Did you hear what Bush's Press Sec. said today? Unbelievable. A transcript.


Literotica Guru
Jul 28, 2002

Q: Ari, the New York Times ran a story yesterday saying that the Bush Administration has a greater percentage of broken lightbulbs than any administration since the Great Depression. Does the Administration have any comment on that report?

A: As you probably know, I really can't say anything about lightbulbs which may or may not be broken. All information on lightbulbs has been classified for reasons of national security.

Q: What? Since when?

Q: Why- (several people speaking at once)

A: Folks, folks, I think the American people understand that sometimes national security has to come before your need to get a story.

Q: What do broken lightbulbs have to do with national security? We were talking about them just yesterday! Lightbulbs have never been a secret.

Q: It's true- look! I can't access the lightbulbs.gov webpage on my laptop.

A: Yes, that has been taken down. I think I've already addressed that question. Just because you ask it twice doesn't mean I will answer it differently the second time. I really can't comment any further. Howard?

Q: Ari, does President Bush feel that the former administration's "loose lips" regarding lightbulbs may have created a security risk that contributed to September 11?
1 year from now...

"In the interest of National Security President Bush has decided that every name but his be classified and left off of this year's voting ballots. Thank you."
Hey, everyone ask Mr. Patriot why he's got a pirate (read: "Terrorist") symbol on the flag as his icon, and then ask him why he won't talk about why he thinks this is a good way to represent his love for America.

Go ahead. Ask him.

Dixon Carter Lee said:
Hey, everyone ask Mr. Patriot why he's got a pirate (read: "Terrorist") symbol on the flag as his icon, and then ask him why he won't talk about why he thinks this is a good way to represent his love for America.

Go ahead. Ask him.


Well? Go ahead and answer him Blackbeard Washington.
Emerald_eyed said:
No link??
I don't believe a word you say.:rolleyes:

But do you believe me when I say I love?

Or that I at least would love to have your bud?
Mark your calendars...

Statement by the Press Secretary
Meeting with President Ismail Omar Guelleh of the Republic of Djibouti

President Bush will welcome President Ismail Omar Guelleh of the Republic of Djibouti to the White House on Tuesday, January 21, 2003. President Bush looks forward to discussing issues affecting the common interests of the United States and Djibouti, particularly our continued cooperation on the global war on terrorism, regional stability, humanitarian and development efforts, and HIV/AIDS.


The CIA World Factbook says adults in Djibouti has a HIV/AIDS - adult prevalence rate of 11.75%. Luckily (or not) 42% of their population is 0-14. The fertility rate is 5.64. They are 94% Muslim. They border Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and sit along the Red Sea. They have 20sq km of water. They are a republic with a unicameral Chamber of Deputies or Chambre des Deputes (65 seats; members elected by popular vote for five-year terms). An unemployment rate of 50%. They have a GDP PPP of $586million. A per capita GDP PPP of $1,400.

"Per capita consumption dropped an estimated 35% over the last seven years because of recession, civil war, and a high population growth rate (including immigrants and refugees). Faced with a multitude of economic difficulties, the government has fallen in arrears on long-term external debt and has been struggling to meet the stipulations of foreign aid donors."

Time for John Snow to call up Bono and commit to forgiving the debt---that or lose a republic to islamic extremists (terrorists). They can do something about family planning and HIV if they wish to spread a true democratic spirit. I'm guessing the meeting was spurred because their literacy rate is just 46%---Laura's a librarian you know and GWB can also read.
Shaq said:
1 year from now...

"In the interest of National Security President Bush has decided that every name but his be classified and left off of this year's voting ballots. Thank you."


what the fuck do pirates have to do with terrerist they were robbers and killers but they didnt hide there acts behind some "noble" cause they did it for the booty plain and simple.
SGTBIGDOG420 said:
what the fuck do pirates have to do with terrerist they were robbers and killers but they didnt hide there acts behind some "noble" cause they did it for the booty plain and simple.

Well pirates were terrorists.

busybody is a two faced troll, who spouts off about "America, love it or leave it" DCL has a valid point concerning the flag and pirate AV.