Desultory and Impulsive

I understand.

It's offensive
To some.

To others... lame.

My thoughts and wants go on.

Too original to be lame... you are something else I can’t quite put my finger on... perhaps I shouldn’t try, I may retreat back to lurking and let you carry on with your thoughts and wants, x
I miss her intimacy.

You know?

That feeling of being in the city
Surrounded by people that I don't know

But yet

Still held me.

Held me in a collective embrace
Of not talking
And no eye contact.

Of just being there

Below a blanket of fridged cold
Waiting for the bus.

Making love to me.

While alone.

Clutching myself
To keep warm.

Dancing with me
As I stood
So far away

To pump life
Back into frostbitten toes
To the soundtrack
Of an indie radio station
Playing a song
I wanted to send her

But couldn't

Because it ended.

The city now
Is too far away.

A distant kiss
That time
Paved over.

I don't even remember
The smell of her hair
Against the blush of my lips.

Or the taste of her kiss.

All I remember
Is feeling the dread
Mute love has
Upon letting go.
My chest hair is long
My wife loves it when I'm on top of her
And lightly glide my body across hers
Just so
And in such a way
That only my chest hair
Brushes up against the underside of her breasts
And across her nipples

The sensation of it
Makes her feel warm to me.

I will sometimes
Do something similar
When she is on her hands and knees

I confess...
It makes me feel more animal-like
And she seems to like it as well

I have a difficult time
Imagining I will ever trim my chest hair ever again

I remember the appeal of it
I never fully shaved my chest
But I took enough off
To get the idea of what skin on skin felt like

It was appealing. I guess.

I mostly did it for looks.

I'm no more confident now.
I don't much care for how I look shirtless
Trimmed or not

Although I'm on the bed, above the covers, laying here naked as I write this... the idea of a shirtless me strikes me laughable. I just see no reason for it.

Of course... we are months away from August.
raindancer writes...

The word "cunt" and your image were enjoyed immensely.

Thank you raindancer! The use of both on their own is such a gamble these days

The cunt word is like the moist word
Some find them to be killjoys while others couldn't care less while others yet; when used in certain contexts, find them to be erotic.

Much like me!

I guess :/
Your shirtless photos may have made me smile but they’ve never made me laugh.
Icy1 also writes....

Your shirtless photos may have made me smile but they’ve never made me laugh.

You dirty dirty fetishist!
There ought to be some sort of online forum for people like you to be people like you:mad:!

RubiDia writes...

Oh fantastic - I have full coverage even if the power goes out.

I confess...
I like how women look covered by semen.

The problem is that in most gangbang bukkaki (sp?) movies the woman ends up gargling a mouth full of spunk and it bubbles all over and well... it just doesnt do it for me. Pretty much makes me go limp right there.
Kind of misses you on the threads

Well then
ThIs calls for something off the top of my head!

A slow print something
A mind of a heart
Walking slowly
Through thoughts
Of how it used to be

You know...

Like how it was like
The feel of ink
Going into skin

Words sinking into eyes
Falling freely
Into a moment
Of hands held
Across screens
Of high composit glass

Getting stoned

Just to see deeper
Into that feeling
Of just... hanging out

Staying up late
Talking about everything

And nothing

But not nothing

A nothing
Only touch knew

And we took after it.
Lillycane writes...

Your writing makes me feel like I've come home after a long vacation. Relieved, sentimental, somehow fully relaxed but also entirely exhausted.

Glad to see you back, you big ol' weirdo.

My writing would like to go on vacation with you.
AlliaPotestas writes...

Too original to be lame... you are something else I can’t quite put my finger on... perhaps I shouldn’t try, I may retreat back to lurking and let you carry on with your thoughts and wants, x

Oh... you should try putting a finger on it
...and push it deeply in.

But only if your mouth is around me.

And now ...on with the show.

I want to fuck my wife.
I can't because she is not here.

She is working a night shift.

I sleep less when she is not sleeping with me.

I miss her.

It's stupid because I shouldn't.
But I do.

We aren't apart all that much.

The longest we've been away from each other has been a week. Maybe two.

It's weird
I think about that fact quite often.

We both know couples who spend weekends away to weeks away from each other

We know other couples that work opposite shifts of each other and wouldn't have it any other way

And it works for them.

I guess there's an appeal to it.
To not spending so much time together
To being a part
And missing each other
And looking forward to coming back together
The rabid wild fucking
Or just the renewed sense of security upon returning home after time away

I don't know...

That kind of feast and famine type of thing strikes me exhausting.

The fevered rejoicing slowly giving way to a growing boredom and animosity of familiarity, to counting the days or hours until the one or both parties go their separate ways.

But then... always being together I guess is equally exhausting. The luxury of being able to fuck whenever sorta takes that feverish desperation away

But yet, there is just something about it you know? A security. The shared company of casual love making...

It's just... comforting.
My head hurts
And my lungs burn
A heavy full feeling
Fills me with the kind of ache
That laying in bed fills a person with
When that's all they've been able to do for the day

If I relax my diaphragm and breathe shallow and easy
I'll be okay
But the slightest stagger
Will send me into a coughing fit
So much so it tips the scale of my fever
And I'll break out into a sweat
Which will thus cool my skin quickly
But not my body
Resulting in the annoying state of having the chills

It's all pretty beautiful really
The edge
You know?

The place where control
Counts on you
Day 2.

Or maybe it's day 4

I don't know
No more than love knows
3 miles beyond the overpass
Where I once stood
Throwing stones into a memory
I thought I could hold forever

Such things...
They fail me.

Words slip into a void
And touch is lost
Like a passing season
An illness you thought you'd never overcome

But it happens
And a new day
Gains traction.
The fuck of it all is....

I really want to fuck.

Like... Really bad.

Like... I just want to bury my face in lady-crotch and lick her asshole hard.

I want sick fuck fucking
Fucking sickly.
You don't


No words
Across my love
No heart
Speaks like it used to

Not behind the lids of my eyes
Like they used to

No touch upon my skin
Like a satin lust
Thrusting in a spoken hush
Around the corner
Away from a sight seen
Under the gossamer
Of sweat sheen flesh
Fucking to fuck

Just to feel that rush of youth
Caught up in a heat read once
In a book
In a forum
A thread
Of quilted fabric
Forgotten in an attic
Of some old farmhouse
Of someone's life
Never fully lived

Except in the fantasy

....stepped out

and away from.
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