Democrats Want Florida Out Of The Union



Democrats filed a bill in the US House, to expel Florida from the Union because its shape closely resembles a gun. The FEA and NEA support the bill. FEA state president, Exasperella Crabtree, Lesbian-American of Miami, says Florida sets a bad example for the nation, and was the creation of slave owning whites who used the states shape to intimidate Amerinds and blacks.
Democrats filed a bill in the US House, to expel Florida from the Union because its shape closely resembles a gun. The FEA and NEA support the bill. FEA state president, Exasperella Crabtree, Lesbian-American of Miami, says Florida sets a bad example for the nation, and was the creation of slave owning whites who used the states shape to intimidate Amerinds and blacks.

On the other hand, it's aimed right at Cuba. Maybe we should keep it a bit longer.
I think it's just a few Floridiots they'd like to cut loose.
Democrats filed a bill in the US House, to expel Florida from the Union because its shape closely resembles a gun.

On the other hand, it's aimed right at Cuba. Maybe we should keep it a bit longer.

No, no, what Florida resembles is . . . not a gun, exactly . . . and something that can't actually be said to be "aimed" at Cuba or anywhere else, at the moment . . . but when it does get aimed . . . Watch out, Bermuda! :eek:
Democrats filed a bill in the US House, to expel Florida from the Union because its shape closely resembles a gun. The FEA and NEA support the bill. FEA state president, Exasperella Crabtree, Lesbian-American of Miami, says Florida sets a bad example for the nation, and was the creation of slave owning whites who used the states shape to intimidate Amerinds and blacks.

Looks more like a flaccid penis.
No, no, what Florida resembles is . . . not a gun, exactly . . . and something that can't actually be said to be "aimed" at Cuba or anywhere else, at the moment . . . but when it does get aimed . . . Watch out, Bermuda! :eek:

*chuckling* That's an even funnier image than a gun.

I don't see testicles, though, so I'm not sure Bermuda has anything to worry about. Cuba might get a golden shower. That would be fun.
The only benfit would be, the country would be rid of Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Alan Grayson and Fredrica Wilson
The only benfit would be, the country would be rid of Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Alan Grayson and Fredrica Wilson

Why is it that conservatives no longer aspire to lead through democracy? Now it's all about the physical removal of the opposition.

- Can't beat Obama in 2008? Declare him to be a foreign citizen that needs to be deported.

- Can't beat Obama in 2012? Drum up some scandals that only indirectly connect to him and yammer on about treason and impeachment.

- Holder doesn't want to give you classified political documents? Hold him in contempt.

- Hillary scaring you for 2016? Declare her ineligible to have office.

- Some green energy loans flopped? Demand that Energy Secretary Chu step down.

The GOP has become the party of physically removing people to get its way. No longer do we hear Republicans telling America they have better ideas and deserve to be put back into power - their message is so seldom positive. It wasn't always like this though. In fact it wasn't like this until fairly recently. What changed?
The GOP has become the party of physically removing people to get its way. No longer do we hear Republicans telling America they have better ideas and deserve to be put back into power - their message is so seldom positive. It wasn't always like this though. In fact it wasn't like this until fairly recently. What changed?

I think Dole nailed it when he said they should close the door and stay in the room until they come up with some ideas. Beyond the usual RWCJ stuff taking us back to the nineteenth century. I did hear Huntsman again this morning and he sounded pretty good...which likely explains why his party kicked him to the curb early in the primaries.
I think Dole nailed it when he said they should close the door and stay in the room until they come up with some ideas. Beyond the usual RWCJ stuff taking us back to the nineteenth century. I did hear Huntsman again this morning and he sounded pretty good...which likely explains why his party kicked him to the curb early in the primaries.

If they had run Huntsman for the prez, he might actually have given Obama a race.
You sound kind of sweet on him. You like the rugged type? (Or was it Romneycare that got you?)

Compared to Obama...American male.:rolleyes:

Actually, Romney's dad was born in Mexico so technically you could say Romney is half Mexican. I bet that makes racist vette sad. And John McCain was born on a military base in a Latin American country. Poor sad racist vette. All his solid white old guys have a touch of the brown in them.