Deleted Threads


Jan 3, 2003
On a forum that claims to be all for free speach and letting people say what they want to say, I find it disgusting that threads should be CENSORED or DELETED in the same way as they would have been if NAZI GERMANY had of won the war. You people shock me that you would simply accept this. Personally, I find it extremely offensive. :mad:

Yes a new thread was started and yes it will possibly draw in the same UNDESIRABLES, but isn't it THEIR RIGHT, to make comment where they see fit? Just as the good people post on here about giving someone their fair share, don't the (suggested) bad people deserve to be heard too?

I was reading the deleted thread and saw no comment wishing the original poster harm. The "inciter" simply had a more honest and straight forward posting style. BOO HOO so it ruffled a few feathers... talk about double standards from both the posters on this forum and the moderators who claim to support FREE SPEACH! :mad::mad::mad::mad:
Good point.... doubt you will get a reaction out of this crowd though. They simply don't care.
This is a privately owned moderated board. Live with it.
Baresall, get a grip. You need to understand what free Speech is and until you do shut your trap. This is a private site, as Angel said.

Yes, the thread was deleted and you can bitch about it all you want... but do so for reasons you can back up.
dude it has been deleted because images inside ware copyrighted. tell this to US government

and let me tell you something have not seen real censorship.
In the USA, "free speech" is sometimes simply a convenient means of control and propaganda.

Remember, as recently as in 1958, the US Army had to be called out to escort 9 black students to Central High in Little Rock, Arkansas every day so they wouldn't be lynched.....The Little Rock Nine.

The Moderators on the Playground are little better than those on Chyoo....little Hitlers.

Screw'em. As long as the "new thread" button does Free Speech!


Thanks for your input.

I hope we hear from BlessedBe soon.

Congratulations on completely missing the point.

Angel: yes it is a privately owned and moderated board, but if other, more offensive (to myself anyway) threads do not get deleted, why are there some that are? Other, previous threads i have seen, had Laurel stating that posts and threads would NOT be removed.... what changed? (yes I have lurked for a long time before posting, and even now, lurk alot - read, low post count)

Modest Mouse: I understand that "free speech" in it's simplest form, is the right to vocalise my oppinions, just as you yourself have done about so many others recently (I could not be bothered looking back very far). Am I missing a point here?

Zmey: Firstly, I am not a dude... at least i don't have the plumbing for it. Secondly, I did not know about the copyrighted images as I have them turned off, along with AVs, if that was the case, then I am sorry for getting all "bent up over it". However I then have to ask, why were just those images not removed? Maybe I am being simple here, but I think at times you have to be this way. As for censorship, you are correct in that I have never seen it in full effect and never want to, but living in a country with a media that is never truely "free", I can understand a little bit about it. (and before you ask, no, i do not believe any media in the world is free of censorship in one form or another, whether enforced by the government, or by something as simple as the producer)

Ok so people know the thread I am referring to, but I would be saying the same thing if it was any other thread. If the "True Confessions" thread had been deleted, I would still be saying the same thing, only this time I would have the support of many other people. Your responses are only because I have chosen to say it now, about a thread that was (and still is, I see), a contraversial one. To the people who have a problem with what I am trying to say, have a look at these three links....

Link 1

Link 2

Link 3
Lancecastor said:

The Moderators on the Playground are little better than those on Chyoo....little Hitlers.

Screw'em. As long as the "new thread" button does Free Speech!


Thanks for your input.

I hope we hear from BlessedBe soon.

Although I am sure people will not believe me, I hope we hear from her as well... the sooner the better.

That being said however, I am sorry I don't understand your reference to "Chyoo". I guess I am simply missing a "big picture" somewhere. As for the "new thread" button.... well I have seen that used to extremes on the other forums here, and dearly hope I never resort to that kind of thing. This is my own little thread, where I am stating my own oppinion. I believe that's enough for me.
Have you considered PMing Laurel with this or did you just want to rant where no one who can do anything about it will hear you?
I wasn't going to join in on any of these, but it frustrates me to see mods getting slammed right and left. No matter where you go, there will be those who view any type of 'authority', real or supposed, with hostility. Pity really. Mods aren't little hitlers. They have a set of rules that they have to follow just like anyone else. Theirs is a thankless job, they take abuse from users, they have 'groupies' who suck up to them, they are constantly being accused of abuse of power, and on and on and on.

Come on folks. It's a privately owned site. You don't like the way it's run? Find another site. That's like going into someone's home and insulting the hostess for the way she cooks or her choice in furnishings.

So lighten up, huh?

<stepping off my soap box>
My two cents

While the freedom of speech is granted under the first amendment to The Constitution of the United States of America, it is not granted everywhere. Along with the freedom of speech comes a responsibility, which some people do not understand. The classic example is yelling "Fire" in a crowded theatre, thereby creatin a panic situations where people may be hurt attempting to leave. This is illegal as is the general act of intentionally reporting a false alarm.

It is also unlawful to verbally abuse or assault people. (Missed that one didn't you.) Example a parent continuously verbaly abuses a child or spouse. The child may be removed from the care of the parent, the spouse may be granted a divorce or if it is bad enough the parent may be jailed. Now the question becomes when is verbal abuse sufficiently strong enough to warrent prosecution? Obviously we all have bad days, and occassionally need to blow off steam. A little verbal abuse may also help someone learn that a behavior is inappropriate and therefore should not be repeated. This question I will leave to the courts to decide.

Now in regards to the recently deleted BlessedBe thread, which I believe is the specific deletion that started this thread, I would like to point out the following. The person stated that they intended to harm themselves, specifically killing themselves. Now I believe this is a person asking for help, for if they really wanted to do it, they simply would have. The person may not even realize that they wanted help. Now there were posts on that thread which encouraged the thread starter to harm themself. Now if you are not allowed to yell "Fire" in a crowded theatre for fear of people being hurt, why should someone be allowed to encourage a single person to harm themselves? They should not. Not these posts were removed, and I whole heartedly support the moderators for doing so. The thread was left alive.

Now the thread started to degenerate from people wishing to assist and offer support to people carrying out flame wars. Posts that I read and IMHO were not offensive or inflamatory, were flamed by other people who knew the poster from other forums. These flames continued with many parites getting on their high horse, or using a soap box and in again IMHO sounding like idiots.

Now this verbal abuse that was being slammed around was not contributing to the purpose of the thread or the well intentioned people who were attempting to show love and support and perhaps save a life. Would this verbal abuse be enough to encourage a person to suicide? Normally probably not. For a person who was on the edge, could it push them over? Maybe, someone apparently thought it did. I did not see the last posts of the thread and I don't know which post(s) caused the thread to be deleted. Is it possible that BlessedBe herself came in and deleted the thread? Yes it is.

In general this site does promot free speach. Topics are discussed that are "taboo" by society norms and in some cases illegal. Are there rules on this site regarding what will and will not be allowed? Yes. Are there rules imposed on this site by laws of the United States of America? Absolutely. Is there a responsibility to moderate what is said and watch out for people violating laws and to protect people from harm where possible? Absolutely.

Now the big question: Did someone go too far in protecting people by deleting the thread? Don't know. As I said before, don't know which post(s) caused the deletion, or even if it was done by BlessedBe or not.

Hope this provides some insight beyond, I can say anything I want.
before I was banned....

from Neffie's house I had complained about the coffee and also the cooking. So I guess I was in the wrong really.:confused:
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Ladybird said:
* Applaudes Neftoon_Zamora *

________________ I second that motion , Ladybird , nice post and straight to the point Neftoon:)