Decadents and Dropouts IC


Feeling at last that Relic's mind had slipped into the dreamless void, too far away from him to match her speed and too fast to grip her back, Ma'ant stood up, and dressed himselft, his fine, exquisitive robes all in place in a few moments. He could hear comotion on the outside, but disregarded it with a slight nod to himself.

One last kiss did he gave Relic's cheek before finally allowing her needed rest. With a single handshake, and a snap of fingers, the illithid was no more. Kasmir the Merchant, instead, stood at his place. Perhaps Phyliss would forgive his indiscretion with Relic once they've got the chance to talk. Yes. Perhaps she would forgive him...

It was a surprise when he stepped outside to hear something, coming from the far end of the boat's bowels. A male voice. Activity. Ragged breaths. Gasps. What could be happening? As stealthily as he could, Kasmir crouched, and decided to approach in order to... investigate.
Trunfor Blackheart

Trunfor groaned as Phyliss began massaging him and within seconds he came on her. He moaned and sighed as his seed spread all over her face.

Suddenly, he thought he heard a noise outside. The sound of somone approaching. Now who in the Abyss would come over her and disturb them.

Snapping his fingers, he used a simple cantrip, which zipped up and buttoned his clothing so that he was no longer exposed. Then he got up and sood in front of the door, "Someone's here to disturb us"

He knew it wasn't Relic. Drow were masters of stealth.
Phyliss Ovida

Phyliss moaned as she felt his seemen running over her face, some of it dripping on her breast. She turned around as Tronfur spoke, astonished to see him dressed again. He was standing in front of a blanket, that she had hung between to crates, as replacement for a door, as the bowel was one huge room, except for the closet-like chamber where Relic had squeezed in.
"Uh? Maybe it is just someone from the crew... No reason to be alarmed..."
Phyliss used a large bucket to wash herself; there was still the big tub on deck, but she would use that later. After she cleaned herself she chose a black bra, black panties and a dark green, softly shimmering dress with no sleeves, that was flowing down softly over her feet. S She checked her make-up in routine, before she would start to dress again.
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He had been noticed. Of course he had. Stupid, stupid human - Ma'ant thought about Kasmir, who advanced so reckless. If had him awaited for it, and snaked over the ground, just maybe he could had caught a glimpse of what had jsut happened - and from the air of the room, much have happened.

"Hhmm... perhaps I could do something for this crattered place. Or maybe not. The sailor was wise... it would be such a loss to have this place all filled up in finery to see the ship capsise..."

He spoke aloud, his voice low but audible in order to fake and bluff his true meaning to be down here.

"Maybe I should ask Phyliss about that... she would perhaps enjoy to take upon my vessel... at least it could run back to Mennon an endure."
Trunfor Blackheart

Trunfor scowled. Of course it was that merchant, or pirate, or whatever. The pervert and sneak. First he had tried to gain access to Trunfor's mind without permission, and now he was spying and listening to him and Phyliss.

Anger welled up within Trunfor, but managed to calm himself. This intruder would need to learn some proper manners.
Phyliss Ovida

Phyliss heard the merchant speaking; of course it had been him. He had been with Relic, so it was not surprising he showed up. And it was impossible not to her her squealing down here - maybe they even heard her on deck. So he was maybe a bit embarrassed and just spoke loud to be noticed. She wouldn''t mind having him witness what happened - he probably had seen her doing some naughty things before. He sure did, although she could not renember right now, because she often had been drunk in that rich houses. After she checked her make-up she pulled over the beautiful green dress she had chosen.
"Ah, it is you, my friend. Forgive if I haven't noticed you yet. I could work the ship up a little, yes, but I like to hear the advice of my friends. As Gryph is still resting after his injury, I let him sleep. Isn't Relic with you? But of course, I need Tronfur by my side."
She had sensed that the Half-Fiend mistrusted Kasmir; so she would have to see about that.

Gryph woke up and stretched out, he laid there on the deck, looking up at the sky. He wondered why the crew from the "merchant" was so quiet, normally sailors of any kind was a boisterous lot. He got to his feet, the wound was now perfectly healed, his own healing powers have kicked in and no mark was left. He silently moved over to the side of their ship and looked at the other ship, the crew was really not acting like humans. Gryph was caught between the urge to draw a weapon and curiosity about the situation.
Phyliss Ovida
As Phylis was fully dressed. she positioned herself between the two other men. "Maybe we should not discuss it down here in the cargo rooms; let us go up onto the deck and have some tea together, how about that?"

Kasmir eyed suspiciously over the Half-Fiend. Those kind were always... mistrusted, and with good cause. Yet, he was the guest here, and should probably watch his step. After all, Phyliss' friends should, at least, be his friends as well. Taking a few moments, he finally bowed his head again.

"Of course, my dear. Tea would be much appreciated. If, however, I could suggest... I can fetch you a fine licquor from my own ship. Only the best for our reunion..."

"Relic is... tired. Worn out. We had a little... 'rendezvous' of ourselves, and got up togheter. She is... dear to me. Very dear to me."

He approached, always taking attention towards the hellish creature named Tronfur. "Please, master, join us as well. Any friends of Phyliss are friends of mine, as well."


Up, on his own ship, one of the sailors - a thin, frail man - noticed how Gryph eyed him. And he smiled back misteriously, lifting one hand to greet him - until he froze for a moment, his eyes closed in... fear? Pain? No one could tell, as the man resumed his work, cleaning the deck.
Phyliss Ovida

"Yes, i would like to have some liquor. We will wait for you on the deck, and will be happy to see you." she lead the merchant to the stairs up. "I will ask Z to make some tea. She turned to Trunfor. Please come up with me. I don't want my friend to be hidden down her all the time. Let us sit together, explore some social life. Will you?"

"Come, please. There will be no need to wait."


Suddenly, over the merchant's boat, another sailor - this one a less than adult young woman, her eyes glassy, started to run as if a jolt of lightning had struck her. She went into the deck's bowels, and no less than a few moments, reappeared, bringing an exquisitive bottle in her arms. With a calculated jump, she was into the gorgon's boat, and bringing it to the hand of an emerging Kasmir.

He smiled as he sent the girl back with good regards.

He narrowed his eyes at the emerging Kasmir, something was very wrong here, something that just didn't seem to be very right about this creature nor his crew. For now he held his tongue, didn't have much proof, the humans might also just be a bit off.
Phyliss Ovida

"You will follow me up, please?" The gorgon climbed up the ladder and left Tronfur behind. She was happy to see Gryph awke now.
"Thank you. You trained you're crew very well." said Phyliss to Kasmir.
Then she turned to Gryph and stroke softly over his arm.
"It's good to see you awake by now. We will have some tea now, so we can talk with Kasmir. He's a merchant that helped me when I was in deep trouble."

He looked down at Phyliss and gave her a smile,

"Yes thanks to you I am healthy again."

He looked at Kasmir,

"I will not join you though, I have some things that I want to get a sword."

He turned from them and walked to the front of their ship, his distrust clear, but without being rude.

Kasmir found it usual to be mistrusted. After all, these were not the common, foolish humanfolk that he was more than used to lie to and sell his overpriced merchandise, a fine enough costume to hide his true... aberrant nature.

"Thank you. I've seen throughly and personally to their training.", he smiled, dismissing the sailor that brought him the bottle with a wave of hands.

This Gryph had noticed something. Had he been to reckless in laying with Relic just down bellow? Had her noises been to loud? No. Irrational. Phyliss had been
at it with the called Tronfur - he guessed - and none had come down to complain.
Phyliss Ovida

Phyliss was a little startled by Gryphs reaction, but nothing to him - yet. She would speak with him if Kasmir wouldn't hear their conservation.
"You know, he is a warrior, and he lost his sword in the last fight, so he is a bit crumpy now." She looked over as Z was preparing the tea. He didn't say anything, in fact he hardly ever did. No wonder, he was trained by a mute dwarf and an old sailor who hardly spoke. He had turned the bathing tub upside down as table, as she had down before, and put some cushions down as seat, taking them up from the cargo room. They even had a table cloth and real cups, but just no furniture.
"You see, we try the best. We will fix up that ship step by step."
Trunfor Blackheart

Trunfor was torn between two choices, either he could go with Phyliss and the mindflayer or he could stay here and read some more and check up on Relic. He distrusted the mindflayer moe considering his race.

Mindflayers, or illithids, were pure evil. Worst than the drow and far deadlier. Minflayers of every kind are born evil, just like demons and devils. If this one was good, then he was the first of his kind. He also knew of their diet. They ate brains. So who's brains
had this mindflayer been eating and how would he be fed?

Trunfor shook his head and spoke after them as they walked away, "No thank you. I need to prepare myself and continue my studies."
Phyliss Ovida

Phyliss wondered why her two men were so suspicious of Kasmir. He was a merchant, allright, and he sure had some sinister secrets, but every merchant who traveleed far and had sucess and power did. Without this darker sides he wouldn't have had the contacts and information to get her out of country as these swines tried to hunt her down. But was that reason enough? She knew Trunfor and Gryph were both distrustful to strangers, what wasn't really surprising with their background, but the used to accept people easier if she introduced them as her friends. She was a bit dissapointed and annoyed by their reaction, but she would not let an old friend down who had helped her so much.
"Never mind them; the just have to get used to social life. You know how difficult it is for creatures like us. They had an even more troubled past then I had, and aren't used to the life among humans like I am. So just sit down, please."

"More than you can think.", he allowed his interjection to escape. Foolish, foolish Kasmir! The Human is another ignorant bastard that would put all of his disguise to ruin! What if they discovered? What if they grew more hostile that the two were already? Things could escalate quite bacly for Ma'ant, for although even he was who he was, in his position he would surely and easily be beaten up by the creatures...

"I do not want to sound indiscrete like a overly curious man, darling, but if you'd please... Tell me Phyliss, what have these two been through? I'm sure a lot on the hands of merchants... perhaps like me. Tell me... I'm all ears."
Phyliss Ovida

"The should really tell for themself..." said Phyliss pulling in some more tea. "I mean take Trunfor. He is a half-fiend, so he is not accepted among his own kind, and feared and hated by everybody else. His chances to get lynched are even much bigger then mine; he can't show himself even at the big, cosmopolitan cities where I only get some stares on the street. He can only go among humans in odd disguises, that are painful for him and make him look like some eerie cripple." She looked over to see where Gryph was sitting. "And my friend Gryph; I met him first, as the wardens of my last host wher trying to spike him with their crossbows, as he approached the gates. And he turned out to be such a nice guy... Cany you imagine that someone of his size can be so shy and modest? I mean, who would invite him for a dinner party?" The gorgon rubbed over one of her breasts, indicating the missing assets of her firens, that might open some doors at the right places.
Trunfor Blackheart

Trunfor walked around the lower deck, pondering what to do. He needed to talk to someone about the mindflayer merchant in human disguise. Relic was asleep and he didn't want to disturb her. Maybe Gryph?

Trunfor began searching for Gryph and soon found him. Standing there, with his arms crossed, Trunfor spoke in low and causious tone, "So what do you think about this... merchant... here. I have a feeling that you don't trust him either?"

He watched the little half-fiend approach him as he kept his watch over the "merchant", Phyliss and of course the strange crew. He grunted his affirmative to Trunfor's question,

"Some part of me tells me that he is not really what he seems to appear to be and this crew of his really is a strange they are in a trance, yet work hard and secure...but they are just...detached."

Gryph shook his head,

"Ask me off war, evasion, killing, fire magic, but this is just something I do not understand, nor can I place my finger on it...if only I could have the intelligence of my dragon brethren, it would help me a lot. What do you think of this..."merchant"?"
Trunfor Blackheart

Trunfor frowned and crossed his arms, "Well I know for sure that he's not human. He doesn't act like one. Adopting the disguise of a half-elf would have been a more convencing. I know what he is. Magic reveals a lot. He's a mindfrayer, an illithid. And his crew are voidminds. Humanoids who are part of a twisted experiment where the mindfrayers distroy their brains and mind and create a 'perfect' slave."

Trunfor sighed, "I don't trust him or his kind. Mindfrayers are completely evil. There has never been a good mindfrayer. I know drow are evil, but some, like Relic and Drizzit Do'Urden are exceptions. But mindfrayers are never good. They eat the brains of creatures, conduct twisted and evil experiments, and break into minds of others in an attempt to learn everything possible. If this one is good, thenhe's the first of his kind ever."

As he listened his distrust of the creature parading as a merchant grew even deeper, if what Trunfor said was correct, then they had a snake in their midst and he had no weapons safe his fire magic and fire aboard a ship is never a good thing. He growled as he watched what seemed to be an unsuspecting Phyliss drink tea with this creature, strange that there was no indication that have caught on to their thoughts.

"But if the humans' minds are utterly destroyed, why did one smile and attempted to wave at me if there was no part of his brain left to act normal?"

With just a few hours of peacefully deep sleep, Relic had regained enough strength to rouse herself from its warmth and tranquility. If she was to speak truthfully about why she spent so little time in such a deep state, it would be because it was the closest she came to the darkness inside her. And the more time she spent their the stronger she became, but also the longer it had to whisper to her of darkness and evil. And so, Relic remained weaker than most drow that didn't shy away from this 'strength' they could harness.

Her first sense was of the room being empty, apart from her own presence in it. Ma'ant must have left after she had fallen asleep. As was expected.

Sitting up, Relic breathed in, she could still smell him though, and quickly dressed and sheathed her daggers safely at her hips. Over the years, she had been able to hide many thoughts from Ma'ant, but a certain degree of care had to be taken. He would tell if she blocked him completely, as she had learned long ago, but if she simply hid a few scraps of information it was more likely to go unnoticed. Of course, even then it was a very dangerous situation.

Leaving her room, she wandered the cargo room and headed upstairs to the fresh air to join Gryph and Trunfor. Where she caught but the last few comments made as her feet silently carried her from the depths of the ship. She looked much refreshed now.

"Good is probably too general a word to use in this case. Would you call me good, or just not evil? Your spells are very useful, if you already know so much about what he is. Right now he is taking great chances, and seems more interested in catching up, than in having a more 'delectable' dinner."

Jumping up to sit on the cogs railing, Relic smiled at both of them.

"And whatever you think," she explained whilst tapping a finger to her temple, "he knows you know. Unless you have already taken care of that with your spells, Trunfor."