
Nov 2, 2018

Is there a way to dechapterize a set of stories? The stories were automagically grouped into 8 parts. I would want to undo that with different titles and not have them grouped. I wrote them thinking they would be chapters but they ended up more like standalone stories. Could I just edit them with a new individual title and a note to the moderator to ungroup?

What if I deleted them and republished as new with a different title? I'm not trying to get them back on the New Stories list, just recast them as individual stories.

Looking back, I think my first chapter was clumsy, and would have turned people off from looking at any more.

Thanks in advance for any feedback.
You should be able to just edit the titles. Once all of those process, you can go into the series manager, remove them from the series, and then delete the series yourself. You might have to switch it from automatic to manual series management. ( and don't worry about the scary warning saying this can't be undone! You're planning to undo the whole series anyway, and it's a seriously overblown warning even if you're not eliminating the series. )

You'll probably need to wait for the titles to change, because the automated series generation might pick them up again and create a new series if they still have chapter designations. Changing them to titles without chapter designations might also cause a glitch where the series still shows with all newly titled stories in it, and then all the stories are also listed individually. Once you wipe the no longer desire series, it should then straighten back out in 24 hours.
Thanks for the detailed reply. I will change titles and wait for it to take before I disable automatic grouping. I didn't know I had control over grouping, manual seems like it would be best for me.

Now, on to think of some clever, eye catching titles.
If you do manual series management, you can remove them from the series and then delete the series without even having to wait for the title changes to be approved.