
Oh, I just remembered, my Call of the Dove in non-erotic has the two main characters, a husband and wife die in the end. Then had the mother of the wife killing a man who assisted the person who killed them. Oh, and the that person he assisted was also killed. And then there were a lot of red shirt types who died off screen. :D
The narrator of my latest is a grieving widower. And mortality is an element in many, if not most, of my stories. In no particular order, a dead mother, two dead families (WW1 and the 1918 flu), a dead friend and parishioner, a couple of near-deaths, and another dead friend.

As Sarah says in Minister, death is life's biggest question. And if the best writing comes from a place of emotional authenticity, it's a natural element to include in any story.
I don't include death often in my stories because it doesn't usually fit with my concept of what is erotic. I looked through my story list, and only two of my 33 stories feature death.

One is my sci fi/tentacle porn story Planet of the Tentacons.

The other is At Play On The Sand With Mom, which is a mother-son incest story where the father's recent death looms over the action in the story and plays a significant role in the tone and action of the story. The story has a sad tone that is a departure from most of my stories. The loss of the father helps explain what happens.
^^^ Ignore the spammer above.

I'm toying with an idea of mixing this with second person POV in a type of ghost story where the recently departed gets inside the head of a character and instructs their every mood and movement.
My main character in my Smoking Hot series is a 38-year-old widower, over the shock but still grieving a few years later and not wanting to get close to anyone.

Obviously being a Lit story, he's persuaded to have a bit of meaningless sex and it goes on from there, with various ups and downs.
Oh, I've bumped off a lot of characters, but then again, I'm the one who said I'd rather make my readers cry than make them come.

In Mary and Alvin, I even gave them a warning, 24 chapters in advance.

"Age don't matter, if you're Bogey and Bacall or if you are Romeo and Juliet."

"Romeo and Juliet died at the end of the story," Mary replied.

"So did Bogey and Bacall. And so will we."
I asked a very similar question a couple of months ago. If I recall correctly, the main female character was to be killed in a drug deal gone bad. The actual act wasn't depicted; just the discovery of her body by her boyfriend a few hours later.

I decided against it; it went against the light-hearted, slightly goofy scenes that proceeded it. (I hadn't written much of that yet.) I'm not saying I'd never do it, but the saddest events I've written about so far are about break-ups. Usually, the cure for that is to immediately go out and start looking for someone else.

Well, now that I think about it, I did write a ghost story as jaFO mentions above. But more than fifty years had passed since the death of the person. It wasn't even clear that she knew she was dead.
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Somehow I blanked on this, but my Valentine's Day entry starts with the aftermath of a gruesome murder, is about the investigation of said murder and (It did reasonably well - especially given the fact that I tried to sell this for Valentine's Day.)

I did decidedly less well with my 750 word story which (in my reading at least) is about a husband reeally failing to cope with his wife's death.

So just under half of my published stories feature death - I guess I am kind of an edgy kid...:eek:
I asked a very similar question a couple of months ago. If I recall correctly, the main female character was to be killed in a drug deal gone bad. The actual act wasn't depicted; just the discovery of her body by her boyfriend a few hours later.

Ah, drug deals. In a sequel to my Geek Pride story a gang made up of two MF couples stole a drug shipment and during the botched operation kidnapped three young women with no connection to the drugs. But rather light-hearted, Gail, one of the gang members, said at one point “and stand still or I’ll blow your girlfriend’s red head right off. I’d enjoy that.” She and Asha (the red head with a gun pointed at her) did not, oh, let's just say they didn't like each other a bit from their first meeting.

But it was another gang member, Jake, aka the Wolfman, who fell through a roof hatch and caught his head between two steps of a ladder. A good way to die? At least a quick way to die. Why did he fall? A mystery. But Bonnie, his girlfriend and partner in crime was an unfortunate witness.

A subsequent story served as a prequel to tell of Bonnie and Jake meeting and their growing relationship (it involved cocaine and many deaths at a Halloween party that they may have had some, um, responsibility for... such a cute, fun-loving couple...) Another story covered a detective who investigated the Halloween disaster and later tried to find out the cause of his fall (he and Bonnie had underground reps as very agile thieves who rumor said could sneak into any building so such a fall was a bit of a shock) and covered Bonnie's devastation from his death.
If anyone wants to read an amazing erotica book, I must recommend "Topping from Below" by Laura Reese.

You can buy it on Amazon, Google Books, or Audible.

It's about a woman whose sister is killed and she suspects it's the dominant boyfriend. The woman meets with the dominant and they have a sexual relationship, which she agrees to because she wants information and she wants to get inside the guy's head.

It's really hardcore and interesting.
If anyone wants to read an amazing erotica book, I must recommend "Topping from Below" by Laura Reese.

You can buy it on Amazon, Google Books, or Audible.

It's about a woman whose sister is killed and she suspects it's the dominant boyfriend. The woman meets with the dominant and they have a sexual relationship, which she agrees to because she wants information and she wants to get inside the guy's head.

It's really hardcore and interesting.

Wasn't there a thread where she stole a Lit author's stories? Forgive me if I am wrong, I just recognize the name. If she is a thief, I certainly would not want to buy her stuff.
Wasn't there a thread where she stole a Lit author's stories? Forgive me if I am wrong, I just recognize the name. If she is a thief, I certainly would not want to buy her stuff.

Nothing shows up in a search with the name “Laura Reese” regarding stealing of stories. At least I can’t find anything.

I did find plenty of negative reviews of the named book from some of the forums under BDSM Cafe: Topping From Below. Were a couple of more positive mentions as I raced through the postings.

And on her other one - Panic Snap, “all the worst stereotypes” Panic Snap. That exhausts my knowledge of the subject.

Art is subjective.
Death? Well, yes. So far I've killed spouses, kids, parents and in one case, most of humanity. Haven't killed the protagonist yet, but had one who had cancer.

So very cheerful my stories are.
my husband's best friend, divorced twice, finally engaged to the gal that he should have married the first time----had a massive heart attack while they were making love/having sex. Tommy was probably in his late 40s.
my husband's best friend, divorced twice, finally engaged to the gal that he should have married the first time----had a massive heart attack while they were making love/having sex. Tommy was probably in his late 40s.

I had a relative whose wife died at forty. He went to pieces for a while, eventually got himself back together. Fell in love with a woman in Canada, courted her, eventually she came to Australia to marry him. He had a bad accident, was off his feet for a year, and he'd just mended and been given a clean bill of health when he dropped dead from an undiagnosed medical condition.

Some people just have no luck :-/
My Aquarius 2: Hearts of the ocean deals with the loss of a child.

My "For the Whored" has Elunara kill a couple of people, she is a trained assassin after all.
There's actually several deaths over the course of the story, the first one she ever feels guilty over is early in the series.
I had a relative whose wife died at forty. He went to pieces for a while, eventually got himself back together. Fell in love with a woman in Canada, courted her, eventually she came to Australia to marry him. He had a bad accident, was off his feet for a year, and he'd just mended and been given a clean bill of health when he dropped dead from an undiagnosed medical condition.

Some people just have no luck :-/

My mother was in her mid 40s when my father died in his early 50s (accidentally). She had one lover in her early 50s but no one since then and is now in her mid 70s. I don't get my libido from her...

I have a bit of death in my stories, but it's usually happened before the story is set.

Third little brain fart on the theme... a good friend who is an Anglican priest says he always has the best sex after he has taken a funeral- something about life continuing. His wife says she never complains and loves it when the funeral director rings!
Nothing shows up in a search with the name “Laura Reese” regarding stealing of stories. At least I can’t find anything.

I did find plenty of negative reviews of the named book from some of the forums under BDSM Cafe: Topping From Below. Were a couple of more positive mentions as I raced through the postings.

And on her other one - Panic Snap, “all the worst stereotypes” Panic Snap. That exhausts my knowledge of the subject.

Art is subjective.

My mistake. I found the thread that I was referring to, but the thief's name was Nadia Laura not Laura Reese. My bad.