Democrat vs Republican. An unbiased overview.


Literotica Guru
Sep 12, 2006
If some has the skills to post the chart in this link, it would be greatly appreciated:

Origin of the Democratic and Republican parties:

The Democratic Party traces its origins to the Anti federalist factions before America’s independence from British rule. These factions were organized into the Democrat – Republican party by Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and other influential opponents of the Federalists in 1792.

The Republican party is the younger of the two parties. Founded in 1854 by anti-slavery expansion activists and modernizers, the Republican Party rose to prominence with the election of Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican president.


Since the division of the Republican Party in the election of 1912, the Democratic party has consistently positioned itself to the left of the Republican Party in economic as well as social matters. The economically left-leaning activist philosophy of Franklin D. Roosevelt, which has strongly influenced American liberalism, has shaped much of the party's economic agenda since 1932. Roosevelt's New Deal coalition usually controlled the national government until 1964. The civil rights movement of the 1960s, championed by the party despite opposition at the time from its Southern wing, has continued to inspire the party’s liberal principles.

The Republican Party was founded in 1854 by anti-slavery expansion activists and modernizers, it rose to prominence with the election of Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican president. The party presided over the American Civil War and Reconstruction and was harried by internal factions and scandals towards the end of the 19th century. Today, the Republican Party supports a pro-business platform, with further foundations in economic libertarianism and a brand of social conservatism increasingly based on the viewpoints of the Religious Right.

Differences in Philosophy:

While there may be several differences in opinion between individual Democrats and Republicans on certain issues, what follows is a generalization of their stand on several of these issues. A Democrat is typically known as a supporter of a broader range of social services in America than those advocated by Republicans. Republican philosophy is based on a limited influence of government and a dominant foreign policy.

Republicans are considered on the "right" end of the political spectrum while Democrats are on the "left." The far right generally is pro-religion, anti-bureaucracy, pro-military, pro-business and pro-personal responsibility.

Republicans, are usually considered conservative (fiscally as well as socially), maybe a little pious, pro-business and against the bureaucracy often associated with big government. They see big governments as wasteful and an obstacle to getting things done. Their approach is Darwinian in that the strong shall survive, cream rises to the top, etc.

To the far left of the spectrum are the extreme liberal, or the most extreme democrats. Democrats are considered more liberal. Democrats tend to favor an active role for government in society and believe that such involvement – be it environmental regulations against polluting or anti-discrimination laws – can improve the quality of people’s lives and help achieve the larger goals of opportunity and equality. On the other hand, Republicans tend to favor a limited role for government in society and believe that such reliance on the private sector (businesses and individuals) – be it avoiding unnecessary environmental regulations or heavy-handed anti-discrimination laws – can improve economic productivity and help achieve the larger goals of freedom and self-reliance

Individual and Community:

While the Republican policy aims more towards Individual responsibility and they believe in individual rights and justice, the Democrats are more for community responsibility and community and social justice.
Democratic vs Republican stand on controversial issues

The Democrats and Republicans have varying ideas on many issues, some of which are listed below. These are broadly generalized opinions; it must be noted that there are many politicians in each party who have different and more nuanced positions on these issues.


Republicans: Prefer increasing military spending and have a more hard line stance against countries like Iran, with a higher tendency to deploy the military option.

Democrats: Prefer lower increases in military spending and are comparatively more reluctant to using military force against countries like Iran, Syria and Libya.

Gun control Laws:

Democrats favor more gun control laws e.g. oppose the right to carry concealed weapons in public places, favor legislation to ensure that felons and the mentally ill are not allowed to purchase guns. Republicans oppose gun control laws and are strong supporters of the Second Amendment as well as the right to carry concealed weapons.

Democrats: It is the woman’s right to decide this and hence it is legal.
Republicans: It shouldn’t be made legal and Roe v. Wade should be overturned. Some Republicans go so far as to oppose the contraception mandate i.e. requiring employer-paid health insurance plans to cover contraception.

A related point of divergence is embryonic stem cell research - Democrats support it while Republicans do not.

Gay rights:

Democrats tend to favor equal rights for gay and lesbian couples e.g. the right to get married and adopt children. Republicans believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman so they do not support gay marriage or allowing them to adopt children.

Death Penalty:

Opponents of the death penalty form a much higher fraction of the Democratic Party when compared to the GOP.


Democrats support progressive taxes i.e. they want high-income individuals to pay taxes at a higher rate. They support an increase taxes on the wealthy to pay for public programs. Republicans support tax cuts for everyone (rich and poor alike). They consider higher tax rates on the rich a form of class warfare.

Minimum Wage:

Democrats favor increase in the minimum wage to help workers. Republicans oppose raising the minimum wage because it hurts businesses.

Red states and Blue states list:

Due to the TV coverage during some of the presidential elections in the past, the color Red has become associated with the Republicans (as in Red states – the states where the Republican presidential nominee wins) and Blue is associated with the Democrats.

The Democratic Party, once dominant in the Southeastern United States, is now strongest in the Northeast (Mid-Atlantic and New England), Great Lakes Region, as well as along the Pacific Coast (especially Coastal California), including Hawaii. The Democrats are also strongest in major cities. Recently, Democratic candidates have been faring better in some southern states, such as Virginia, Arkansas, and Florida, and in the Rocky Mountain states, especially Colorado, Montana, Nevada, and New Mexico.

Since 1980, geographically the Republican "base" ("red states") is strongest in the South and West, and weakest in the Northeast and the Pacific Coast. The Republican Party's strongest focus of political influence lies in the Great Plains states, particularly Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska, and in the western states of Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah.

Famous Presidents:

Republicans have controlled the White House for 28 of the last 43 years since Richard Nixon became president. Famous Democrat Presidents have been Franklin Roosevelt, who pioneered the New Deal in America and stood for 4 terms, John F. Kennedy, who was assassinated in Office, Bill Clinton, and Nobel Peace Prize winners Barack Obama and Jimmy Carter.

Famous Republican Presidents include Teddy Roosevelt, known for the Panama Canal, Ronald Reagan, credited for ending the Cold War with Gorbachev, and the two Bush family Presidents of recent times. The Republican President Richard Nixon was forced to resign over the Watergate scandal in America.
Yes, Lit's savant alt Johnny_Ray_Wilson sharing Adderall-and-scotch influenced insight.

Thank you!

Please address the conflicts of the human soul when you get a chance. Your cutting-and-pasting is the best. Please!
Yes, Lit's savant alt Johnny_Ray_Wilson sharing Adderall-and-scotch influenced insight.

Thank you!

Please address the conflicts of the human soul when you get a chance. Your cutting-and-pasting is the best. Please!

People tend to overlook the obvious. Like you did when you overlooked this link in the OP

Of course it is cut and paste. You dimwit.:rolleyes:

At least I am not putting my own spin on it.
Bro, this thread was so dead yesterday.

Today is not going to make it any brighter...

;) ;) :)

Of course it is. Just popped back into it to show the consistent ignorance posters often have. Of course it was cut and paste. I provided the link the cut and paste came from.
People tend to overlook the obvious. Like you did when you overlooked this link in the OP

Of course it is cut and paste. You dimwit.

At least I am not putting my own spin on it.

The entire point of a "discussion board" is to put your own spin on it and tell us what you think. Any moron can google and come up with what someone else thinks.

Tell us what you think of (and are) the differences between Democrats and Republicans. Nobody cares what some wikipedia or google warrior thinks.
The entire point of a "discussion board" is to put your own spin on it and tell us what you think. Any moron can google and come up with what someone else thinks.

Tell us what you think of (and are) the differences between Democrats and Republicans. Nobody cares what some wikipedia or google warrior thinks.

Duh. I know what "discussion board" means kbate. Why do you think I posted the topic to begin with? I was referring to hogwash's assumption that I provided a cut and paste w/out the link to support it. He assumed I presented the cut and past as if they were my own words. The OP is unbiased as the title states.

I am a firm and steadfast Independent voter. Sometimes I agree with one of the 2 primary parties, sometimes I do not agree with either, sometimes I agree with both. More often than not these days, the lines have become blurred between the 2.
There is a school of thought that there should be no difference in the two parties so that there is no disruption in government when a party has to be fired due to corruption.
Duh. I know what "discussion board" means kbate. Why do you think I posted the topic to begin with? I was referring to hogwash's assumption that I provided a cut and paste w/out the link to support it. He assumed I presented the cut and past as if they were my own words. The OP is unbiased as the title states.

I am a firm and steadfast Independent voter. Sometimes I agree with one of the 2 primary parties, sometimes I do not agree with either, sometimes I agree with both. More often than not these days, the lines have become blurred between the 2.

Again, you have missed the point. You post a topic, and then you discuss it. You did good on the first part (yay you) but then you failed to discuss anything except that you did indeed post a topic.

Telling me that you are an independent voter does not in any way deal with the topic of differences between Democrat and Republican. It simply tells me that you will vote for anyone that someone else tells you is pretty cool.

Should your non-responsive answer be understood as total agreement with the concepts put forth in the OP? Do you have any thoughts about the OP, is it accurate? Are those the fundamental difference between the two parties?

Am I asking too much by asking that you tell me what you think the two parties represent?
Again, you have missed the point. You post a topic, and then you discuss it. You did good on the first part (yay you) but then you failed to discuss anything except that you did indeed post a topic.

Telling me that you are an independent voter does not in any way deal with the topic of differences between Democrat and Republican. It simply tells me that you will vote for anyone that someone else tells you is pretty cool.

Should your non-responsive answer be understood as total agreement with the concepts put forth in the OP? Do you have any thoughts about the OP, is it accurate? Are those the fundamental difference between the two parties?

Am I asking too much by asking that you tell me what you think the two parties represent?

More often than not on the GB, people are more interested in shooting the messenger and not taking shots at the message. Since your focus is on me and not the topic, then I will start.

The Patriot Act was a unified response from both parties in response to 9/11 to combat terrorism. Yet, many Americans rightfully see it is as a violation of our Constitutional rights. It also created and empowered the Dept of Homeland Security. Many lay the blame on Bush, Jr for agreeing with it, as I have done.

Joe Biden actually drafted the core of the Patriot Act in 1995. The Clinton administration introduced the bill as 'The Omnibus Counterterrorism Act of 1995". Bush Jr. simply put a Republican spin on it with the Patriot Act.
More often than not on the GB, people are more interested in shooting the messenger and not taking shots at the message. Since your focus is on me and not the topic, then I will start.

The Patriot Act was a unified response from both parties in response to 9/11 to combat terrorism. Yet, many Americans rightfully see it is as a violation of our Constitutional rights. It also created and empowered the Dept of Homeland Security. Many lay the blame on Bush, Jr for agreeing with it, as I have done.

Joe Biden actually drafted the core of the Patriot Act in 1995. The Clinton administration introduced the bill as 'The Omnibus Counterterrorism Act of 1995". Bush Jr. simply put a Republican spin on it with the Patriot Act.

That is better, but it does not address fundamental differences between parties, it rather indicates that both parties will pass kneejerk legislation when a crisis offers opportunity and that people will attribute the legislation to the sitting president.
That is better, but it does not address fundamental differences between parties, it rather indicates that both parties will pass kneejerk legislation when a crisis offers opportunity and that people will attribute the legislation to the sitting president.

And what would it take for you to address the fundamental differences? I brought them forth in the OP and you been dancing around it. You are still focused on me. You have brought nothing to the table.
That is better, but it does not address fundamental differences between parties, it rather indicates that both parties will pass kneejerk legislation when a crisis offers opportunity and that people will attribute the legislation to the sitting president.

Shouldn't you be out chasing Reynard ?

Lit's Most Dependable Dumbass makes yet another thread.
I found the article to be interesting. That the parties are pretty much the same and pander to the same swing voters in not so surprising.

The Parties even attempt to control all media so that there is no Third View to distract the swing voters to reality.

Time's Mark Halperin has made himself useful for once by obtaining, and publishing, a copy of the 21-page memorandum of understanding that the Obama and Romney campaigns negotiated with the Commission on Presidential Debates establishing the rules governing this month's presidential and vice presidential face-offs. The upshot: Both campaigns are terrified at anything even remotely spontaneous happening.

Sniveling Cowards, is a pretty good summation.:D
To appreciate the differences between political parties its helpful to examine the people who organized the various parties. And its really helpful to focus on the people who change the direction of their specific party, becuz political parties do change. Stalin, for example, murdered most of the old Bolsheviks and Lenin faction of the communist party in Russia; in fact, Lenin worked to abolish communism in Russia until he died. He and Stalin wanted to be autocrats, that is, tsars.

FDR is the guy you study if you wanna understand Democrats. Or Huey Long.

Wanna GET fascism? Read about Franco and Mussolini. Hitler was a socialist. Albert Speers autobio will reveal all there is to know about socialism.