record themselves reading a prose piece?
Here's a stupid question from an ignoramus:

Why would VAs need a "script format?" Why could they not simply record themselves reading a prose piece?
Speaking as an animator who has to work with voice actors the answer is pretty simple. If you give an actor a prose peice they'll read everything on the page out loud. Dialogue, narration. Every word.

Script is different because it's designed to tell the actor what is going on and then what to say. Every actor knows what a writer or director expects from them in Script format because that's what they're trained to do. They'll intuitively know not to read stage and folly directions out loud.

To an actor the difference between prose and script format is the difference between recording an audio book and recording a radio drama.
Here's a stupid question from an ignoramus:

Why would VAs need a "script format?" Why could they not simply record themselves reading a prose piece?
They totally could! I’ve even heard a couple express interest in doing just that! And I think Lit is a great place to move in that direction!
But! There is a large base of writers, VAs, and listeners that already create and consume content that follows the format of a one-sided conversation with the listener. They want to pretend that character that the VA plays is talking to them directly in the moment, or they just like the conversational tone of it. That’s what the majority of the fanbase expects, and so that’s the bulk of what the VAs want to record.
I’ve been trying to stretch that a bit with some of my scripts for the Leinyere event, introducing some narrative sections and descriptive prose, and I fully hope and expect that more people push for including content in that direction, but we’ll need both styles at a minimum
Speaking as an animator who has to work with voice actors the answer is pretty simple. If you give an actor a prose peice they'll read everything on the page out loud. Dialogue, narration. Every word.

Script is different because it's designed to tell the actor what is going on and then what to say. Every actor knows what a writer or director expects from them in Script format because that's what they're trained to do. They'll intuitively know not to read stage and folly directions out loud.

To an actor the difference between prose and script format is the difference between recording an audio book and recording a radio drama.

I get that.

I was mostly talking about dialogue, not exposition, but written in a paragraph format. I understand the words and the intent of the dialogue; I don't really understand why people would be hung up on the actual formatting. But your explanation makes some sense!
They totally could! I’ve even heard a couple express interest in doing just that! And I think Lit is a great place to move in that direction!
But! There is a large base of writers, VAs, and listeners that already create and consume content that follows the format of a one-sided conversation with the listener. They want to pretend that character that the VA plays is talking to them directly in the moment, or they just like the conversational tone of it. That’s what the majority of the fanbase expects, and so that’s the bulk of what the VAs want to record.
I’ve been trying to stretch that a bit with some of my scripts for the Leinyere event, introducing some narrative sections and descriptive prose, and I fully hope and expect that more people push for including content in that direction, but we’ll need both styles at a minimum
A few weeks ago I would have assumed that Lit's audio section was occupied with audio books. I'd never listened to anything there until Lit started their podcast series. I sampled a few and was surprised to find that most of the content seemed to fall into the genre of jerk-off encouragement.

Lost interest immediately.
FYI I just submitted a script. I'll start a new thread once it's up with a link and to ask for feedback on the formatting, primarily but not exclusively from experienced audio creators and script authors.
Thanks for starting this thread Nouh! I can’t wait to weigh in when I have time this weekend with some thoughts 💗 but I love seeing discussion on this because there are SO many ways to write a script for audio creators to record!