DeSatinist's Evil Plan Undone

link takes me the endangered species ruling, jafo, not the schools one
Aren't the MAGA people the ones who have bitched, griped and whined about their free speech being taken away? So they try to take away speech that doesn't conform to their view of what is acceptable? How is that any different from what they've been complaining about? How do you teach young people to think for themselves, to if they aren't allowed to compare and question, well everything? Say it once, say it a thousand times: we MUST offer to everyone that which we insist we should have for ourselves. Anything else is duplicitous. But then, politicians have never been known for ethical behavior, especially the MAGA bunch.


Florida judge blocks 'positively dystopian' school censorship law

The 139-page ruling shuts down a law signed earlier this year by Governor Ron DeSantis, warning that democracy suffers when challenging ideas are extinguished.
by Alexandra Jones

Eat shit Ronnie.

So democracy was denied....because democracy Democrats didn't like was once again somehow a threat to democracy.

This only makes sense when you realize "democracy" when people like jaF0 use it, means Democrats getting their way and FUCK what the voters have to say about it.
Aren't the MAGA people the ones who have bitched, griped and whined about their free speech being taken away?


So they try to take away speech that doesn't conform to their view of what is acceptable?

As a teacher serving in public schools, you don't have free speech. You're hired to teach a curriculum, not push your psychotic racist and hyper-sexualized bullshit onto other peoples small kids.

If you want to talk about your sex life, or how horrible whitey is for having the audacity to be born white, you need to leave the K-3rd class and go do that bigot bullshit elsewhere like California and New York where that sort of thing is promoted.
So democracy was denied....because democracy Democrats didn't like was once again somehow a threat to democracy.

This only makes sense when you realize "democracy" when people like jaF0 use it, means Democrats getting their way and FUCK what the voters have to say about it.
Hell, do you have any positions you hold on to for more than 10 minutes?

In another thread you’re saying there should be absolutely no limits on what people could say.

I guess you just hate freedom.