did I miss something?



My wife & I have been happily maried for over 8 years now. We've both discussed ass play as of late. She has asked if I wanted to be fucked in the ass with one of her dildos. While I am a healthy hetero male with no precoseived ideas of being gay, I thought about it but we never went any farther that night.

She left this morning for a conference out of town. I wanted to at least try inserting one of her toys in my ass while she was gone. I didn't want us trying it and ruining a perfectly hot night together if I didn't like it.

I took a long hot shower & washed myself clean. I applied lube on the softer dildo as well as my ass. I stuck one finger in my ass to prime myself. It seemed to feel strange but not uncomfortable. After a little wriggling I switched over to the dildo & put it in my ass. It went in slowly and again no pain. I pushed and pulled it but yet I did not feel any rush of pleasure. I tried several positions and nothing. I barely maintained an erection during my ass play.

I was sadly disappointed. I eventually pulled it out and masterbated like I usually do.

Did I miss something? Did I do this right? I did not feel any worlds nor did it make me cum. I don't want to disappoint my wife but I can't see myself doing this again even with her help. Any help would be appreciated in finding some enjoyment from this.

Thank you in advance.
It just may not be your thing. Nothing ventured nothing gained. At least you can pleasantly say no to the wife's ass play suggestions without seeming to be insecure about it. How is she going to feel about you using one of her toys though??:confused:
Hmmm, I have a question. Have you ever done anal sex to your wife?

Trollin' LE
Maybe you should still let her fuck you with the dildo.
If it gives her pleasure, then it might turn you on.
Mona said:
Maybe you should still let her fuck you with the dildo.
If it gives her pleasure, then it might turn you on.

I will agree...if it doesn't bother you too much, let her enjoy it..cause I'm sure you'll get off just on the fact that you are making her really hot..

I'm one of those men who derives the most amount of pleasure from seeing her just in extisy..its all about her when it comes to the bedroom.

- Stephen
different strokes for different folks...maybe it's just not your thing....*shrugs*
Mona said:

Maybe you should still let her fuck you with the dildo.
If it gives her pleasure, then it might turn you on.

Mona had a good point here. Do you get turned on knowing your wife is turned on? Whether she is the one directly being pleasured, or she is pleasuring you, do you get hotter knowing she is excited?

If so, having your wife there may make the anal play better. Knowing she is wet while she fucks your ass with a toy may make you more aroused. Perhaps 69 with her in a way... You on your back, her on top of you. Her pussy placed right above your face for her to tease while she is blowing you and fucking you with the toy...
Originally posted by BlessedBe
while she is blowing you and fucking you with the toy...

It's getting hot in here.
*fanning feverishly*

Mona said:
It's getting hot in here.
*fanning feverishly*


I would love to be fanning your flames....


And I tend to agree with where the discussion is going...

Anal sex, to either a man or woman, is not for the recipient...it is done to please the one doing the fucking....a special gift.

My beloved grants me the pleasure when she is extremely arroused...

:rose: :rose: :rose:
xx_La_Reina_xx said:
different strokes for different folks...maybe it's just not your thing....*shrugs*

I agree. It jsut might not be your bag of tricks even with the wife banging away at your winkie. But then you could always try it and report back. It could be the start of something your wife might really like... but then if it's not your thing, it could be difficult to back out of.:rolleyes:
Re: Fanning

ericviking69 said:

Anal sex, to either a man or woman, is not for the recipient...it is done to please the one doing the fucking....a special gift.

My beloved grants me the pleasure when she is extremely arroused...

:rose: :rose: :rose:

I whole heartedly disagree. It can't possibly feel as good to him as it does to me. Not possible. Nope. Simply cannot be.
If your wife finds it erotic you may also just because of her reactions when she does it to you.

Have you really never thought of being taken from behind?

Mastrubation and sex with a partner never feel the same do they?
Try it with her. Your reactions may surprise you.

HzDomme said:
If your wife finds it erotic you may also just because of her reactions when she does it to you.

Have you really never thought of being taken from behind?

Mastrubation and sex with a partner never feel the same do they?
Try it with her. Your reactions may surprise you.

Mutual pleasure is always my greatest thrill. Giving or recieving with my g/f, if she's into it it's great.
Thanks BlessedBe, you just gave me an idea for me and the wife to try.
It never dawned on me to try the 69 while she is fucking me in the ass.
Great tip. I'll report back to you on that.
Minout said:
I whole heartedly disagree. It can't possibly feel as good to him as it does to me. Not possible. Nope. Simply cannot be.

I'm not into comparing my sensations to yours or anyone elses. It's not a pissing match here of "my sensations are better than yours"... I was just looking for advice as where to go next with this.

How petty!
sad ass virgin said:
I'm not into comparing my sensations to yours or anyone elses. It's not a pissing match here of "my sensations are better than yours"... I was just looking for advice as where to go next with this.

How petty!

My post was not a sensational pissing match. Ericviking69 said that the receiver could not enjoy anal sex, that is was solely for the benefit of the giver. That is simply not true, at least not in my case. I enjoy it. A lot. Since I don't actually have a penis of my own, I have no idea what it feels like to give rather than to receive but, I do know that it feels wonderful to be on the receiving end. Since your thread was about you not getting any kind of positive sensation from your first experience and, contemplating throwing in the towel, I thought I would throw my 2 cents in about the enjoyment factor. As far a suggestions to improve your own experience, try more lube. Try doing it again. Try different positions. Don't give up just because you didn't see fireworks the first time round.
A Question...

...how far exactly did you insert said dildo?

I'm a male and had never tried this up until about a year ago. I'm 100% straight and was a little apprehensive to say the least.

My girlfriend firstly started slowly with her finger and once I'd gotten over the burning sensation and she pushed deeper, I was in heaven! I came there and then without any contact what so ever on my cock. I was a bit embarrassed about that to be honest but it felt sooooo good!:D

For me, there is definitely a male g-spot back there when something is entered far enough in and I now love it. Hell, I even sometimes stick a butt-plug up my ass when reading some of the stories on here...costs me a bloddy fortune in computer cleaner!!

Minout, I agree with you (just!). Receiving anal beats giving it. Hope you try again and it make's your eyes water SAV!
Most guys don't know that they have a G-Spot. It's their prostate. It's located about a finger length inside their anus on the front wall. When stimulated during sexual arousal it can increase the intensity of their orgasm. Also women and men have the same number and the same type of nerves around their anus. If it feels good for a woman to be stimulated there, why shouldn't it for a guy? The same with breasts and nipples. Men and women's bodies are set up very similar, with the obvious exceptions. Just because you didn't enjoy your first solo experience, doesn't mean that you won't enjoy a little experimenting with you SO. If she can find your prostate and stimulate it, I think you will love it. When I do that to my hubby and he cums, it doesn't just shoot out like usual, it POURS out. I love doing it to him. The response I get from him is a huge turn on for me. I think you should give it a chance!:heart:
Why not give a go at it again? Most first time attempts at almost any kind of sex are awkward bombs anyway. Give it a go a few more times and see if it gets any better. Take some of these suggestions here & see if they work. And if you get the response like Shadwan's husband does I think you'll be very pleased!

Heaven knows I'm jealous!
Heaven knows I'm jealous!

Awwww! Lust, don't be jealous! My husband can be an open minded guy. Maybe I can come over to your house and play!:devil:
Lust Engine said:
Why not give a go at it again? Most first time attempts at almost any kind of sex are awkward bombs anyway. Give it a go a few more times and see if it gets any better. Take some of these suggestions here & see if they work. And if you get the response like Shadwan's husband does I think you'll be very pleased!

Heaven knows I'm jealous!

LE darlin'
If you bring LOTS of lube I'll bring the strap on ;)
You can have mine and I'd love taking yours

Trollin LE