dem lawmakers reintroduce 2023 Judiciary Act, to expand SCOTUS to 13 another one of the deniers? Wouldn't surprise me. Cry that certain population demographics are "failing" the Democratic Party. Yet...what have they asked for have you given them?

See...I accept the failure we have made. I know how to fix it. But more of the same won't work. Kids are way smarter than we ever were...are...when it comes to dealing with life

Orrrrrrrrr……. young people turn out to vote for their futures.

See: Wisconsin’s recent Supreme Court race. The youth vote unquestionably decided that race.

Petulantly sitting on the sidelines or throwing away one’s vote is a sure LOSER of a strategy.

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It's not about people voting, it's about Dems not understanding that the monster they create is going to come back to destroy them at some point.

Or do you not understand how the political pendulum swings even after seeing it in action over Harry Reid nuking the filibuster rule for cabinet nominees giving McConnell the power to do the same for judicial nominees?

Packing the court solves nothing because it ASSUMES that the new justices will reliably vote for Democrat policy in perpetuity. Just like how everyone (including me) didn't believe that the Court would strike down Roe, the dream of a perpetual Democrat controlled Supreme Court is fantasy.

But some people are so dumb they don't understand that what they do today will come back to bite them tomorrow because Karma is the world's biggest bitch. So, good luck with that.
"...the dream of a perpetual Democrat controlled Supreme Court is fantasy...."

YUGE assumption... At the very least we need a balanced court...
"...the dream of a perpetual Democrat controlled Supreme Court is fantasy...."

YUGE assumption... At the very least we need a balanced court...

Balance isn't the word you're looking for. Unified in the law is what we need from the SCOTUS. We need to know what the law IS, not what politics would like it to be.