Disinformation governance board?? Are you kidding me??

The new Ministry of Truth. Apparently, Biden's Communists read George Orwell's 1984 and thought it was about time for a real-life sequel
The federal government's attempt to keep tighter control could last decades, but in a shrinking sphere of influence. That could be trouble for urban east coasters and a fart in a blizzard for the rural fringes.
Normally the Left sits back and lets proxies like Lerner and Twitter act out on their behalf.

But, when you see their proxies in danger,
then they come out of the shadows,
take off their masks and
tell you who they are.

Lois Lerner and the disparity of audits for political groups
and the meltdown of the Left over Musk because he might allow more conservative content.

It's a simple Google search or, in the case of the latter, a simple perusal of left-leaning websites/news outlets.
All of those mental gymnastics you have to do just to have everyone laugh at you must be exhausting.
Normally the Left sits back and lets proxies like Lerner and Twitter act out on their behalf.

But, when you see their proxies in danger,
then they come out of the shadows,
take off their masks and
tell you who they are.

Once again we see the right accuse the left of exactly what they're guilty of.
And I say that as someone who wishes that cartoon were accurate.
I'm the right. Okay.

I notice that you didn't say, "We don't that! You LIE!"

;) ;) :p
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
Can you identify that which makes me "right?"

I mean, I know that I am usually right as well as being in the right...


... but I feel blessed that I am not as righteous in my cause as you are, you know, an angry zealot.
Lois Lerner and the disparity of audits for political groups
and the meltdown of the Left over Musk because he might allow more conservative content.

It's a simple Google search or, in the case of the latter, a simple perusal of left-leaning websites/news outlets.
What I said.

I see what the problem is. You're not mentally capable of answering a direct question and you believe that somehow irrelevant deflection is some sort of coherent follow up.
Well, a slight variation on the theme proving the main thrust of my contention.

You don't care about proof, you have a religious dedication to your cause and your answer is always anger/hate.
Reichguide's favorite politician proves she's as dumb as he is. This genius thinks George Orwell wrote Harry Potter.

Normally the Left sits back and lets proxies like Lerner and Twitter act out on their behalf.

But, when you see their proxies in danger,
then they come out of the shadows,
take off their masks and
tell you who they are.

Actually, it has gone exactly the other way. The GOP has evolved into a real ideological party, inching further to the right every year, while the Dems remain a coalition of interest groups, and the Left remains marginal.