Deplorable thinking: "This country needs a dictator"

Unbelievable. I served in the military for a guy that thinks like that ... f*ck the Constitution ... I guess that's okay? Not if my vote gets counted, I pray.
Sadly, this also holds true for a substantial portion of the hard left. They don't care about solving societal problems. They just want to hate the United States. Reelecting Trump is better for them, because he's more fun to hate. Biden just keeps solving problems, which is boring.

The hard left also - not so secretly - wants the benefits that come from being in charge.

Much like the hard right has enjoyed the benefits of being in charge of the ā€œrepublican" party, the hard left wants to enjoy the benefits of being in charge of the Democratic Party.

And barring a takeover of the Democratic Party, the hard left will try to establish a "third party" they can benefit from, regardless of whether it ultimately benefits the "republicanā€ party (the hard right) the most.

The hard left also - not so secretly - wants the benefits that come from being in charge.

Much like the hard right has enjoyed the benefits of being in charge of the ā€œrepublican" party, the hard left wants to enjoy the benefits of being in charge of the Democratic Party.

And barring a takeover of the Democratic Party, the hard left will try to establish a "third party" they can benefit from, regardless of whether it ultimately benefits the "republicanā€ party (the hard right) the most.

The Democrats learned their lesson in the The Ass Kicking of 1972, when the hard left forced the candidacy of George McGovern. Mainstream Democrats installed a convoluted system of "super-delegates" to prevent that from happening again. This worked fine for years until the Bernie Bros decided it Just Wasn't FAIR in 2016 and led a scorched Earth campaign against Hilary Rodham Clinton that paved the way for a deeply defective Donald Trump to claim the presidency.

Thankfully, the Bernie Bros of 2016 have faded from the national consciousness. I suppose we'll see the next generation pop up in 2028, but by then the MAGA core demographic will have shrunk down to 40% or less of the electorate.