I think they're a bit overrated, regardless of where they come from. I mean, honestly: sparkly bits of rock? Sure, they're rare and precious, but ultimately pointless and useless (just sitting on your finger). There are lots of other pretty stones if you feel the need to adorn yourself.
To me, the only thing diamonds are good for is as a signal--if a girl is wearing a diamond ring, don't bother.
What about emeralds? I'm not a huge fan of diamonds (the ones I have are multgenerational, so there's nothing I can do about them) but I do love emeralds.
I love my diamonds, thank you. All of them. I have quite a few since they are my favorite gem stone. I started buying them back in the late 1970's, before I ever got out of college. My last purchase was new diamond earrings- I'll probably give my old ones to my sister.
I also love emeralds, sapphires, and other stones, too. I just don't have as many of each individual stones as I do individual diamonds.
Diamonds are beautiful, wonderful things...I used to sell them in high school and university while my pals flipped burgers.
The world supply has been dominated by DeBeers for a century, but the industry is controlled by Jews globally and is headquartered in Antwerp...which by the way is THE place to party in western Europe nowadaze.
Lev Leviev has almost single handedly taken 20% of the world diamond trade away from the DeBeers cartel in the past decade.
This is good news for guys, as pricing has always been artificially inflated by the DeBeers monopoly.
Lav says "Dont buy diamonds!"
I say fly to Antwerp with your sweetie, hang out, buy a diamond at a factory not owned by DeBeers and save the cost of the trip.
The only women who don't love diamonds (and mink coats) are the ones who don't have'em.