
plasticman33 said:
Hmmm, are we gruntled or disgruntled?

Dis gruntled, flummoxed and bemused.

but still smiling - just. :D [forced grin]
I guess you could say I'm disgruntled.......

....going to see The Soup Nazi for some Borsht.

nah, i'm bottling that stuff up for the Army to use against Saddam
Why isn't gruntled in our daily vocabulary? Is it yet another vast right-wing conspiracy?
a good fuck is great. but I like how the R rolls when one says fork. say it with me Fork.
J.B. said:
a good fuck is great. but I like how the R rolls when one says fork. say it with me Fork.

ok......fork. :( That's a half disgruntled look btw...