Demons, ghosts, experiences


Mar 12, 2002
I was having a discussion (while rather drunk) the other day with some girlfriends of mine, about supernatural experiences. We all believe in the occurrances, and we've each had a few.

Have you ever had a supernatural experience? Seen a ghost? Felt a prescence? Has it ever dropped in temperature for no reason? Have you heard things that weren't being said? Dreams that came true? Anything?

Dish, I'd love to read about it.
I can astral project and it's a trip, no pun intended. I literally feel myself flying...last time I astral projected I was at a secluded beach...I think somewhere in England.

Also, I have spiritual guides and have seen balls of light. I can feel a presence in the room and am susceptible to other people's energy, hence I am good at reading the physical realm, not the internet.

Is that freaky enough for you?


P.S...There's more...
Shingen said:
I can astral project and it's a trip, no pun intended. I literally feel myself flying...last time I astral projected I was at a secluded beach...I think somewhere in England.

Also, I have spiritual guides and have seen balls of light. I can feel a presence in the room and am susceptible to other people's energy, hence I am good at reading the physical realm, not the internet.

Is that freaky enough for you?


P.S...There's more...

*grin* I can astral project, but not THAT far... my trips are always closeby... like.. going to a place behind me, when I'm in class, or to another classroom. Something simple.
I belive in all that personally. Even tho I haven't seen anything like that. But I belive they are all real. Nothing like on Ghostbusters or anything, but in their own way.
Have you had people try to tell you need to go see a Dr because you feel you can do this? I dont feel this way I am just wondering.
vixenshe said:
*grin* I can astral project, but not THAT far... my trips are always closeby... like.. going to a place behind me, when I'm in class, or to another classroom. Something simple.

I've been astral projecting for awhile. It's always safe not to go to far until you have more experience. There is a whole 'nother dimenion out there that you can get caught in, and it's not pretty if you bump into the wrong.....entity, for sake of a better word.
tyme said:
Have you had people try to tell you need to go see a Dr because you feel you can do this? I dont feel this way I am just wondering.

Most people don't know about my "experiences" in that realm. And yes, I've had some tell me to go see a psychiatrist. Keep in mind, that I've felt presences and seen balls of light ever since I can remember so I'm assuming I was "born like this."
tyme said:
Have you had people try to tell you need to go see a Dr because you feel you can do this? I dont feel this way I am just wondering.

Never told any doctors, never had anyone think I need psychological help because I can do this. Plenty of people think I'm weird, but then, that's the norm with me.
I haven't experinced anything as pronounced as astral projection. I've had a few Zen moments -you know, those moments when you aren't in your environment as much as you are your environment- and a few clairaudient moments.

Most recently I've been experiencing the verge of two seperate... well, nirvanas, I suppose. The first is the Zen thing I mentioned, only on a larger scale. The other is something I believe is almost entirely unheard of. It's sort of a techno-Zen thing that's even more difficult to describe than normal Zen (if there is such a thing).

I've also had several spirit animal guides throughout my life.
vixenshe said:
Never told any doctors, never had anyone think I need psychological help because I can do this. Plenty of people think I'm weird, but then, that's the norm with me.

I consider it a compliment to be called weird. It means that you are not part of the norm and don't fit a particular mold. A truly unique person...

My dreams come true. If I remember it.. and it's details. It's coming true.

I dreamt both my fathers and my brothers deaths.. years before they happened.

I've told this story before. Wish I could remember the thread it was on. Anyway.. my daughter was 9 months old when my brother was killed. She has no way of remembering him.. yet she knows so much about him.. and she knew things about him and his life before we ever told her. She hasn't done it in awhile.. but she used to tell us that Uncle Jon came to visit and play with her. You could hear her in her room late at night.. giggling and playing. The next morning she would tell you the most amazing stories that Uncle Jon told her about where he is now.

gives me the chills even thinking about it...

I've heard my dad call my name while I was asleep. Like when I was young.. he'd yell upstairs to get my attention. Usually after being woke up by his voice.. I find out there is something that I need to do. The phone will ring.. someone will knock on the door.. or my mom will need something.

I have an open mind to everything, and have seen alot of unexplained things that raised the goosebumps. I had a girlfriend that told me to leave my window open at night so she could visit, which I did to humor her. I had the best sex dreams with her, and she'd call me up in the morning asking how I liked it. I was getting a little freaked out at first, but kinda went with it after awhile. Oh well....
Re: Well...

Lost Cause said:
I have an open mind to everything, and have seen alot of unexplained things that raised the goosebumps. I had a girlfriend that told me to leave my window open at night so she could visit, which I did to humor her. I had the best sex dreams with her, and she'd call me up in the morning asking how I liked it. I was getting a little freaked out at first, but kinda went with it after awhile. Oh well....

Looks like your g/f can astral project. Either that or she is a telepath.
Re: Re: Well...

Shingen said:
Looks like your g/f can astral project. Either that or she is a telepath.

Do you have to have a street address to do this? I've got a couple people I'd like to talk to...*grin*
I think the freakiest one was when I was in England.. there were a few creepy moments while I was there, but the worst was when I was at Avebury, one of the Henges. All the stones are left unshaped, like at Stonehenge.. they're just hewn, and then set up. Many of them resemble their energies.. there's a mother stone, a father stone, a few animal stones, innocence stones, etc. You feel those energies when you touch them (I named them, those weren't the names). There was this one stone... I put my hand on it, and instantly had physical pain in my wrist... like intense pain. And I heard chains clanking, and metal hitting metal... I felt heat and sweat... and I saw red. It was the torture stone. I had to know more, so I put my hand on it again, and I saw the slaves who dragged the stones into place. I saw them whipped, I saw their chains, felt their heat. It was so intense.
Vixen...I am truly intrigued. When I was in Ireland I had similar experiences at old castles and especially a place called Moher. There is a lot of old energy in Ireland and England...You must meditate a lot and probably highly creative as well...
Shingen said:
Vixen...I am truly intrigued. When I was in Ireland I had similar experiences at old castles and especially a place called Moher. There is a lot of old energy in Ireland and England...You must meditate a lot and probably highly creative as well...

I do meditate... and I'm an artist. But I think it's cus I'm old that I see things. My dreams come true, I draw things before they happen, I read people quite well... and I have lived a few past lives.... I remember parts of my past lives, I dream them, and I've been told by psychics about them...
As much as i wish with all my heart for such things to be true theres a cynical part of me that feels otherwise.

i do know how to lucid dream tho~which some believe to be a form of astral projection. it's not takes a little extra than just psyching yourslef into it.
see I have a hard time with this not thinking you can do it but now knowing what is seizures and what is other. I have only know about my seizures for 3 years now but some say that things like you are talking about is a kind of seizure. It puts enough question in my mind that I wonder on a few things.
From my limited knowledge on seizures, I think seizures and what we are talking about are two totally different things....but then again, I could be wrong. I've never experienced a seizure, or at least don't think I have.
no the kind you are talking about most likely is grand mal this is the kind most people know about. I have what is know as Complex partal or Complex partials and the thing you can see hear or even do during them is wide. If you want to know more just pm me I dont want to get into something most people wont care about.
I have astral projected, but not intentionally. This usually happens when I am asleep. I remember it because my husband bumped me and woke me up and I immediately came back into my body.-- Felt like a sheet being lifted up to gently fall over me.

I have also seen several ghosts and when I lived in an old apartment there was a ghost of a cat that would wrap itself around my ankles like a real cat and jump on my bed.

The lady who lived downstairs used to have my apartment and I asked her about her cats and she described the one that was following me around.