deserted island



So, there i was, on a fishing boat with three girls from the children's theatre i worked at. The theatre sponsors had paid for a trip for the whole cast of Midsummer Night's Dream to go to the caribean for a week to perform at a posh resort. As Technical Director, it was my duty to go along. We had a good show and were given several days to unwind before heading back. Several of the girls had wanted to go fishing so a boat was chartered and i was chosen to go along. I hated fishing but geez, this girls were pretty attractive. Let me introduce them to you. Julie, the mom. she used to be a model but now is just a really hot mother of one of the girls in the cast. Kerry, her daughter, 18 yrs old going on 20. Sulty, seductive and she knows it. she has her mothers looks. Teri, her best friend, 19 yrs old. good looking but in a different way. all very nice girls. too bad i'm married or i might be tempted to get into trouble.

Anyway, we had gone out in this rickety old boat to a great fishing spot. At least that's what the captain said. When we got there the fishing was pretty bad. By the end of the day, it was too late to head back so we ancored the boat in shallow water and spent the night. The girls got one large cabin and i got the small one. The captain said he would stay up on deck. I kept thinking to myself how those girls must look in their night gowns or what ever they must be wearing. I fell asleep dreaming of nice butts and perky little breasts.

When i awoke, it was to the sound of an explosion. It was still dark out, but I ran out of my cabin to see what was going on. The girls too, had heard the explosion and had come out of their cabin. There was screaming up on deck and I ran up the stairs. There was smoke everywhere. I turned and saw the captain, on fire, screaming at the top of his lungs just as he disappeared off the deck into the water. I yelled at the girls to come quick. There was a life raft at the stern of the boat and we ran back to it, untied it an threw it in the water. The boat was burning fast and we knew we didn't have much time. We jumped... We climbed into the boat just as there was another explosion on the boat. I said to them " Paddle, we have to get as far away as we can!" We paddled and paddled until we thought we were far enough away. We looked back just as the boat was sinking below the surface of the ocean. Then, there we were, in the dark out in the middle of the ocean. No idea where we were or where to go. No food, no water. Little hope....
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all characters must be over 18 years of age.

I've found that if you don't limit the names and characteristics of other players you'll get a better response.

Simply saying you were on the boat with two young women and one of their mother's would be more apt to get a response.