Disgusting video: TSA 'pats down' 3-year old in wheelchair


Jan 23, 2011
Disgusting video: TSA 'pats down' 3-year old in wheelchair

On February 9, the politically correct TSA mistook a 3-year old girl in a wheelchair for an Islamic terrorist trying to attack an airplane.

And here's the full story:

In case you couldn’t bring yourself to watch this indisputable display of abuse — this disgusting mistreatment of a little girl and her family about which her mother and father comment “look at her all dressing like a potential terrorist/drug trafficker; people who roll in on hot pink wheelchairs, wearing a gingerbread coat and clutching a stuffed baby lamb, are just begging to be harassed” — let me itemize the violations and absurdities at hand (perhaps you can identify more; as a mother myself, I’m too upset by what I just watched to further research the laws, statutory and logical):

First, there is the obvious Fourth Amendment violation against unwarranted search and seizure. I don’t care what kind of pretzel logic the TSA twists itself into parroting in order to justify groping a three-year-old in a wheelchair who’s on her way to Disney World: it’s a violation of her Constitutional rights. Period. Full stop.

And this should not stand. Not in the country that calls itself the United States of America. Citizens and residents who accept otherwise should not only be ashamed of themselves, but should, in my opinion, be constantly, and in strenuous terms, be made aware that they’re engaging in a kind of treason against the very freedoms the nation’s founders established (and countless fought for and died to protect), and thus, by extension, debasing the idea of America itself.

Second, travelers are indeed permitted to photograph and/or videotape the so-called “screening procedure” (more accurately, security theatre), including aggressive pat-downs that would be defined as sexual assault in any other context and nude photography of their bodies. The only subject matter exempt from passengers’ freedom-to-document are the screening machines themselves. As shown in the above video, these TSA screeners try to claim otherwise and keep harping on their imagined rule that the passengers can’t record the incident, even as the parents ask them to cite the actual law pertaining thereto.

Third, the tactics here are insensitive and unkind on their face, as well as pointless. Not only is this little girl so obviously terrified to the point of crying out loud, and desperately upset that her comfort toy — her stuffed animal — is being taken away, she is distraught that her parents’ attempts to protect her are being summarily ignored. Imagine how frightening that must be. If indeed the child “alarmed,” the screeners could have resolved the matter by allowing one of the cleared parents to carry her through the metal detector in their arms while they checked her wheelchair for hidden bombs, machetes, or fusilage-piercing grenade launchers.

When will the United States of America stop being so darned politically correct and recognize that there are better ways to detect 18-35 year old Muslim terrorists than searching 3-year olds in wheelchairs?
slobdownsouth and dick daily have been hoping to get a job like that. :rolleyes:
What about the 18-35-year-old Muslim man who loads his three-year-old's wheelchair with plastic explosives? What should the TSA search in that case?
The TSA is going to expand their presence far outside of airports and much deeper into society. They intend on permanently integrating themselves into bus stations and train terminals, ferries, subways, sports stadiums, shopping malls, office buildings, courthouses, grocery stores, public events and gatherings, and even setup checkpoints to search civilian passenger vehicles on major highways and interstates, all while using the exact same dehumanizing and sexually humiliating screening procedures that they do at airports.

Trust me, you'll be seeing a lot more of the TSA, even if you don't fly and stay out of airports.
I just signed up for that TSA express thing... don't even have to remove my shoes!
good point.. by limiting my travel attire to one breezy dress.. I can fly through like that *snaps fingers*
YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK: Department of Homeland Security Target Supplier Includes Pregnant Women & Old Men For Target Practice:cool:
Wait until the TSA take to the streets and permanently integrate themselves into nearly all facets of society.
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