Decaf latte at Starbucks - closed for lovesolderladies


Very experienced
Sep 3, 2007
I watched a TV documentary the other night, The Factory, about a plant where they manufacture mayonnaise, hundreds of glass jars rattling their way along a conveyor belt then pausing briefly while they were filled with white gloop and now, this morning, here I am standing in a queue in Starbucks waiting to be filled with white gloop or, as they call it here, decaf latte.
"Decaf latte."
The barista's shout wakes me from my mind's aimless meandering and I reach for my coffee only to be confronted by another hand reaching for the same cup.
"I think that's mine."
The voice belongs to a woman and for a moment I think we're going to argue until the barista shouts again.
"Decaf latte." and we realise we've both ordered the same.
I apologise, not sure why, and point in the direction of a newly vacated table.
"You grab the table and I'll bring the coffees. Sorry for the mix up."
Dorothy Neumann loves the feel of the hot water on her naked body in the morning. It runs down along her body in little rivulets, covering her large mature breasts and dripping off her long leathery nipples and in between her legs. It was going to be another long day at work with more meetings and consternation about supply chain issues and chemical shortages. She’d worked at the same place since she was thirty three years old and had risen to be the purchasing manager of the entire business by the time she was forty five. Now at fifty seven she ran the meetings and had her her own department do the work for her. She dressed for work in a medium blue business suit, skirt and jacket with a white blouse under it. She was a bit short standing only five two in her bare feet although her three inch heels made her taller.

After a few long hours in meeting she decided to go to her favorite Starbucks for a latte for lunch. At the counter she instinctively Reaches for her coffee only to have it taken by another.
"I think that's mine”
She's very busness-like, the way she clears the empties onto an adjacent table, and I like that, no uncertainties in her life I bet.
I take a longer look at her as I navigate my way past new arrivals, trying not to spill the coffees. She's smartly dressed, not to impress as I doubt she needs to do that, but authoritative is the way I'd describe her and attractive, probably the same age as me and for a moment I catch myself wondering how her life is. Is she, like me, just another empty jar waiting to be filled with decaf gloop or is she watching the time so she can head home to a waiting lover?.
I mentally pinch myself.
I have to stop doing this, feeling sorry for myself. I'm fifty-five, own my own successful real estate business, on the committee of my golf club, two smart kids through University, both doing well and my wife is well respected in the community and yet ...
I set the coffees on the table.
"Sorry about the mix up just then." and I catch myself apologising again. What the fuck am I doing?
I smile at her and extend my hand.
"I'm Tom, Tom Morgan."
“I’m Dorothy Neumann nice to meet you Tom” she says as she extends her hand. She sits across from her new acquaintance at the small table, her blue eyes sparkle. It’s the first time she’s actually spoke to another guy here most of the time it’s been a girlfriends from work. Hes a good looking gentleman probably her own age, well dressed and pleasant. It shouldn’t be a chore to sit and have a coffee with him. Dorothy sips at her coffee as they chit chat, and she doesn’t hid her wedding ring. She’s keeps track of the time knowing she needs to get back to work in about ten minutes.E99A5A18-4371-4A6D-91D7-8D43A292A3D7.jpeg
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"Dorothy," I say, taking her offered hand "Glad to meet you. Coffee shops can be such anonymous places can't they."
Her hand is smooth with well manicured nails, a lady who looks after herself.
"What brings you here for a mid-week coffee? Not the company I'm sure." I smile in a self deprecating way, holding my coffee with both hands, partly trying to warm them from the cold January weather outside, but also wanting Dorothy to see my wedding band so that, just as with our decaf lattes, she knows we're on equal terms.
"I'm here between appointments," I continue "So thought I'd take the opportunity of a coffee and somewhere warm to sit."
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“Similar thing with me Tom, I have a number of meetings and I like to get away from the building for a bit to clear my head” she says with a smile. Dorothy had no idea she would ever be sitting at a Starbucks with a strange man but somehow she was well at ease with Tom. He seemed quite genuine and he is married so there won’t be any awkward pick up lines to adjust to. He was also easy on the eyes as they say so it is working out just fine. Dorothy realizing she had been gone for twice as long as she expected looks at her watch “Oh goodness Tom I’m sorry I’m going to be late to my afternoon meeting, but it has been nice chatting with you today” she says as she gets up to leave. As she turns to walk out she hesitates then turns around and asks “Will you be here tomorrow?”
“Will you be here tomorrow?”
Dorothy's unexpected question catches me off guard and for a moment I'm unsure how to reply so I play for a little time.
"Well I'll have to check. I work in real estate and prospective purchasers seem to live in a different time zone to the rest of us. Let me check."
I spin through tomorrow on my mobile but see, to my disappointment, that I have end to end viewings all day.
"It's not looking good. I'm tied up all day until" I look again at my diary "until five tomorrow evening and that seems a little late for a coffee but the next day is good."
For a moment there's a silence of disappointment between us.
"But I usually like to take stock of the day with a wind-down cocktail. How about you, could you manage one of those?"
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Dorothy stands watching Tom go through his phone for appointments. “But I usually like to take stock of the day with a wind-down cocktail. How about you, could you manage one of those?"
he tells her. Dorothy knowing what tomorrow will bring at work would love to join him for a cocktail, but what is she thinking anyway, she’s a married woman with two grown children, what business would she have to meet this guy for a drink. But that isnt what comes out of her mouth at all, what comes out is ”Sure where shall it be?”
"Do you know Shelly's? It's on 4th between Oak and Beech. Apparently the guy who opened it was a great fan of Shelly Winters and the walls are plastered with her pictures and film posters but it suits me, quiet and comfortable, more of our generation I suppose."
I pause for a moment. "I'm not inferring that we're old, just that it is a good place to unwind." I say with a smile.
Dorothy seems happy with my suggestion and I'm glad she's agreed to meet me but now I'm wondering where this is going to go.
I don't know her at all, know nothing about her private life, her family or commitments. Can this be just a social drink? I try to rationalise my thoughts. I suppose we could just have easily met in Shelly's or some other bar as in Starbucks but I quickly dismiss that. Whoever she is, Dorothy doesn't seem to be the kind of lady who frequents bars on her own. We're both wearing wedding bands but many single women do so to ward off unwelcome approaches so unless she has some ulterior motive it's safe to assume she's married as am I.
"So would half past five tomorrow be ok for you?"
I hope she says yes.
Dorothy stands there somewhat in shock that she’s being asked to have a rendezvous with a strange man at a bar. She’s well aware of Shellys shes been there on a number of occasions with her husband. It does cater to an older crowd, the musics low enough to have a conversation without having to yell at each other. Tom is certainly an attractive man and it kind of does her ego good being asked to have a drink by a good looking gentleman. Let face it she’s fifty seven years old with a few extra pounds but in the right places she thinks. No harm in having a cocktail after work with a nice man. She decides right then and there though she won’t be telling her husband about it, she’ll say she’s staying late at work to finish up some details for a meeting the following day. ”Hmmm, what to wear to work tomorrow…” she wonders..
”Yes Tom, that would be just fine” she says then turns on her heel to leave.
”Yes Tom, that would be just fine.”

Dorothy’s acceptance of my invitation is almost abrupt as if she’s unsure whether it’s the right thing to do and she turns on her heel to leave as if trying to escape.
I call after her.
“Dorothy, here’s my card,” I hold out my business card for her to take. “Just in case anything comes up.”

I have no idea what ‘might come up’ although I’d be very surprised if Dorothy called me. Rather, if she were to have second thoughts, I’d expect a txt message, much easier than having a conversation.
I watch her leave, a very attractive middle-aged lady – but then I’m middle-aged too - and suddenly all those thoughts of a few minutes ago while standing in the Starbucks queue for my daily dose of white gloop were gone. I felt fresh, optimistic, even excited.
I call the office. “Anything new I should know about?” There’s nothing interfering with my diary but there has been an enquiry about a high-end penthouse that overlooks the river.

Now that sounds interesting.
Dorothy takes Toms business card and puts it in her purse. Back at the office she sits at her desk lazily playing with a pen. Her mind filled with thoughts of meeting Tom at Shelly’s tomorrow. The drive home was uneventful, she arrived just a few minutes before Dave. Dinner was good, Dave did the cooking for the evening which is always nice after a hard day. Relaxing after dinner watching TV she glances at Dave half asleep in his chair and thinks about Tom. “Is there something wrong Dorothy?” She asks herself. “Is there a reason you’re meeting a man tomorrow after work?” She feels excited all the same.
The next morning as she’s getting dressed she tells Dave she’ll be a little late she’s got some last minute things to catch up on before a big meeting the following day.
”Uh huh, Okay” is all that’s she gets from him as he continues to read the newspaper. Dressed in her standard work outfit, skirt and blouse with a jacket she heads out the door.
It's a busy day – end to end appointments with clients, some wanting to sell and some wanting to buy and they all bring their differences to the table. The sellers usually have too high an opinion of the condition and value of their properties and the buyers are picky, noting every and any defect that they can use to chisel away at the asking price.
But that’s the same with people, some having too high an opinion of their character and worth whilst others suffer from low self-esteem and undervalue themselves.

I muse on this whilst grabbing a sandwich at a deli between appointments.
Where does Dorothy sit on this spectrum? She certainly doesn’t undervalue herself. She comes across as self-assured and confident and I like that.
As much as it’s easy for men, and women for that matter, to judge someone by their physical attributes, their beauty, their appearance, what’s more important is who they are as a person and Dorothy is interesting. A confident, socially adept woman who has agreed to meet a man after the briefest of encounters.
And then there’s me. Why have I extended an invitation to a woman I know only from a mix-up over a cup of coffee?
Are we both suffering from the tedium of routine: home, office, home again to spouse; eat, sleep and repeat.
I know nothing of Dorothy’s home life but I know that when I get home my wife will greet me with a kiss on my cheek, tell me that dinner’s is almost ready, we’ll eat, watch TV and then go to bed to sleep.
Eat, sleep, repeat.
I glance at my watch.
Time to get back to the real world, two more appointments and then Shelly’s and Dorothy.

Suddenly my day seems better.
Dorothy looks at the clock in her office, it’s 20 after five and Shelly’s is about 15 minutes away. She wants to arrive fashionable late as to not seem too anxious. She takes her time in the ladies room at work to touch up her makeup and runs brush through her light blonde hair, her tummy’s a bit nervous as she does. She sees the sign for Shelly’s and pulls into the parking lot, now is the time to bail out she thinks, no harm done no foul..yet. She checks her makeup again in the rear view mirror, sighs softly and gets out. Her three inch heels click on the walkway to the building, she pulls open the door and walks in looking immediately for Tom.
I’ve been with this last couple for over an hour now as they try to make their minds up about the condo I’m showing them. We must have been through the place five times but it seems two bedrooms, each with bath, a kitchen and living room is a perplexing problem for them, and I’m jigging about like a kid sitting in the back seat of his parents car wanting to pee, glancing at my watch as it creeps towards five o’clock.
I don’t want to be late and I’d consider it the height of bad manners for Dorothy to arrive at Shelly’s ahead of me but eventually they reach a decision to put off their decision until the end of the week.
This is one job I’ll pass to one of my junior negotiators.

With them safely away I use the condo’s facilities to freshen up. It was something I was taught by a senior negotiator when I first started in real estate. Carry a tooth brush, a micro fibre towel and some cologne. It’ll all fit in a briefcase and it’s been some of the best advice I’ve ever had.
So spruced up and in good time I arrive at Shelly’s. Dorothy isn’t here yet and I grab an empty booth and order an old fashioned. Sure, it’s an old-style cocktail but I'm not into those cocktails with umbrellas and the like. I don't want my drinks to look like one of Carmen Miranda's hats.

Two sips in and there’s Dorothy, standing in the doorway looking slightly nervous and glancing around and so I stand and walk over to her.
“Hi, I’m so glad you managed to make it. Let me get your coat and order you a drink. What’ll you have?”
I suppose I could kiss her on the cheek but somehow that seems a little forward.
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Dorothys smile couldn’t have been much bigger seeing Tom approaching. “Hi, I’m so glad you managed to make it. Let me get your coat and order you a drink. What’ll you have?” “Oh goodness, let’s about a cosmopolitan?” she says as she follows him back to the table. Her heart is racing and her palms are sweating like a High School girl on a first date. As she sits down a waiter shows up at the table quickly and Tom orders her a Cosmopolitan then looks at her with a smile, Dorothy smiles back. Dorothy looks around a bit nervously hoping she doesn’t see anyone she may know, although she’s doing nothing wrong..why should she be worried? She nervously pulls her cell phone from her purse and places it on the table keeping both hands on top of the table. “So Tom, tell me about yourself…”
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I wonder if Dorothy is expecting a call as she pulls her cell phone from her purse and places it on the table or perhaps it's just a work habit. I know I check my phone too often. Her wedding band is clearly visible and I guess she's just reminding me that she's married, saying 'This is just a drink, ok?' or perhaps she’s reminding herself. But it is just a drink, at least for now, and my mind races as to where this apparently serendipitous meeting will lead and just as importantly where each of us want it to lead. But for the moment I’m glad that we’re here together.

Dorothy’s drink arrives and the colour of her Cosmopolitan almost exactly matches that of her nails and I take her hand.
“Is the colour match deliberate or accidental?”
Her hand is warm and smooth and it’s exciting to be touching her.

I raise my glass to her.
“So you want to know all about me? Well, like you I’m married,” and I wave my left hand to show my wedding band but she already saw that in Starbucks yesterday, “and I work in real estate, mostly apartments and condos at the top end of the market. I’ve found over the years that the people in that market are more discerning and financially prepared so by and large make decisions quickly and are prepared to close the deal which takes less office time for me.”
I take a drink but Dorothy doesn’t say anything so I continue.
“And my my kids have all flown the nest, both through university and doing well.”
I wait for a moment.

“How about you.”
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Dorothy smiles as Tom speaks, he has a nice demeanor. She sips her drink as he tells her about himself. She’s taken aback briefly as his hand takes hers but it lasts only a few seconds, so no harm no foul. The drink warms her inside and she feels the alcohol right away. “Is the colour match deliberate or accidental?” He asks. She looks down and notices that the colors really do match and she chuckles, ”Now that’s very observant Tom, but it isn’t deliberate”
The drink is having a relaxing effect on her, she’s feeling less anxious that just a few minutes ago.

“How about you.”
She looks down at her phone briefly then says “Well this is my second marriage and I have two children both boys from my first marriage“. My husband has two boys as well so in the early years we had a houseful” Dorothy makes good eye contact with Tom across the table. “But like you all of the boys have left, three are married and I’m a Grandmother of four grandchildren, I hope that doesn’t put you off” she smiles as she says it.

“I work as a Purchasing manager for a large company in town, and I’m looking forward to retiring in a few years” She picks at some lint on her jacket…..
Shelly’s is a quiet bar but there could be a jukebox blaring and I wouldn’t hear it. I’m totally captivated by Dorothy. She’s surprised and pleased that I noticed that her nails match the colour of her cocktail but noticing people and how they are is something I’ve learned over the years.
Prospective buyers will pass comment on a property that they’re viewing but it’s the tone of their comments and their body language that tells much more than what they say. So I notice when Dorothy glances again at her phone. What is it she’s looking for? Is it just habit or is she expecting a call or perhaps, a txt?

And then, while she’s telling me about her family she says:
“I’m a grandmother of four grandchildren, I hope that doesn’t put you off.”
Have I got this right? The warm tone in her voice and the eye contact?
“… I hope that doesn’t put you off.” and then as if thinking she’s said too much she picks at a piece of lint on her jacket
For a moment I’m lost for words, how to respond without it sounding like I’m coming on to her although in reality I’d like to, very much.

“No that doesn’t put me off at all. The cocktails here are good but they’re very much better when shared with you.”
I signal the waiter for refills.
“So what kind of products does your company deal in? Something interesting I hope?” I say with a smile and a wink.
After she said it she kinda regretted it, but she wanted to at least get that out of the way, the whole Grandmother thing. She knows older men like like younger gals but Tom seems genuinely interested in her, makes her smile. It’s been quite awhile since she’s felt like this, you know having a man take interest in her and sincerely have a interesting chat. She’s also impressed that Tom mentioned he’s married rather than lie about it, take his ring off and leave a white ring around his finger, hey if he‘s married that’s ok, we’re just chatting and having a drink. She feels the first Cosmo and he just ordered a second one, she knows she needs to be careful she has to drive home.
“No that doesn’t put me off at all. The cocktails here are good but they’re very much better when shared with you.”

“So what kind of products does your company deal in? Something interesting I hope?” I say with a smile and a wink.
Pushing her phone off to the side she feels much more at ease, the alcohol doesn’t hurt and that Tom is a very nice gentleman.
“We manufacture Janitorial supplies, a rather mundane product but a very needed one“ she says with a smile.
“We manufacture Janitorial supplies, a rather mundane product but a very needed one“ she says with a smile.

I have to suppress a laugh.
“I was rather hoping that you’d be dealing in what went before rather that the cleaning up afterwards.” and as soon as I’ve said it, I blush bright red.
“I’m sorry, that was unforgivable, Just so, so crude and not funny at all.”
I search Dorothy’s eyes but she doesn’t seem offended. Perhaps she’s good at hiding it.
“Look, can you just forget I said that? I don’t know what I was thinking.”
I look at her hoping for a response but she’s hanging me out to dry, just a little, but she’s letting me know I have a lot of ground to make up so I try a different tack.

“I have a couple of interesting properties for appraisal coming up. I don’t know if you’d be interested in having a look? There’s one mid-town, an apartment but the other one, I sold off-plan to the current owners. I’ve had several dealings with them. As I said, they buy off-plan, have an interior designer decorate and furnish the place, and then sell it on as soon as they can see a profit. It’s a penthouse on Riverside Drive, fully furnished, table ware, kitchen equipment, even linen with the beds made up and towels on the rails in the bathrooms. Absolutely turn-key ready. All anyone would need to do is arrive with their clothes and hang them in the closets and the artwork in there is worth a visit on its own. Would you be interested in having a look? The place is empty so any day is good.”
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Dorothy smiles, “Don’t worry Tom I’m used to it” she says. Images of the penthouse flash through her head. She’s been to a number of parties at places like these and the views are absolutely breathtaking, being there alone with a man she’s just met seems a bit risky. But Tom seems so genuine she doesn’t think it would be a problem. Dorothy reaches down and picks up her purse beneath the chair, rummaging around she finds a business card.
“You know what Tom, that sounds like a great idea, I’d love to see something like that” she scribbles her personal phone number on the back of her business card then slides it slowly across the table to Tom. “I won’t be able to make it tonight but another evening this week would work for me” she says with a smile. She knows she has to be leaving in a half an hour or so, but she wanted to see Tom again.
I watch as Dorothy writes her personal number on the back of her business card and slides it across the table to me. Of course, this could just be her showing an interest in my work or wanting to view a very desirable penthouse. We all want to see how the ‘other half’ lives but if that were the case then surely she would have just said ‘let me know when’. But instead she’s more or less fixed a date. Am I reading more into this than there is? But if so, why did she say ‘another evening this week’?

She’s smiling and I look directly at her, returning her smile and making a point of allowing my fingers to touch hers as I take the card.
“That’s good, it would be fun to see the place together. Would it be ok for me to txt you on this number? I’ll need to send you the entry code for the parking. How does Friday evening after work sound, say 5.30 ish at Riverside Drive?”

I glance at my watch and then raise my glass to her. It’s already gone 6.30.
“To Friday then.”
Toms fingers brush along Dorothy’s wedding ring as they run along Dorothy’s fingers as he takes her card. He knows full well she’s a married woman as he makes his suggestion about seeing the penthouse. His touch is exciting and quite unexpected to her.
“That’s good, it would be fun to see the place together. Would it be ok for me to txt you on this number? I’ll need to send you the entry code for the parking. How does Friday evening after work sound, say 5.30 ish at Riverside Drive?”
Dorothy thinks for a moment as to what plans her husband may have for Friday evening. Most Fridays are spent relaxing in front of the TV as of late with a glass of wine and later possibly sex in the family room watching one of his favorite porn movies. As long as she’s not too late he would be fine with her being out, or late coming home from work.
“To Friday” she replies raising her glass as well.
I didn’t sleep well that night, lying in bed beside my wife, listening to her breathing but thinking about Dorothy and being in the penthouse with her on Friday, fantasising about standing next to her, leaning on the balcony railing admiring the view out over the river, feeling the warmth of her next to me and then we’d turn to face each other and pause, just for a moment, before kissing.
I have to turn over in bed to ease my growing excitement.
Of course, I rationalise to myself, there’s nothing wrong with what we’re planning to do, two adults spending some time together. We could just as well be visiting a museum or an art gallery but I know there’s more to it than that and I rub my finger against my thumb, recalling vividly the feel of Dorothy’s wedding band on her finger as I took her card from her.
There’s no doubt in my mind that there’s a momentum building between us but do we want to stop it? Perhaps we just want to see how far it goes before we decide that we’ve gone far enough.

Or perhaps not.

In the morning I send a txt to Dorothy.
As per your enquiry the gate code is 1685. Morgan Realtors.
I’ve deliberately made the message simple and business-like just in case Dorothy’s husband sees it. If he does it will be easy for her to come up with a story and I don’t want to cause her any embarrassment.