Decadents and Dropouts IC

Phyliss Ovida

Phyliss laughed softly. "Maybe you are something missing." she kept her arms around him, but kneeled before him and kissed his mouth. "I was just asking."

Smoking for a little while, Relic soon lowered the pipe and held it in her lap. It would continue to burn for at least half an hour, and already she could feel its side effects taking over. Her eyes were not seeing anything unusual though. As Kasmir turned into Ma'ant, Relic smiled. She hid under hoods and in the shadows, but she would never change her appearance as he had to. It was a shame that he couldn't simply walk the streets, without the disguise.

Then again, disguises were rather useful. If she had that power, stealing would be effortless. Watch a happily married couple for a short time, kidnap the wife, change into her appearance and then enter the house, pleasure the husband thoroughly until he passed out and then take your time checking their belongings for value. Then release the wife, or leave her. Someone would find her eventually.

Smiling at the thought, she raised a hand and stroked down his cheek, running her fingers through his tentacles. He felt exactly the same.

"Well, I heard news in a town several days from here that a Gorgon had escaped from slave traders. I was watching the slave traders at the time for a Mercenary Guild I work for. I followed them until they made camp, aiming to watch them and see what information I could relay or sell. But it was the other woman, Verialyn that caught my interest. I've always had a certain attraction to gifted women carrying overpowering swords. And she had one of the biggest swords for her size I have seen in many years."

Laughing, she took another puff of the pipe and handed it over.

"I was laying under brush when the moonlight caught my necklace, Phyliss saw the flash first, and I decided to confront the group. I used the cover that I was trying to rescue my 'sister', the dog girl that traveled with them. But they didn't believe me. A drow and a human dog girl, even as adopted sisters that is a little far fetched. So I told them who I was, and that this group was interesting enough to tag along with. Plus, they may have mentioned that they were headed to the Forges, and I could tell someone had at least two bags of gold on them."
Trunfor Blackheart

Trunfor returned her kiss, "I think I'm missing in spending some personal time with you."

He moved his left hand to her back, while his left moved down to her leg

Ma'ant stood quietly puffing the pipe while he attenciously heard Relic's voice, relishing in both her presence and the strong scent that the burning herbs took upon his senses. Also, he could feel that ticklish feeling down his belly, as if he was anxious about something, and the illithid knew that the herb was at work.

<A cinocephalae female? Curious enough... those are almost extinguished, if I'm well read.>

He lazily commented while getting ever closer to Relic. She was such a different drow now. Even though he heard almost the same voice, filled with years of painful experience, he still watched her like the young girl that once warmed his canopy. She had indeed grown to become a fine example of a fully well-endowed woman. And that was enough for him, as he coiled a tentacle around her finger, and slid it onwards towards her arm.

<What a wicked mind of yours, Relic. Have you forgotten you are an opne book to me? To lay with a man under the guise of his woman in order to subtrackt his values? My twisted, depraved drow...>

Ma'ant closed into Relic, reclining a little, and laying a gloved hand around her shoulders, bringing her closer to him. It was the herb talking? Maybe it was, as he wriggled his tentacles excited above her face, caressing her features and pulling her ever closer as he rubbed his cheek against hers, gurgling in satisfaction.

<I've missed you so much, Relic...>
Phyliss Ovida
As Tronfur put a hand on her back, she dropped herself forward a little. While he was sitting, she was nearly about eyeheight when she kneeled before him. So she opened wide for another kiss, using her tongue this time.

Leaning down, Relic placed a small kiss at the base of his tentacles, she remembered he enjoyed that. But she seemed different, wiser now, and knew that getting close again would certainly mean separation at some point. Unless he planned to stay with the group, as she had. This time they may of parted on better terms of course, but it would still be saddening. She didn't like who she was when temperamental and sad.

<So how do you know Phyliss? Was it chance that brought you to me, or preemptive planning?>

Resting on her elbow, she looked down at him, taking a few puffs of the pipe before offering it back to him. Sometimes she wished she had his ability, so she could know his thoughts.

She could see in his eyes that the herb had the more 'aphrodisiac' effect, not the 'hallucinogenic' effect. Not that she hadn't known that before.

<I also have a favor to ask you...I need another reading from you.> The tone in her voice seemed heavier, almost uncertain but set in her ways at the same time. His way of reading deeper into her thoughts than he could normally wasn't an easy process, nor a painless one.

He smiled inwardly at the fears of Relic, that they might get separated once again. Not by his initiative, no. He cared not for what would she do or what Phyliss' grand plan was, but he would not leave her again. He would keep himself beside the drow, until... well... until he could. Ma'ant took upon the pipe, taking a long, last puff before laying it beside them, blowing it slowly at Relic's face.

<Phyliss was... an acquaintance of Kasmir. Kasmir had known one of her employers. But there was a plot, and that fine, good man was killed. Kasmir helped smuggling Phyliss away from her foes and into safety. But that was... long, long ago...>

He brought himself upwards, even closer to Relic, his tentacles wriggling and a couple of them playing with her hair, taking it away from her face and touching her skin in long, kind caresses, one of them sliding across her lips in a retribuition of her kisses, another slowly snaking its way upwards to her ear...

<A reading? Why would that be?>, he asked, somewhat intrigued, <If I may ask you, dear.>
Trunfor Blackheart

Trunfor returned the kiss eagerly and continue for several moments, then moved his left and to her hair while ther othe caressed her leg.

The caress did feel good, Relic didn't want to give the wrong impression that it didn't, but she couldn't quite find it within herself to fully relax over such topics. This one was a worry to her, because it was the best chance she had at making more mistakes that would effect the crew of the ship, and her friends. Ma'ant included.

<Remember when I was young and you did a reading, it was to find out about my past. To very little avail?>

Looking to see his reaction to remembering that activity, she continued to think her answers, knowing it was not something to speak of openly.

<You felt a presence within me, a weak one, a dark one.>

Sitting up slightly more, she looked down upon him, and smiled. Her hand running through his tentacles and down his cheek, soon to run along his neck towards his shoulder.

<I need to know if that is bigger, and if it will ruin me.>
Phyliss Ovida

Phyliss felt that he grabbed into her snakes, while he kissed her. She liked that, but noted how carefully he was, probably afraid to hurt her. Between the kisses she mumbled: "The don't come off that easy...just..grab a snake..and .mmmhh. pull me where you want me..."
<That might just be, Relic.>

He finally reached her ear, coiling a tentacle around it and slurping it around, his wet skin almost nibbling at her. At the same time, he took upon the pipe to puff another time, inhaling the scent with gusto.

<I can do it, if you really want to. I will meditate and I suggest you to do the same, and tomorrow, if you wish, I will peruse into your mind. If only to ease you.>

Taking one of his gloved hands, Ma'ant started to slide it across Relic's leg, caressing it and rubbing his fingertips between her thighs.

<But not now. Not today. We have plenty to do.>

<I understand.>

Pushing herself down against him, she already felt him working her ear, her most sensitive spot. He knew it drove her mad when people touched them, not mad in an angry way, but mad in a purely sexual way. It made her salivate with anticipation, it stoked her fire deep inside, and it made her want anyone nearby that was a possible mate. Leaning in she wrapped her arms around him, and returned to kissing him. This time moving from a small peck here and there to more intense kisses. Each one moving to a more sensitive part of his head and neck region.

She wasn't so innocent anymore, and took one of his tentacles between her lips, gently suckling at it.

With a quick jump she moved her knee between his legs, and rubbed against him. Gently massaging his groin as she parted his robe to reveal his chest.

She purred as he rubbed between her legs, her body remembering how good of a partner he could be in bed. Not only was he well endowed, but he knew exactly where to apply pressure with his tentacles to drive women wild.

<Not in too much of a hurry I hope.>
The illithid allowed her to suck into his tentacle, finding it both amusing and curious, the feeling almost unnatural. And so, he allowed her to continue, sending his tentacle further into her mouth in order to coil around her tongue, a mimic of a kiss he could not readily deliver.

<By any means. We have all the time for ourselves.>

He said, his tentacles waving around showing his glee as to have Relic once again, after so long. Not one of his partners since her departure had taken him to so intense stages of pleasure as the drow had. Perhaps it was her nature, her race always deep into the knowledges of sexual performace. Instinctive? Maybe.

<It had been long, Relic. You have surely... grown bold.>

Ma'ant took one of his tentacles to wrap around Relic's hand, and slowly take her to caress at his chest, always filled with his natural viscousity, his ruddy, purple skin shivering at her touch.
Trunfor Blackheart

Trunfor smiled at Phyliss and continued to pet her hair while his other hand, caressing her leg, moved slowly towards her thigh.

<I have seen and experienced much since our last time, and I hold back now, only out of respect for you. And what we used to have.>

She continued to suckle his tentacle, but she could sense that it wasn't his more sensitive part and let her lips slide free to begin her move down along the nape of his neck. He guided her hand to his chest, and she ran her fingers of the tough skin, her fingernails scraping to give him more sensation. He was moist as always, and she moved her lips down along his shoulder to follow his collarbone. Her slow travel down to his chest done at a snails pace, and soon her lips were caressing where her fingers had been. Her fingers now lower down against his bottom ribs.

<I remember you being rather well endowed, was that because of my age and size...or was I not dreaming?>

She could already tell by the pressure of her thigh at his groin that she had not dreamed.

<Why don't you see it for yourself?>

Ma'ant reclined a little more, taking the tentacle that were at Relic's ear to coil tightly against her, rubbing it more fiercely in order to have the drow ready to mate with him once more.

<And I am open to your... experiences... share them with me. Hold nothing back. I am yours as you are mine, remember?>

He told her, loving how seductive she was being with him, laying kiss after kiss over his sensitive skin, her fingernails working wonders. He took both hands togheter, and ungloved them, laying both beside himself, taking his hands to caress Relic's hair so he could stare down at her eyes as she went further and further down.

His permission to continue and to be more forceful in her ways gave Relic the added energy to quickly pull apart his clothing. His chest was exposed now, and her fingers quickly exposed his lower regions which she examined with enjoyment. Yes, her memories were still intact concerning that at least. Looking up at him, she returned to her gentle kissing and caressing. Occasionally he would cause her ears to burn with heat and she would arch her back as the feeling shot through her. It was common for her to make sounds of enjoyment, like a cat might when they are stretching. She was much like a cat actually, in her movements, in her playfulness and with her hunting instincts.

For once she left her hands on his chest as her lips moved across his stomach, switching places so that her fingernails could continue their soft scratching whilst her mouth prepared for the final journey to where it really wanted to be.

Smiling, her lips grazed over his hips briefly before she enveloped his member with her mouth. It was one swift action she had prepared for, and although her lips only reached a few inches down, her tongue was quickly lapping all around his tip. Her eyes still locked on his as she worshiped.

Ma'ant could hardly cope with Relic's stare as her tongue worked wonders all over his body, her primal ways so uncommon to him. The young Relic had been complying to all of his suggestions, as if shy went obeying his every words as a command. Now, she revealled who she currently was, who she became after their years apart.

His phallus was as rigid as it would ever be as she worked her head beyond his tentacles' reach. However, they did not sit iddle, laying and recoiling against her hands that now slowly scratched against his torso. But more importantly did he take one of his large-fingered hands to caress at her ear, applying pressure at her feature and just behind it, scratching her as to have her in complete heat.

The tentacles wriggled in delight as he gurgled, imagining what trick Relic would bring next.

Her tongue ran in circles across the warm hard flesh that partially filled her mouth. Each lap sending her tip up and down the grooves, and every curl applied pressure at some point. Soon the flat surface of her tongue grazed up and down along his shaft as her lips slowly moved down inch by inch. More of the warmth and moistness that her mouth offered taking him in. Soon half his length was getting slowly sucked and lavished by her tongue. So far she had yet to begin the up and down movement, and simply and slowly worked every inch and every fraction of his throbbing member.

She watched him, finding her loins spasming gently with each pleasured gurgle he let out, and stroke of her ears. Part of her wondered if he was going to be loud, and if the others would hear, but in a devious sort of way she almost aimed to make that happen.

Her throat soon felt his tip pressing against it, and she squeezed her lips tightly around his shaft and sucked hard. Pulling him out of her mouth in one powerful move, to regain the licking all over his surface. She pushed an image strongly into her mind, knowing that her feelings washed over him.

It was a time long ago when she had known him for probably a year, working beside him and following his path in life. She had been dressed previously in luscious robes of similar yet not the same expense as the ones Kasmir often wore. One woman had been so voluptuous, so beautiful and flirty with him, and yet had turned down his advances, leaving with her husband from a party. Relic had enjoyed the forceful yet considerate haste with his he had bent her over one of the tables in a spare room of the mansion. She herself had wished to devour the other woman. Relics robe was hitched up around her waist, tie undone to show off her cleavage which was pressed against the smooth varnished surface. The smooth and pale legs which he held closed together whilst he pleased himself, and in turn he had her beyond shrieks of enjoyment. She had been totally devoid of thought beyond her sexual desire for him. Everyone had heard them, the moans and groans, the screams of delight. Afterwards she had examined the table to see scratch marks from her fingernails.

Taking him back into her mouth, she began to increase her movements, wanting nothing more than to ride him again. But she wanted to have him nice and slick with saliva, and she wanted him to want her so bad that it hurt in his loins. Like she had felt of him during those years when he had controlled her through pure want alone.
Phyliss Ovida

"Mmmhh..don't be...mmmmh...shy." The gorgon pressed her mouth onto the halffiens lips and stimulated him with her tongue. She felt his hand gliding over her dress, caressing her leg so far, but now going for higher regions, while she stillk kneeled before her sitting friend. She felt his hand in her snakes, but still gentle and soft. "Dont' afraid..mhhhmmm... that you could...shmm...hurt me."
Trunfor Blackheart

Trufor could barely make out what Phyliss was saying. He didn't think he was coausing her this much pleasure to cause her to... well speak unclearly.

He pulled away from the kiss and removed his hands from her hair and leg. Looking at her in confusion he asked, "What? I didn't hear you correctly."

Surely, Relic had known how to bring him up to the highest levels of Nirvana. Had she planned it earlier, or had it just crossed her mind to tease him so much? The feelings... the memories... all washing through his enhanced senses at the same time could bring him to a so overbearing sensation...

For a moment, Ma'ant thought he would be comatose before their session was through. He tried to keep himself low, but throwing his head backwards, he gurgled once again, almost burping as she worked down his shaft with great care and utmost skill. Relic had surely learned much in the years passed, and her own inventive ways were now binding him completely at her mercy.

He had finally bowed for her, in every sense.

<I remember, Relic. I remember the desire. The delight. The abandon. The most primal and savage of feelings washing the both of us. And I will so have you dress such garments again...>

Taking both his hands over Relic's head, his long fingers locked around her elven ears, Ma'ant forced her head down into his erection, having her choking and gagging around his prick as he held her tight around him. He knew of the risks. Of the danger. But he had showed her how much he desired her every caress, how envyous did he felt about anyone to touch the drow besides himself.

She found his member shoved deeply into the back of her throat, and instinctively started to gag. However, it seemed to drive him on more and soon she could feel the small thrusts of his hips. This gave her just enough reprieve to stop from choking on his size. But he stretched her mouth wide until the corners were painfully sore. And she was unable to do more than let him fill her. Looking up at him, she relaxed as much as possible, letting him please himself. If anything, she enjoyed his command still, but wouldn't let him continue to choke her if he decided to not let her breathe.

His hands held her ears firmly, and she moaned in muffled gagging sounds, her eyes closing as she felt her thighs quiver.

Her tongue was forced to the bottom of her mouth, and her cheeks stretched wide, and soon she could no longer withhold from breathing and she had to tear herself away from him. His member fell from her mouth with a loud pop, and she took in a deep breath. Her chin dripping with her own saliva. And as soon as she had breathed enough to survive a while longer, she was back down to take him into her mouth. To the same point he had forced her before, except this time her throat was opened enough to stop her from instinctively gagging in response, and she moved her head up and down, sucking in long powerful strokes up his shaft.
Phyliss Ovida

Phyliss laughed, although her attemps to french kiss Tronfur were interrupted.
"I just said, don't be afraid to hurt me, if you handle me. Just let yourself go the way you like to."

The illithid blessed whoever gods were with him as Relic had decided not to bite him, and instead had renew her sucking with unseen vigour, her motions so strong and so calculated that he knew he would not be long. His balls already tickled as the drow lowered her head in his groin once more.

<Relic. I am not going to last much... longer...>

His senses were overtaken by the sensations, his phallus over excited by her powerful sucking, as if Relic wished to milk him dry with her mouth. And she did. Once again Ma'ant took both his hands towards the drow head, and viciously forced her down into his erection, his tentacles wildly wrigling upwards in spasms of complete pleasure as he ejaculated deep into Relic's throat, his long sprays of his seed flowing down through his member as a cascade, jolting strongly against the back of Relic's throat. Ma'ant's fluids were much more liquid and fluid than a human's seed, it's greenish colour like some oozing mucus.