Did anyone have wet dream today


Literotica Guru
Jan 21, 2006
I thought about it but had no partner. I thought about doing it alone but had no time, I have only 7 to 8 hours for sleeping everyday, no time for wet dreams.
Yep, about this guy.

Your wet dream was that I had a wet dream about you but it was really about someone else? Freud would have a field day with you.:cattail:
do ya kno the terror of him that falls a sleep?? to the very TOES he is tarrified cuz the ground gives way under him an the dream begin... hahah
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belive it or not but i fine your constant desire for self affirmation refreshin.... if ya affirm one moment, ya done affirmed yerself an the whole of existance. all eternity was needed to produce this 1 event an in the single moment of affirmation all eternity was call good, redeemed, justified an affirmed, ya dig?
belive it or not but i fine your constant desire for self affirmation refreshin.... if ya affirm one moment, ya done affirmed yerself an the whole of existance. all eternity was needed to produce this 1 event an in the single moment of affirmation all eternity was call good, redeemed, justified an affirmed, ya dig?

You are in Lit for learning English?
Like this????
****Disclaimer do not try this at home. Highly trained naked gymnist used to portray tryharder****


I said bend over...as in, forward.

But, I can work with that position, too. You may even like the angle and depth that you can get from this one. Keep your balance, though. Don't wanna slip and land on your head.
Holy Cow! I was just looking at pictures and saw this one. I would so be dead if this was me on a ledge trying to do that?:eek:
