Demons Abound (Closed for Queenclaire)


Really Experienced
Jan 28, 2013
The Kingdom of Arakasi once stood proudly as a beacon of prosperity. Citizens lived safe and happy lives throughout the fertile lands. The beasts of the wild kept at bay by honourable guardsmen, low crime rates, treaties and good relations with neighbouring Kingdoms and 90% of all people were wealthy and healthy. There was a small problem with poverty in certain areas of the various cities, the most prominent being in the Capital. The poor quarter was surrounded on all sides by the homes of major and minor nobles.

This was before the mind of the king began to slip. Slowly the man sunk into his own paranoia and dementia from which little hope could be drawn. But his Advisors insisted he stay in power, their reasons suggest that without an apparent heir, it could create a power vacuum that would destroy the nobility. Some citizens thought it was more to do with the King's power resting on the shoulders of his Council. Anyone caught expressing these rumours were swiftly dealt with. The cities became more restrictive as Martial Law seemed to encroach on the Kingdom. The guardsmen became heavy handed and more selective in who they dealt with. The poor quarter grew and with it the crime rate. The line between the wealthy and the impoverished became more pronounced. Boarder relations grew more tense as the King became paranoid about his neighbours activities, and as a result, the men and women who usually protected people from the wilds were sent to patrol the kingdoms boarders.

The insurrection didn't help matters. The rebels were little more than terrorists, causing havoc and anarchy to force the council to remove the King from his office. This only caused a tighter security and cities became like prisons. Arakasi is in a time of dire need.

Through all of this, an elderly Chamberlain working in the castle was gifted a present from his darling Niece. A special crystal that was warm to the touch and had some, as of yet discovered, magic power. Overnight, it changed from the subtle pink to an inky black and the man knew something magical had happened. He snuck out of the castle and went to see a mage who was selling his services at about what the man could afford. The mage told him that some powerful magic had been trapped inside the crystal, but he knew not what, only that it was something very dark. Something Evil lurked in the castle and it would take someone better than he to discover it. Using some favours he'd gained over his lifetime, he managed to get into contact with two likely heroes..........

Sarco sat idly at the table, gazing steadily across at the old man with cool green eyes. Casually, Sarco brushed his bleach white hair back from his handsome face. With a languid stretch of his muscular frame, he tilted his head back and sighed. The man wouldnt say any more till the other person arrived and his nervous tapping was slowly aggravating Sarco.

"Can't you just tell me?" he spoke gently, but loud enough to be heard by the old man.

The man shook his head vigourously. "You were early, you have to wait." he said resolutely. Sarco tutted and rolled his eyes, picking at fleck of lint on his expensive cloak...
Alayla made her way to the place a meeting was to take place. She did not know much about what this was about, just that her skills were needed. She was lost as to what skills they were referring to. She was known for her ability to hunt and for her ability to wield magic.

She was taught by her aunts that raised her. They always said she was a natural and it came easy to her. Alayla was not sure if they were speaking the truth or just boosting her confidence, but she did find some of it came naturally to her. Not that it was useful, they were outcast to so many that it was more for protection than anything.

She paused as she looked at the place she was to meet at. She was right on time as usual. She drew in a deep breath and opened the door. She walked in to find that two people sitting. She swallowed hard and lowered the hood of her black cloak, relieving a beautiful young lady underneath. Her crystal blue eyes looked at the men as she moved gracefully to the table. Her hair was almost blood red and made it look like her eyes glowed at times. Her complexion was fair and unflawed.

“I am Alayla,” she said softly as she looked from the older man to the younger, who was very well dressed. She was curious as to why she was called here. It seemed strange to meet these two people. She was hesitant to even join them. Common sense told her to run, but her gut told her to stay that it was important. She sat her small frame down in the empty chair, "I hope I did not keep you waiting long."
Shadow fell across the dim beam under the door and the handle creaked as it bent, and Sarco flinched. His body tensed and his hand automatically dropped to his waist and the absent sword that should have been there. Instantly however, his other hand found the hilt of the dagger hidden in the inside lining of his jacket as he watched with narrow eyes as the door swung open.

Startled, he gazed at the stunning woman. The red hair was very appealing and he found he was captivated by her eyes. A tiny part of his mind nagged at him that he'd seen this woman before but he could not place where. It was odd, he rarely ventured further than his families estates except on the occasional hunt out in the wilderness.

Her voice betrayed her emotions and Sarco allowed himself a smile. She was not nobility then, Sarco had been taught from a young age that when dealing with other nobles, he shouldn’t give away a single trace of his feelings lest he show weakness.

The old man seemed to know her anyway. As soon as she entered his eyes were bright and he beamed at the pair of them. As she settled and introduced herself, the man nodded.

"Not at all not at all. I'm glad you could make it! I knew an Aunt of yours Alayla, she said you might be able to help me. And Sarco..." he indicated the man seated beside them. Sarco remained silent, preferring to analyse the situation. "... I am very good friends with your Father's Chamberlain. He put in good word on my behalf to your Father who very kindly offered your services." Sarco bowed his head and regarded Alayla coolly. The irritation that his heritage had been brought up so soon didn't show on his face.

"Let me get right down to it so I don’t keep you unduly." The old man continued. "I'm the Chamberlain for the King. I manage his estates and what have you. Anyway..." he removed the dark crystal from his pocket and placed it on the table. It seemed to hum with power, the air around it vibrating. He described its origin and how it came to be dark.

Sarco gestured for the lady to look first, not really liking magical stuff. He sat back and thought carefully. A magical poison or some sort of evil corruption could be the cause of his fall, although he didn’t know too much about it. He looked to Alayla, trying to see if she knew anything...

"I've brought the two of you together because I believe with your skill sets, you can solve this mystery and return the kingdom back to its rightful glory. I suggest travelling south to the circle of Magi to implore them for their aid. I'd do it myself but it's too dangerous and I'm too old."

Finally, Sarco spoke up, his voice eloquent and soft, belying a strict upbringing. "I don’t like this..." is all he said.
Alayla smiled sweetly at the old man as he made mention of one of her aunts. She was pretty sure she was here for her magical abilities. She looked at the man next to her out of the corner of her eyes as mention was made to him. She could tell just from his clothes and how he carried himself he was of higher status then her. His handsome face did not look like it had been through the hardships of most she had been around.

She sat there listening to the old man as he spoke. She moved back from the table a bit as he put the crystal down on it. She drew in quick breath. She had never been in the presence of something like it before. It was strong and dark. She needed a closer look. She reached out to touch it and it scooted away from her. She quickly pulled back her hand in shock as the old man spoke of where they should head.

She had to agree with Sarco once he finally spoke. This task was not going to be easy or safe. She could not even touch the crystal. Its magic was too dark. But the Circle of Magi were probably the only ones who could break this. She looked at the old man with a shake of her head and spoke softly, “This is a dark curse. Whomever did it will not like us messing about with it. Just the stone alone holds great power, imagine the one or ones wielding it.”

Alayla paused for a moment as she looked at the crystal on the table. Setting the kingdom right again would be good for all the people within it. She looked to Sarco and then the old man, “What if the Magi cannot undo it or refuse to?"
The crystal gave Sarco the jitters, which was unusual for him. He briefly closed his eyes and used the same ritual of calmness he was trained to do before battle. When he opened them again, he was back to his confident demeanor. He could see Alayla was analysing the situation too, and she definitely didn't seem happy.

He looked up to the old man as he responded. "Then you must find another way. It is all I can give you now. They will know what is to be done, I'm sure." He looked remarkably more relieved, as if he'd passed his burden and could be rid of the troublesome crystal. "I'm sorry I can't give you more. I suggest you leave the city as soon as possible. You may be right, if someone is casting powerful spells, there is no way to tell whether they know about this crystal."

Sarco ran his hand through his hair and smirked a little. He couldn't back away from this, his family was suffering as much as the other nobles for the King's bad decisions and paranoia. But he could use this to his advantage. If it worked and he managed to resolve it, the reward from a grateful King could see his family escalated further, maybe he'd even get a proper knighthood.

He looked over at Alayla pointedly. "I'm in..." He was sure there was a reason for this woman to be here, although she didn't look she had a strong sword arm. Still, he relished the opportunity to show off to her and could always ditch her if she proved to be a liability.
Alayla did not like the old man’s answer. She wanted some sort of assurance before she agreed to this. She had not dealt with the darker side of magic much. She did her best to keep away from it. It was alluring to all that were near it. It was easy to fall prey to it.

She looked over at Sarco as he looked at her and said he would do it. She was quite surprised that he agreed to go on such a quest with a woman. He surely thought he was better than her. She did not trust him. She never trusted anyone for that matter. People were always looking out for themselves and willing to do whatever it took to get ahead.

But still, Alayla was not one to back down from a challenge. Now she understood why her aunts had wished her well and cried when she left. There was a chance they would never see her again. She looked back to the old man and nodded slightly, “Of course I will help. This is my home, I will do whatever I can to protect it.”

She drew in a deep breath as stood up from the table, feeling a bit overwhelmed suddenly. She hid it well. She was not sure it was the crystal doing it or the thought of going on a deadly quest, but something had changed suddenly. She needed some air.

She excused herself and gracefully left the men. She found the air outside refreshing. It was midday, soon the sun would be setting. They would have to leave soon to make camp someplace safe. She put her hand over her corset-clad stomach as she tried to shake off the heavy feeling of being watched. She looked around, finding there was no one to be seen. She leaned against the stone wall and thought about the crystal and how it reacted to her. It did not like her. Her thoughts drifted to her new companion. She wondered how she could concentrate with him around. He was quite handsome.

This was going to be interesting to say the least.
Sarco didn't even flicker as Alayla agreed to join him, of course she would. The cause was noble and the reward promising. He couldn't help but admire her figure as she stood, although the attire wasn't as richly embroided or of a finer quality like his, there was still the allure of the curves the garments gave her.
As she left and the door clicked closed behind her, Sarco rose. Easily he towered over the old man, although not in a threatening way. He noticed Alayla had not attempted to take the crystal again. With gentle care, as if it would fall to pieces in his fingers, Sarco scooped it up in a soft silk hankerchief and slipped it into his pocket. He shuddered as he felt its warm pulse through his trousers.

He bowed his head slightly. "Return to your house. You have done well." he murmered before striding confidentally to the door, pausing a little more to give Alayla a little time before opening it and stepping out into the light. He too felt like suddenly everyone was a spy sent to watch him. He had to return quickly to his horse and retrieve his sword. Not that he could wear it in the city, he'd be arrested despite his noble heritage.

Casually, he stood beside the woman, frowning slightly as his eyes adjusted to the brightness. "Have you a horse?" he asked quietly.
Alayla watched Sarco as he came out of the building. Seeing him standing, she finally got a good look at him. He was much taller than her, probably a full head taller. He looked quite menacing as he went to his horse. She watched how he moved. His body was muscular and his movements smooth.

She looked away as he came and stood by her. She looked up at him as he spoke for a moment as he spoke. “Aye,” she replied and whistled loudly, looking to the tree line. She then looked back at him as a black horse came trotting out of the woods. “He does not like to be tied up,” she said with a smirk and she looked at her horse. She walked over and cupped her horse’s head in her hand and leaned her forehead to his. She whispered to him and he neighed as if to reply to her.

She looked back at Sarco, “I suppose we should get going soon.” She then looked off to the distance, eyes narrowing down towards a rock wall, “This place is not safe anymore.”
The chestnut mare belonging to Sarco nickered lightly, as impatient has her master to be off. Sarco watched in silent amazement at the obidence and intelligence of Alayla's horse, must be good breeding. He watched impassively, scanning the dusty road that ran into the heart of the city, to the fringes of the forest. Yes, they wouldnt go unnoticed for long.

With a well practiced and graceful movement, Sarco leapt up and onto the back of his horse and positioned himself comfortably. His fingers traced the hilt of his sword tucked away under a blanket by his saddle, getting comfort from the familiar grip. He didnt like all this cloak and dagger stuff.

"We should stick to the roads and pay our way through the toll gates. We wont draw as much attention that way." he said in almost an authoritive tone, looking to Alayla as if he expected her to challenge him.
Alayla looked over at Sarco mounted his horse. The fluidity of his movements was rather impressive. She wondered how he would be in battle. She imagined it would be a sight to behold. She let out a short laugh at his words. She moved and mounted her horse with elegance. She may not be in the same class as him, but she was not a savage. And though she wore a skirt, there was a slit that was hidden until she straddled her horse revealing black leather leggings underneath. She wore black boots that stopped just below the knee that was the hiding place for some weapons.

“I suppose you can afford that,” she said as her horse turned away from the building, but kept her eye on him. She was going to argue it. She knew the forest would be dangerous once the sun set and this way they could stay on roads that were not as easy to target. That is not saying it never happens. “But I think we will draw attention however we travel,” she said with a slight smile referring to the fact that they were a man and woman traveling together without being bound in marriage and clearly of different upbringing, “we better get moving.”
Sarco grunted quietly, noting her obvious riding skills were probably as good as his. Annoyed he had nothing to nitpick, he turned his attention to the road. There were few travellers heading into the city and even fewer heading out. Around the centre of the capital, the guards patrolled viciously and if you didnt have a legitimate reason to be there, then you could find yourself in heaps of trouble. But out here, they'd be unmolested by guards. Of course that meant that criminals and wild beasts would be hiding along the way.

"Naturally..." he said distractedly. With barely a glance to check she was ready, he flicked the reins and set off on the road. The forest in the distance loomed and it wouldnt take long before the trees enveloped them.
Alayla followed Sarco as he began to ride off. She watched the people they passed, most of them did not give them a second glance, they just moved out of the way. But a few would watch them. Some had a fear in their eyes, some looked angry. She wondered what had happen to these people. Living close to the city was harder now than ever. She felt for these people and the hurt that seemed to seep off of them. She hoped they could help them.

She rode behind Sarco slightly as they left, mostly because she was sure he did not want to be seen riding with someone of her stature. She could not fathom what he was thinking having to do this with her in tow. He probably thought she was more of a burden then anything.
Barely glancing at the passers by, Sarco pressed on. He glimpsed a few of them, just to be sure they weren't a threat but on the whole, he mostly ignored them. As they neared the forest and the people grew less and less, he turned in his saddle as if remembering he travelled with a companion for the first time. Still, he smiled softly at her, almost patronising. "Be on your guard. There's more than just Centaurs in this forest." He spun around and scanned the trees that slowly began to grow thicker.

Centaurs were bad enough. The half horses were very territorial, and if a clan happened to be near the road and felt threatened or even just particularly arrogant, they wouldnt hesitate to attack. Looking up at the waining light, he scrunched his nose in contemplation. They'd have to make camp in a few leagues or so as well.
Alayla furrowed her brow as Sarco spoke to her. “Really?” she replied sarcastically. She knew the forest, this was not her first time out and about. She was not some prim and proper lady of nobility. Though, his smile told her that he knew that. He did think her below him.

She bit her tongue before she said anything else to him. She did not think it wise to piss off the only person to talk to within the first few minutes together. Though she was sure her horse would be better company at this point. She looked off, just in case he actually knew what sarcasm was and dared to look at her for being snide to him.
Sarco ignored the slight as he continued with vigilance. He travelled very much like he was on a hunt, his eyes sweeping from shadow to shadow, tensing at every rustle. His horse whinnied quietly, as if she could tell how on edge he was. He stroked her neck tenderly, calming himself as much as her. Sarco remained silent throughout, he didn't turn again to acknowledge Alayla, he simply stared forward travelling a steady pace.

The sky began to darken and the ride had remained uneventful. With a sigh and a sudden stop Sarco finally gazed round, as if he was reluctant to cease their journey. "We should make camp." He looked around, eyeing up the nearby materials to make a shelter.
Alayla rode silently behind Sarco. She had no problem letting him be the lead at this point. Plus she was not sure she could trust him to ride behind her. He had not earned her trust, and she did not think it would happen anytime soon. They were both too different and from different worlds.

She pulled her horse to a stop beside Sarco and looked around. She nodded, “Yes, this is as good a place as any.” She looked up at the darken canopy of trees overhead, it would provide good coverage. She dismounted her horse and then unfastened her cloak. She laid it over the saddle. She was wearing all black, but the leather corset which was a red colour with beautiful designs stamped into it. It accentuated her hourglass figure and gave her some added protection. Her hair laid softly against her back as she put her hands on her narrow hips, surveying the area.

She looked over at Sarco as her horse nudged her with his nose. She smiled and scratched his chin, “You can eat, Hadwyn. Find what you need.” The horse nudged her again and then turned around to find food.
Sarco dismounted gracefully and hitched his horse up. Unlike Alayla's horse, his needed constant attention. If she wandered off, no amount of calling would bring her back. He fastened a feedbag from amongst the bags attached to the saddle and hung it around her mouth. He began to set about the task of building a shelter a little way off the road, setting up camp with Alayla.

As they worked, Sarco took a moment to really look at the woman he guessed he should call his companion. He realised this was the first time he'd really seen her and he was stunned at her beauty and grace. He couldnt help but gaze freely at her, her outfit made all her curves stand out amazingly. He clenched his teeth, suddenly angry. How dare this woman dare to inflame and distract him.

He bit back his annoyance and returned to starting the fire, venting on the wood as it he tried to make it spark, but it refused to light. He grumbled till he uncharacteristically yelled, "Light damn it!"
Alayla was busy setting up camp with Sarco. She watched him as they worked in silence. She wondered if this was how things would be with them. It was not like they had much, if anything in common. But he was handsome and interesting to watch. He was sight to behold as much as she did not want to admit it.

She paused as she heard him curse. She was rather shocked to even hear someone of his upbringing talk like that. She moved over to where he was and knelt down. “Let me help,” she said softly, keep her head down, not looking at him. She did not want to see the look on his face. She was sure it would be one of disgust.

Alayla had always had a “gift” with elements. It did not take much for her to light a fire. She got some kindling and held it in her hands. She blew on it as smoke began to rise. She blew again and placed the kindling down by the wood. It was not long before flames rose up. She looked at Sarco, “That should work.” She then stood up and went back to what she was doing.
Conflicting emotions caused Sarco to remain silent, instead of refuse the help like he would have done. He was perfectly capable of starting a fire. His Father was very insistant that he become a knight and part of that was knowing how to survive in the wilderness with minimal resources. But even though the evening air was cool and dry, the wood seemed slightly damp. He didn't see what the woman could do that would fair any better than he.

He watched her, still clutching the sticks as if he'd been frozen to the spot. Her closeness was unusually disarming, crouched as she was opposite the crude firepit that had been dug. His eyes seemed to have a will of their own as they travelled south to the valley of cleavage her corset seemed to accentuate. His mind raced on all sorts of unseemly topics and it only served to infuriate him more. It was not right for her to force his gaze upon her flesh, it was not right at all. Of course, nobles in the past had dallied with common folk as a past time. But for a Knight-in-training, such things were forbidden to him.

He tore his gaze from her pale flesh and watched as she breathed the flicker of life into the flame and with amazement she had an instant fire. His mouth hung a little bit as he suddenly realised just what "skillset" she added to their companionship. His skin crawled. "Magic..." he hissed quietly, probably slightly more menacing than he meant it. Sarco was just uncomfortable with magic, it felt.. unnatural somehow. He'd have to get over it, any show of disrespect to the circle of magi would end their quest there. He cleared his throat and straightened up. "Uh... right. Well.. that's a good fire.. we should cook something." He spun and hurried away to his horse, mostly to compose himself. One calming ritual later and he returned, carrying a handful of strips of carefully wrapped meat. "I bought this earlier today. I've also got some rations with me but other than that we'll have to hunt." he stated, back to his confident tone.
Alayla looked behind her as Sarco spoke. She could have sworn that he seemed uncomfortable with what she had just done. She smirked to herself and turned as her horse returned to her. She smiled sweetly as he nuzzled her. He was such a wonderful creature, very loyal to her.

She looked over her shoulder briefly as Sarco finally spoke again. She smiled slightly and looked at Hadwyn and whispered under her breath to herself, “I hope his hunting abilities are better than his fire starting abilities.” She turned and walked to the fire. She stood there with her hands on her hips, “I have some rations as well.” She looked at the fire, “Hunting will not be a problem though.” She had lived off the land most of her life. Her aunts had taught her that the land would provide what was needed. They also taught her to hunt so the kill would not suffer long.

She looked back to Sarco, “Would you like me to cook those?” She wondered what he thought at the moment. Her cooking for a man was her “place”. Yet, he seemed like the type that would not trust her with food and might want to show off the fact he could take care of himself. She had to admit she had not seen many people with his upbringing able to fend for themselves, except the knights. And after the fire incident, she thought he may want to redeem his pride and cook. Then again, it might his ego that would want her to serve him. She really did not care either way. She watched as the flickering flames lit up his face, highlighting different features each time. She actually found herself hating the fact he was so attractive.
Without a flicker to betray his emotions, Sarco just nodded, laying the strips beside the fire in their wrappings. While he could very well cook them, since she offered it would give him time to check out the surrounding area and prepare for the evenings watch. He noticed she seemed distracted by thoughts as she gazed at him, and he raised an eyebrow quizzically but held his tongue.

Turning away he stalked into the forest. He wasn't the lightest on his feet, not like the true huntsmen and the Elves etc. But he did a fair job at staying quiet as he circled around their makeshift campsite. There was nothing of interest, not even a stream to find water, at least not close by and Sarco didn't want to wander too far away.

He returned a short while later and slumped down with his back against the tree with a sigh, comfortable that no-one was around for now. He simpled to actually relax a little, pulling back that shiny white hair to a loose ponytail. He tried not to overtly watch Alayla, but found that his eyes would linger upon her as his gaze swept from one side to the other.
Alayla watched as he nodded and left the meat for her to cook. She knelt on the ground and unwrapped the meat to see what she was dealing with. She looked up and watched him leave the area. She felt a bit relieved he left. It was only because she found herself looking at him too often. He was very distracting to her.

She decided to roast the meat and made something to hold the meat up over the fire with some sticks she found nearby. She hummed softly to herself as she cooked the meat, rotated it to keep it moist. She did not feel a threat nearby, so she was at ease for the moment. It was nice to be somewhere alone.

She looked up at Sarco returned, but did not say anything. She turned her attention back to the meat, turning it slightly. She watched the flames dance in the slight breeze. After a while, she looked back up and caught Sarco looking at her. It caught her off guard for a moment. She looked away at the meat, checking to see if it was done. After a while she looked at him again and spoke softly, “It is ready.” She pulled the meat off the fire.
Shuffling forward, he delicately took one of the sticks of meat she offered and returned to his previous seat, propping himself up with the tree. Steam drifted up from the hot meat that dripped with delicious juices. It tasted good, perfectly cooked. Sarco devoured the strip of meat, chewing thoughtfully. Briefly he wondered whether she had used her magic to aid her in her cooking, and he even considered the fact she may have simply poisoned him and would take what wealth he had and complete the quest without him. He mentally shook his head, she needed him and he knew it. There was no way she'd get through the wilds without his sword arm. She didnt even want to carry the crystal.

Twiddling the stick between his fingers, he looked back at the woman, muttering something he rarely said to the servants that usually provided his food. "Thankyou." Feeling a little like he'd lost a round of wits, he took another meat stick and ate as he stalked over to check on his horse.
Alayla looked to Sarco as he took some food. She took some as well, and ate by the fire. Her mind was reeling with what could and would happen on this quest. She thought about the stone and how it would not let her touch it. She also wondered why she had repelled it. Hopefully they could find the answer and break the spell over the king. It would be nice for things to get back to normal.

She sighed as she finished her meat and looked up to hear Sarco mumble a thank you to her. Even though he had barely said it, she knew it must have taken a lot for him to say it. She nodded to him and watched him take more meat and walk to his horse.

She noticed it spent a lot of time with his horse when he seemed mad or out of place. She stood up and walked near him, but not too close. She leaned against a tree and crossed her arms. She looked from him to his horse. “Your horse is beautiful,” she said softly. She was trying to break some of the tension between them. They had a long journey ahead of them and they would be going mad by the end if they never actually spoke to each other. She only wanted to make this quest easier for the both of them. She also knew it was not common for someone of his place to really speak to someone of hers, but she was willing to try to make some sort of peace for the sake of the quest.
Sarco looked to the side and watched Alayla stand from the corner of his eye. He finished the last morsel of his meat as she approached but he didn't move. As she settled his gaze returned to his Mare, who contently continued to eat from her nosebag. Tenderly he removed it, stroking her muzzle, and stored it back in the satchel that hung on the saddle.

A moment of silence followed Alayla's statement as Sarco sought for the right words. Finally relenting a little, as he was out here alone with her and if he kept up his aloof behaviour they would be in danger of becoming lonely quickly. "She was a gift. I impressed myself upon a friend of my Father and in return, he bought me her. I must admit however that although I have sat in this saddle many a time, I have never truely learned how to care for her, other than the necessary details..."

He turned and looked at Alayla with his penetrating green eyes. For once he couldn't hide the unease at such a basic conversation from his expression. Finally he plumbed for, "I admire the way you handle your own horse. He is a fine Stallion."