delete please 😇

Our first 2 dates were good because i telled him i wanted it slow so not to touch inside my clothes but on the 3rd date we were kissing on the couch and i got onto his lap (and we were both clothed) and he put his hand inside my top and he squeezed really hard on my boob and i had no idea why he was so rough and i started screaming and i realised my bottom was shaking because he was having orgasm while he was squeezing! My boob hurt so much and i didn't wanna kiss after that, so will i always feel this way or can i like it? :whistle:
Run. :)
It sounds like this guy gets off on being rough and if he is doing without talking to you about it, you need to move on and move on quickly. If you enjoy it and work out the rules, that is one thing but this guy did not tell you what he wanted but just forced it on you. Time to run.
block his number. he gets off on non consensual pain. if you go back, there will be more, and it will hurt much more. it’s okay not to like what’s he likes. you don’t have to please him, if that’s not your thing. there are men out there who will swoon to make you happy with consensual pleasure for you. the red card is in your face, keep walking. you own him nothing. is this what your husband would have wanted for you?
Our first 2 dates were good because i telled him i wanted it slow so not to touch inside my clothes but on the 3rd date we were kissing on the couch and i got onto his lap (and we were both clothed) and he put his hand inside my top and he squeezed really hard on my boob and i had no idea why he was so rough and i started screaming and i realised my bottom was shaking because he was having orgasm while he was squeezing! My boob hurt so much and i didn't wanna kiss after that, so will i always feel this way or can i like it? :whistle:
This guys a piece of shit. move on quickly and safely
Our first 2 dates were good because i telled him i wanted it slow so not to touch inside my clothes but on the 3rd date we were kissing on the couch and i got onto his lap (and we were both clothed) and he put his hand inside my top and he squeezed really hard on my boob and i had no idea why he was so rough and i started screaming and i realised my bottom was shaking because he was having orgasm while he was squeezing! My boob hurt so much and i didn't wanna kiss after that, so will i always feel this way or can i like it? :whistle:
He gets off on your non consensual pain, you could possibly like it, but it sounds like you didn’t, he’s scary , run!
Also he broke the cardinal rule that women should always come first, or at least know when their date is using them to get off.
Once again run!
Next guy…
That's why my husband was a couple of decades older than me because my besties dated teens and they had bad experiences, so i avoided teen boys until now (my date's 19). Maybe if i dated somebody my age (23) it would be better. Just dumb lick that my date was 19 though, he just was talking a lot to me at tennis so hard to refuse....

I love fishing because the first time you meet a guy its exciting 😘

True i did not feel respected when he grabbed inside, whereas in the 2nd date he stroked outside my top and i loved it 😋

Wow that would be strange if his orgasm was caused by my scream, but its true i did scream before all the shaking happened i think 😗
Not strange at all, some men get off on causing pain.
Maybe a little consent because my bum was on his lap without my skirt covering it 😔 so i knew sitting like that might cause sex.
That is not consent at all!
Yup he did not seem worried when i screamed he said i was cute. But i hardly ever scream so it was a serious scream. I don't enjoy it so will just stick to caressing hands 👐
Ok i will (y)(y)

Maybe i consented accidentally because my bum/undies were on his lap, but i was wearing a skirt but my skirt did not cover my undies so i guess it was not consent! At least i wore undies and hubby said to always wear undies if in a room with men :giggle:
Even without undies, that is not consent.
Okay dokay.

I won't do a 4th date then. We still ate dinner just after the drama because it happened while dinner was cooking but my eyes were teary so hard to enjoy.
Whose place was this in?
Make them take you out to dinner or take them out to dinner.
Agreed. The first time I was forced into having rough sex, I was definitely scared. He did not take NO for an answer... it felt like R@pe, but my body betrayed me. I got very wet even though I was pleading "Don't" and "Please stop". Aggressively, he made me orgasm a few times even though I really wanted him to stop vaginally hurting me. Unfortunately, lawyers use that against many women who have an orgasm during R@pe. "You must have wanted or liked it if you did climax". I'm not sure how or when Men evolved into such primal sex fiends? Maybe it's just in their physical DNA from the Neanderthal / Caveman days? And sometimes women are attracted to the BAD BOYS who thrive or crave rough aggressive sex. Go with your instincts. If you are legitimately scared then stop it one way or another. It could get worse.
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Our first 2 dates were good because i telled him i wanted it slow so not to touch inside my clothes but on the 3rd date we were kissing on the couch and i got onto his lap (and we were both clothed) and he put his hand inside my top and he squeezed really hard on my boob and i had no idea why he was so rough and i started screaming and i realised my bottom was shaking because he was having orgasm while he was squeezing! My boob hurt so much and i didn't wanna kiss after that, so will i always feel this way or can i like it? :whistle:

Emily is been over two weeks now. Please tell us your not still seeing Neanderthal man.
Agreed. The first time I was forced into having rough sex, I was definitely scared. He did not take NO for an answer... it felt like R@pe, but my body betrayed me. I got very wet even though I was pleading "Don't" and "Please stop". Aggressively, he made me orgasm a few times even though I really wanted him to stop vaginally hurting me. Unfortunately, lawyers use that against many women who have an orgasm during R@pe. "You must have wanted or liked it if you did climax". I'm not sure how or when Men evolved into such primal sex fiends? Maybe it's just in their physical DNA from the Neanderthal / Caveman days? And sometimes women are attracted to the BAD BOYS who thrive or crave rough aggressive sex. Go with your instincts. If you are legitimately scared then stop it one way or another. It could get worse.
It didn’t feel like rape - it is Rape. The only time it isn’t is where it’s discussed between the parties and there are rules and expectations in place.

Seriously - You should’ve reported that sexual offender piece of shit to the cops. You know he will keep doing that to every woman he meets.

Honestly the porn industry has glorified this shit to the point where this “noncon” disease will just get worse until there are rape convictions.
I didn't date him or anybody since then until this week, one of the tennis players at our club asked which hobbies i liked for fun and i said PICNICS and he literally took me to the nature reserve for a picnic and kissing/touching and we're going on a dinner date on friday :) he's very handsy but is slow and softly which i prefer!

Outstanding! So happy for you. 😁😁😁
Our first 2 dates were good because i telled him i wanted it slow so not to touch inside my clothes but on the 3rd date we were kissing on the couch and i got onto his lap (and we were both clothed) and he put his hand inside my top and he squeezed really hard on my boob and i had no idea why he was so rough and i started screaming and i realised my bottom was shaking because he was having orgasm while he was squeezing! My boob hurt so much and i didn't wanna kiss after that, so will i always feel this way or can i like it? :whistle:
No,you won't like're not into this...
It didn’t feel like rape - it is Rape. The only time it isn’t is where it’s discussed between the parties and there are rules and expectations in place.

Seriously - You should’ve reported that sexual offender piece of shit to the cops. You know he will keep doing that to every woman he meets.

Honestly the porn industry has glorified this shit to the point where this “noncon” disease will just get worse until there are rape convictions.
Agreed.... it was cloaked in "Baby, you know I've needed this". "You've kept denying me when I know you wanted this too".

Looking back I should have reported him... but I loved him. His guilt really made me feel like I shouldn't have been such a sex tease. He made me feel wrong for "holding out".

"Noncon" disease? Never heard of that.
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I was being a bit too dark in my humor.

It just seems as if calling rape “nonconsensual sex” is giving it a cute edgy, erotic and unfortunately acceptable rhetoric. And it’s becoming an epidemic because we are normalizing in porn, erotic literature and movies. Perhaps it was too much.