Disgaea: Everyday life in the Netherworld (Closed)


Gundam Pilot
Jan 2, 2007
Ark walked the streets outside the castle and browsed the shops as he went, the street was full of demons and humans and everything else in between. He was the Prince of this netherworld under his father, a powerful level 7500 Overlord. And this netherworld was on good terms with King Laharl. This didn't mean both sides were not planning to kill one another, but there were many many many more overlords out there that had to be dealt with first. As he walked he spotted one of his contacts who normally stays out of sight unless she needs to relay information, and giving her a glance they both moved towards a bar near by.

It was night fall and Ark had gone through the gate keeper to a place called Indogo Farm Lands. A remote part of his father's kingdom. Still his contact had told him that a demon from another netherworld has been out there causing a lot of trouble lately and whenever the guards had searched the area they had come up empty. Ark didn't think much of the guard captain though as the male fighter was a lazy bastard by the name of Toril. He went and grabbed a few hopefuls and headed out to the Indogo Farm Lands himself. What he didn't know is this night would be the first steps in his path towards becoming his netherworld next Overlord.
Annabelle was sitting on the outskirts of the indigo farm lands watching her small flock of sheep pondering the recent run of bad luck the village had been facing the past few months, it seemed to her that it all started when she had refused the advances of Rando one of the village council members and publicly humiliating him. He'd said she'd regret refusing him but nothing had happened beyond the unfortunate accidents occurring. First the crops started to die from some strange disease, then the local wells water had turned black, farm animals were dying for no reason, and now a bunch of young girls had dissappeard in the middle of the night. There was to be a village meeting at the town hall tonight to discuss the latest decision to find ways to fix the curse they think has befallen upon them. She sighs as she lays back on the grass watching the clouds go by.
Ark watched from atop a large hill at the very end of Indogo Farm Land. The others were busy dealing with a few stray demons here and there. A group of Prinny hiding out near by, but nothing that would account for the odd things. As night set in he could see the town's touches come to life, watching as the lighters moved from touch to torch lighting them and lighting the small town. Ark noted that many people were about, some type of meeting maybe. He had meet the town's elders once, a long time ago. A man named Rando lead the small town. A power hungry demon if ark had even seen one. But was no match for the king being only level 165.

A Succubus walks up behind Ark and bows her head, her large breasts bounce slightly with the motion. She remains silent as she waits for the ok to speak. Keeping her eyes locked on Ark as he watches the village below. She stands back up as her chest bounces yet again, the large DD orbs only covered in what some would call scraps of cloth. He finally turns to her and nods.

"The demons are dealt with Master..." She says, as Ark looks past her seeing the rest of his team poking one of the bodies making sure it's dead, or if it's acting dead. He makes note that the demons around here could cause trouble for the villagers but their levels were far to low to be causing the stories coming out of the taverns and such for the area. He looked around and whistled and motioned over a Thief in his group.

"Sneak into the village and see what you can find out, but pull out if things get out of hand, don't need to stir up any more trouble then we have to... This could just be a false lead..." He told the thief and watched her salute and take off towards the village. He motioned for the pair of Powered Armor up towards him.

"You two, scout the area but be careful... I'd like to know what we're dealing with Geo wise in the area... Maybe it has something to do with it..." The two armored suits salute and lumbered off to go scout the area. Geo Symbols and Geo cubes can change a whole area into a death trap with their effects and not everyone knows to watch for them.
Annabelle whistles for her sheep and begins the long trek home. Herding them in front of her keeping an eye out for strays and demons as they had been becoming more numerous at the outskirts of the wild forests bordering the village and she suspected they were the reason behind the town's recent run of bad luck. She makes it just as the lanterns are being lit for the evening. Sighing as she realizes how late it is she puts the sheep in their pen.

She hurries to her home that she shares with her mother and sisters wanting to hear the news from the meeting she missed. She had missed the meeting on purpose because she knew Rando would be leading it. As soon as she stepped through the door her mother and sister pounced her all hugging and crying. "What's going on! " she asks surprised. "The council has made their decision. They called an oracle for help in finding out how to stop the curse that has befallen our village. It was decided that the most pure woman would be sacrificed to appease the spirits. The oracle proclaimed that it was you who needed to be sacrificed" her mother sobs.
The thief watched and listened to the meeting from a roof top and quickly found the women in question and making sure no one was around look through a window of the small home at the edge of town. If the people inside had looked she would seem as if she was upside down, which wasn't far from the truth as she looked in for a moment. She blinked once as her keen eyes looked at the human woman and her family and with out a sound quickly headed back to make her report.

Ark lay atop the hill and gazed up into the stars while some of his group fought over what was left of the demons they had cooked for dinner while they were out here. The Thief ran up and bowed before making her report. Ark had to shake his head, feeding demons was never the answer and only humans would be foolish enough to believe feeding a virgin to some random demon would brake a cruse.But he had felt the demonic energy from the village while the Thief was gone and knew that there was more to it then that. Humans may have been stupid yes, but often it was a demon trying to gain power over them that was at the root of it all. He knew right where they would most likely sacrifice the girl, a set of old smooth stones near the west side of the area, out of the sight of the village filled with many Geo Symbols and carried the scent of many demons. It was also far away from the Gate keeper to keep out of sight of her as well. He sent the Thief to gather the pair of battle suits he sent out not long ago and they would all meet up to watch this sacrifice and see what would come of it. He wouldn't stop it if it was human against human, but if a Demon was behind this, then it was unlikely the King knew about it and that in itself was not to be had. You needed a permit to sacrifice humans in this netherworld, and no one had bought a permit for this area for a very long time, in fact the prince himself was the last one to buy one, but that was like 1000 years ago now.
Annabelle was told to head upstairs to her room where a bath had been drawn for her. She walked upstairs feeling numb from shock. The village wanted to sacrifice her! She was pretty sure she wasn't the most pure woman in the village. She had erotic thoughts every now and then she just had never touched herself. She climbed into the bath letting the water slide over her body the rose scented water washing away the dirt and smell on her body after her long day of work. Climbing out and drying off she picks up a comb settling herself in front of her mirror she begins running the ivory comb through her hair till the tangles are all gone. Walking over to her small bed she picks up the white cotton shift her mother had laid out for her. Heading down the stairs after she is finished getting ready she stops at the bottom to be hugged one by one by her family one last time. Her mother puts a plain simple ring on her hand. "For luck" she whispers in Annabelle's ear before she steps back with the other's. "If father was still alive he'd know what to do " Sarah the youngest sister said. They walk together to the village square where they see the rest of the villagers are waiting with Rondo in the lead.
" So you actually came. And here I thought you would run away from fulfilling your duty. Not everyone is pure enough to be sacrificed to a demon. " he says a cold but lustful look in his eyes. "The villagers may follow to the edge of the village but after that it is the council who must escort you to the altar. " he grabs her arm and they head to the western edge of the village.
Ark lays in wait and soon light from touches fills a near by path. A women is lead by a group of old human males as the walk her to the stone runes. They lay her down and one speaks, saying something that he will stay to make sure she does not escape. The thief told Ark she thinks his name Rando or some such.

"Well now...This Rando person smells of Demons... I'm guessing he is the one who is the one who made a pack with whatever demon is causing trouble around these parts..." Ark said as he watched. He wouldn't make his move till the demon showed up. The human girl though caught his eye, very beautiful indeed. Though being a demon didn't always mean looking totally different. He himself looked more or less human as did the demons under his command. The only different between him and a normal human was his power and his pointed ears. He had blood red eyes and jet black hair cut short and spiked back. Standing at just over 7 feet tall he wasn't much taller then a human either. Though he looked learn he was much stronger then most humans. He smiled as he watched. He might take the human women for himself should there be a demon to slay, who was he to disrupt a human ritual after all.
As the old councilmen lay her down she noticed some posts that had been hammered into the stone. One at the top and two at the bottom on opposite corners. There was a large reddish brown spot which was proof of past sacrifices. Sure enough her hands were tied together at the top and her legs spread almost to the point of pain before being tied off. As they turn to leave Rando tells the other's that he'll stay behind to make sure she doesn't escape somehow. Annabelle rolls her eyes at this seeing as she's secured tightly. Rando walks back towards the altar a malicious gleam in his storm gray eyes. He pulls a scarf out of his pocket and says "we don't want to make my half friends angry and upset so badly that they'd hurt you when you scream nor do we want to frighten the villagers with you screams of pain. " proceeding to gag her. "Now if you just hadn't refused me I wouldn't have had to go to all this trouble now I'll have to let a few demons have you first before I go back tell the people your dead then take you far away where you'll always have to serve me as my toy" Annabelle glares at him telling him to go to hell with her gaze.." oh my I almost forgot the blindfold. Cant have you fainting on us from fright. The good thing is I do get to have a little fun with you before they arrive though" pulling a sharp dagger from his pocket. Slowly he be begins running it lightly over her skin making goosebumps appear on her skin. Ever so slowly he cuts her white shift away tracing the point around her DDD breasts making her nipples harden painfully. Sliding down her stomach he cuts away her plain white cotton panties tossing them aside. "You won't need these after tonight" he says smiling wickedly. She turns her head away trying to think of anything happy.

She feels rather than hears giant footsteps coming through the forest hearing trees snap like twigs. Birds flying out into the sky in a panic. A deep raspy voice asks "is this her?" it asks. "Yes Sir" Rando says "as you can see I've gotten her ready for your attentions" You're certain she's still pure" anothervoice asks sounding like rolling thunder. "yes quite sure all she ever does is watch sheep." comes the reply.
Annabelle feels a two large calloused hands roam over her body and she shivers in response. "Responsive too" observes the second demon. A hand tipped with claws runs over her pussy teasing lightly. She groans trying to arch away but unable to move. Annabelle feels heat and moisture gather in the center of her womanhood. She begins trying to protest through the gag only to slapped. "keep quiet girl if you want to live" Rando whispers in her ear. She whimpers in her gag unable to give a response.
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Ark started clapping as he walked out of the shadows. He looked at the human with a grin and looked at the two demons with him. He made a motion with his head and in a flash a person went through the group and stood at the head of the stone where Annabelle was tided down. The Thief had used her high speed rating to run through the group of Rando's and stole everything that wasn't part of them or their clothes. She even stole Annabelle's bindings and blindfold. Leaving Annabelle naked laying there now unbound.

"You would have made a wonderfully evil demon..." Ark tells the human before holding up his palm and unleashing a blast of lightning that sent the man flying out of the stone pillars and into the forest. With his palm still sparking with the current of lightning he turned to the demons and motioned with his head as the pair of battle suits behind him jumped up and sent the unknown demons flying back. He smiled as his team mopped up the trash demons and went to look at the female human. Placing his boot on the smooth stone between her legs he looked down at her.

"So little human... I am Ark Nightstalker... Prince of this Netherworld... But you probably know that already..." He looked down at her and her triple D rack that was even larger then most of the Succubus that lived in the city near the castle and smiled.

"Should I kill you or fuck you human?" He asked her with a smile, one that told Annabelle that he wasn't joking around with this question.
Annabelle stares up at the person saving her in shock. Surprised to see that someone had come to her rescue. Only noticing after she looks into his eyes hers widening in shock at the blood red eyes. Shaking her head in disbelief as he introduces himself as Prince Ark Nightstalker never having seen him but having heard of him. Feeling his gaze upon her breasts she tries to hide her large orbs from view with her arms unable to close her legs due to his boot. He smiles as he asks "Should I kill you or fuck you human". Annabelle hisses in a breath between her clenched teeth in anger at the arrogance of the demon prince almost telling him to fuck off.

" I would prefer to have niether one happen to me your highness but seeing as I'm only a lowly human and can't stop you either way I would rather you fucked me but don't think I'll be happy about it" laying back down on the stone altar slowly putting her hands to her sides turning her head and closing her eyes. Trying t focus on being indifferent instead of afraid.
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He looks at her and one of the large demons comes up behind Ark. He glances to the side a moment and the large demon's claw comes down, barely missing impaling Annabelle as it's sharp claws sink into the stone. Ark was much faster then the large slow demon and had side stepped it and now stood at the head of the stone where Annabelle lay.

"Aww don't be like that... If you would rather you can still be your town's sacrifice and let him fuck you..." Ark says and lets her see the large clawed demon as it tried to remove it's claw from the stone that she lay on. He was toying with the other demons but he was seeing how Annabelle acted toward it all. Maybe she would be a worthy prize, or maybe she wouldn't be, but he waited for her to see the demon that was intended to fuck her in the first place.
Annabelle flinches letting out a small scream before sitting up and covering her mouth glaring up at prince Ark for a moment. Uncovering her mouth she looks back at the huge demon with claws imagining it tearing into her skin as it fucks her and shivers. She looks back up at the prince and whispers softly in defeat fear ringing in her voice "I choose you your highness I'd rather not be the town sacrifice" standing up slowly and walking over to kneel in front of him.
Ark smiles and kneels down next to Annabelle and moves his right index finger to her chin to make her look up at him. Enjoying the look on her face and the hint of fear and lust of some kind.

"Very good my dear..." He says and in the blink of a eye is gone. Annabelle will hear a howl and if she is to look behind her she will see the moon, and the demon that Rando was going to sacrifice her had been cut in two, but the way the moon shined she could only seek black outlines, the outline of Ark standing in the middle of the two haves slowly falling part, blood spraying from it like a summer rain, He slowly turns to look back at Annabelle and she can only see one bright red eye, and the faint glow of his smile looking at her like a piecing darkness that can see into her very soul. It would make her wonder if she would have been better off with with the horrid demon that was slowly falling apart behind Ark, as his bright red eye seemed to look through her in a way she could feel, Demons were demons and she would soon find out that both human and demons could be just as evil as the other.
Annabelle trembles in horror as the blood from the fallen demon showers the upper half of her body. She feels a momentary pang of regret thinking the dead demon might have been the lesser of two evils. Meeting Prince Ark's eyes she shivers not liking the way he's looking at her as if he can see straight through her and see how she thinks and feels. Hugging herself tightly she finally gains the courage to stand up wobbling a bit on her feet. "So now what are you going to do your highness?" she manages to ask.
As the light finally seemed to return and Prince Ark didn't seem like simply a evil shadow with a glowing red eye that could price even the darkness itself he simply smiled at her.

"Now my dear we go home... " And looking around and seeing the his small group of demons and battle armors had dealt with the smaller of the two demons and were not looting the body for useful items like in and good RPG he whistled and they quickly moved into place. giving a slight motion of his head towards the gate they nodded and started walking. And as they walked Annabelle would see and almost forget they were demons by the time they made it around her village and to the gate to take them back to the main city of this netherworld. They talked, to each other like people in her village, had problems of their own, even had loved ones waiting for them. And no one would remember that the Human Rando had been tossed aside, tossed into the forest and forgotten, but that would be a mistake they would regret much later. For now it was simply forgotten.

The portal itself was a whirlpool of glowing light, and only the Elf like Gate keepers knew how to use them to get people from place to place with out losing limps or ending up somewhere your not. And when the group got back Annabelle would be shocked at how normal this city looked. Human and Demons walked the streets buying and selling goods, talking and laughing, nothing like how Rando tried to scare them into thinking about all demons being large and spike filled rape machines. Well the first part of it wasn't as true, sex was on display here as much as anything else. And Human females were the worst off as she saw a demon walking by the portal with a human women being used as a cock sleeve. Bounded and gagged she could do nothing but moan through it as the demon walked by. Her ankles tied to the demon's belt, and his hard cock stuffed inside her tiny frame, the budge of the monster pole clear in her belly, and the blood droplets falling to the street was not a good sign for the human woman. The demon didn't seem to care as it walked by the gate like nothing was wrong, and no one seemed to even blink at the sight, not even the Prince, though her did take note of Annabelle's face.

"First time in a large city I take it?" He asked her and smiled, looking around himself, smiling. This was home, more so then the castle itself, he grew up more on the streets then he did under his father's roof. Knowing that he would some day be king he wanted to get to know his people, like he father he wasn't a cruel kind of king, but he wasn't as goody goody as king Laharl either. But the Kingdom itself ran well enough and little to no infighting among them made it easier to fight other overlords from other netherworlds. AS he waited for Annabelle to reply he simply relaxed his stance as he didn't feel the need to be on his guard right now.
"I've been to a city before I'm not entirely clueless " Annabelle snaps. "I've just never seen demons and humans get along so we'll." spotting the poor woman she winces in sympathy wondering if that is the fate of most women. Averting her gaze she does her best to stay close to the prince. Keeping her eyes firmly on his back less she lose her courage and try to run back or kill herself. Touching her father's ring she feels comforted for some reason and she knows she must never take it off.
He simply smiles and moves away from the gate down the main street that leads to the castle. He will report his findings to Toril, for as little good that would do. So he was in no rush to get back. But as they got closer and closer the amount of sexual acts kept getting higher and higher, human women used and discarded before her eyes, some alive, some unlucky enough to live to see another day. This was common for the netherworld, humans had no to little power and human women were traded and sold like goods, like animal furs in her home town.

The Prince ducked into a small ally way and went down a ways till he found a door on his right, the old wooden door had seen many better days and make shift fixes to it kept it a door, but just it wasn't far from needing to be replaced. Ark knew this place, but wanted to see just what Annabelle would think of such things. A group of Succubus quickly walk up to the Prince and lead him to a area set part from the rest of the tavern like place. And a Succubus walks up to Annabelle and smiles, her eyes glow softly as she uses her powers, or tries to till the Prince tells her that the human is with him, she quickly bows and moves off with out a word. Once the Demonesses lead the Prince and Annabelle to their special room their left a moment to talk.

"I haven't been here in some time..." He tells her and smiles at her, having not given her any clothes yet he enjoys the sight of her body. Before she has time to reply a Succubus with walks in followed by 3 human females, a pale skinned blonde woman, with long hair and dark brown eyes, large breasts that only are about half the size of Annabelle's own. A dark skinned woman with dark purple hair, bright green eyes and breasts just slightly smaller then Annabelle's. The last is a tanned skinned red head, with bright blue eyes and the smallest chest of the 3. Each is naked, connected to one another by a chain that connects to each collar they each ware, the end of the chain being held by the Succubus.

"Would you like something to drink?" The Succubus asks. The Prince points at the Red head, and motions for Annabelle to pick one of the remaining two women.
Doing her best to keep her body covered as they walk through the city Annabelle stays right on the prince's heels. Especially as she sees the fate of the women. Being treated as things instead of people. Annabelle follows him to what looks like a rundown demon whorehouse. A succubus walks up and her eyes glow for a moment and Annabelle can tell she's trying to use some sort of power on her. Thankfully the prince tells her that she's off limits a nd they are led to a private room. As they are seated the prince Leeds at her body and she brings her knees to her chest wrapping her arms around them and glares at him. As a trio of women are brought in she looks at Prince Ark confused as he tells her to pick one to drink from. "Excuse me?"
Ark smiled and simply lets Annabelle watch what happens. The Succubus pulls a small pearl like object from a pouch on her belt and feeds it to the red head. The human girl swallows it and moans. The woman seems to glow as the Succubus grabs a glass and places it between the girls legs, moments pass and soon the girl moans a bit louder and cums, body shaking slightly as the liquid fills the glass to almost overflowing. She then passes the glass to Ark and he slips her a coin. He takes a sip and lets out a long sigh.

"Wonderful as always..." He says, and offers the glass to Annabelle. The pink-ish liquid has a sweet smell and a overly sweet taste if Annabelle was to drink it.

"Or if you'd rather have one of the others..." Ark motions to the other two lovely ladies. Ark knew this was different for Annabelle, but She was his, and seeing her reactions to his world, was enjoyable all of it's own.
The succubus gave the woman some sort of pill and Annabelle stared astonished as the woman was forced to cum her fluids filling the glass. She watches in shock as he pays the demoness for the glass of cum and take a sip. "Wonderful as always he says" trying to offer her the drink. She looks at it with distaste. When he has the arrogance to ask if she'd rather have one of the others to drink from she loses it. SLAP! Annabelle loses her temper and yells as she stands up her hands clenched like fists at her side as she steps back her face a mask of righteous fury eyes sparking with passiom "Like hell I will. Who the fuck do you think you are. These are people not objects to be used to slake your thirst or to be used as cocksleeves as if they have no will. What gives you the right to treat women in such a manner! If I have to look forward to living like this I'd rather you had killed me earlier." glaring at him as she finishes her tirade.
This was only the 2nd time in his life he let a women slap him, and he would make note of that later. He simply sighed and looked at Annabelle . He thought for a moment, her reaction wasn't what he was hoping for, but not one he hadn't seen as a outcome to this whole situation.

"And what would you like me to do about it? Hmm? Free the humans and let them go and run wild in the forest to be eaten or rapped by demons and shown no sign of mercy or regret for the loss of their soul?" He slowly stood up and looked at the 3 human women and the Succubus.

"Have you even thought about what their fates might be if not working here? Their kept alive, and little if any harm comes to them, they have a roof over their head and food brought to them 3 or more times a day..." He looked at Annabelle with the same eyes she gave him.

"This is the Netherworld, how do you think the souls end up here in the first place? Do you think humans are all saints and all make it to the celestial plain? Did your town elder not try to sacrifice you to a demon for some type of pack? Please... Demons are no worse, perhaps not better, but no worse then you humans are... The mortal world that your soul will some day be born into is no gem either..." He sat back down and took a sip from the glass again, He looked to the Succubus and summoned her over. She bent down next to him as he whispered something to her and then gave her a pouch that seemed to contain many coins.

"But if you really think you can do better lets see how well that goes... But this is on your hands now..." He said, and the Succubus moved to the red head, removed her collar and pointed to Annabelle whispering something into the woman's ear that seemed to fill her with dread.

"This human is yours, free her, keep her as a slave, it's up to you." Ark told her, his eyes giving her the same accusing eyes she have given him.

"Why?" The red head whispers to Annabelle as she kneels in front of her new mistress. The woman is scared, fear shows as she is visibly shaking. She had a home, a place of work, some place that protected her from the harm of the darker demons. The ones like the scary monster that was going to take Annabelle as a sacrifice. Now her life was at risk, would she even make it through the next 24 hours in the netherworld or would she be like so many and never see the mortal world for her own.
Annabelle looks at Ark in shock her mouth opening and shutting wordlessly. Looking down at the red head she crouches down to her level looking her in the eyes "I'm so sorry. I'm not used to seeing things like this or women being used in such a manner that I got angry and let my temper get the better of me." That was as close as she was going to get to an apology even if it wasnt said directly to his face. "If you wish to stay as a slave here I will not stop you." Taking a step back she retreats over to the wall withdrawing into herself and not saying another word.
Ark simply sits back down and orders two glasses from the blonde woman. After that he walks over to the Red head and kneels downs, whispers something into her ear and takes the fresh glass of slightly blue liquid from the Succubus and hands it to her. The red head says nothing but moves slowly over to Annabelle and offers her the glass, the least she can do for her new mistress.

Ark takes the next glass and sits back down. The succubus bows and takes the remaining two out of the room. Ark takes a sip of his glass and watches to see how Annabelle will react this time. What he said wasn't meant to upset her even more, but it was to point out that this was what most humans called hell. Mind you Humans were just as cruel, but to point out that life itself wasn't always kind. He simply drank in silence for now and waited to see how Annabelle would move on from here.
Annabelle shakes her head at the red haired slave girl refusing the drink; not really trusting any kind of food or drink they offer just yet. She shoes the red head back over to where the prince is. Contemplating on how the rest of her life will play out. Images of how the women were being used in the streets flashing through her minds eye. She shivers at the thought. She has now been up since the crack of dawn and her head begins to feel fuzzy as her eyelids start to droop. Covering her mouth to hide a yawn she simply watches the prince determined not to let him get under her skin. Vowing to find a way to survive and get home someday.
The red head gave the Glass to Ark and returned to her new Mistress's side. She was hers now, and she would do whatever she could to please her new Mistress.

Ark watched as he sipped the glass and simply watched. This room was set aside and few would try to kick the Prince of this Netherworld out and so he would let Annabelle rest here. He smiled to himself, wondering if this was some new pet project or something more. There was something in Annabelle that he himself couldn't place. Like a piece of a large puzzle out of place yet still fit where it was. He simply would have to wait to see what it was that was different, and till then expose her to the bigger world, and along the way learn more of what it means to be a Overlord of the Netherworld in doing so.