Discretion Is Advised (Closed)


Off The Beaten Path
Jul 17, 2013
Jaylin Kinnamon
Age: 24

Jaylin never would have imagined herself being a 24 year old divorcee... And yet here she was, staring at the name of a divorce lawyer, as she twirled the wedding band she had just taken off around in her hand.

When she had married Glenn, she had expected to have a wonderful love full of laughing children, a big home, pets, the white Pickett fence... The whole nine yards. What she had gotten was much, much different.

Sure, she had gotten the big house, the picket fence, a big SUV... Luckily she hasn't gotten the kids because this would have been hell for them... Along with those things, she had also gotten verbal abuse, mental abuse and even physical abuse.

Sighing, she picked up the cell phone and dialed the number before her. She sat the white gold wedding band down forcefully just as a receptionist answered. She would never be putting it on again.

"Yes, ma'am. I'd like to hire a lawyer for my divorce".

As the judge hammered the decision in his favour, Jason breathed a sigh of relief. Another case closed, another relationship broken.

At 28 he already had a promising career in his sights. He had been so enthusiastic about his job after passing out of college, but now a few years into the job he couldn't help but think why so many people chose to nullify their marriage ? I mean why jump into marriage and regret later on ?

Of course he was the last person to be complaining. He was being paid handsomely for getting them out of trouble it would seem, but he couldn't help but ponder. The thought of marriage had scared him for some time now! What if he would end up in the same state as so many of his clients ? NO! He would find the perfect person for himself and they would make it work!

He was always of the opinion that people should take their time to choose the right person. He somehow suspected people gave up at the first sight of compromise! Hell he could go on rambling about this, sometimes he felt he should switch jobs and get into counseling! His mom had told him so many times he would make a good one. He smiled to himself. Your son is a pretty good lawyer mom, let him be! He muttered to himself.

Letting loose his tie he stepped into his Porsche and revved it up to drive towards home. Another successful case in the kitty Jason, Hi Five!
She had an appointment with this lawyer at 4:00 pm. At exactly 3:55 she walked into his office dressed to the nines. She had on a white business skirt, a pale yellow cable knit sweater, and a pair of white heeled sandals. Pearls adorned her neck and a diamond bracelet glittered on her wrist.

The receptionist greeted her and asked her to have a seat, Jason would be right with her.

She sat and picked up a magazine, thumbing brought but not reading. In five minutes the receptionist called her name.

"Follow me" she said and led Jaylin back to an office, where she sat to wait.