

Really Experienced
Apr 11, 2011
I cannot believe it! I met a guy today - I met him on this forum - he claimed to be 'very well endowed'. Sorry guys, 6 inches is not 'very well endowed'.
I cannot believe it! I met a guy today - I met him on this forum - he claimed to be 'very well endowed'. Sorry guys, 6 inches is not 'very well endowed'.


Superb, ill bet he fuckin hates you now
I cannot believe it! I met a guy today - I met him on this forum - he claimed to be 'very well endowed'. Sorry guys, 6 inches is not 'very well endowed'.

that is so true, but a man would need to use all of his skills to compensate as you are a woman that would not take disappointment I think!

Every mans perception is what it is...after all its all some have to (sadly) work with.
Enlighten us on what you consider "well endowed"
I cannot believe it! I met a guy today - I met him on this forum - he claimed to be 'very well endowed'. Sorry guys, 6 inches is not 'very well endowed'.

I always heard it wasn't how big a cock is, but whether the guy knows how to use it. It helps to have a bag of tricks (and treats).
Until penis enlargement surgery becomes more affordable, the "average" guys like me have to play the hand we're dealt. I'm under no delusion regarding my size, but there's a LOT more to sex than being "well endowed".

The "size queens" who will dismiss a guy simply because he's not packing 8 inches or more only limit their options, since 6 inches is considered "average". Of course, the morons who think 6 inches is "well endowed" deserve the ridicule they get when they're called out.

I'm not arrogant enough to claim that I can please every woman, but I'm confident enough to say that I know what I'm doing with all the tools in my toolbox, of which my cock is only one "small" part of what I bring to the table (or bed, or floor..lol)
He was supposed to have you wear reading glasses with a 1.5x magnification. You would look great dressed as a naughty teacher.
I cannot believe it! I met a guy today - I met him on this forum - he claimed to be 'very well endowed'. Sorry guys, 6 inches is not 'very well endowed'.

Let me get this straight. Some guy you met on the internet lied to get into your pants? What is the world coming to?

surprised you hadnt asked for a photo 'id' to verify beforehand ;)