

SE Pocket Pool Champion
Dec 25, 2001
Huh! Yeah! What is it go-od for?

Absolutely nuthin!

Say it again y'all, Death! Huh! Good golly! What is it go-od for?

repeat ad nauseam :D
Is there a point to all of this? Or to you being here?
Oh my gawd ......... is there a point to posting that kind of shit without a 'warning' in the thread title????
Oh, btw, Redneck, have you not had problems with posting copyrighted pics in the past?
Now I've happened upon some strange fetishes at this board but this really is a surprise.

Dead men your thing then Roughneck?
Nope mad jack, just thought i'd bring the nut bags out of the wood work with stuff like this. I find it funny, with all the people on Lit, and the wide range of intrests, there is still so much anger towards those who walk a different path. Now in all honesty, I don't dislike people, regardless of their sexual prefrence, religion, or race. In fact I think its great that were all different, thats what makes the human race so great. What I do enjoy is seeing someone get bent out of shape over a different point of view. We all like to clamer about our right to say what we want or what we please, yet how many times do we see people get mad when someones point of view differs from that of everyone elses?

Now I don't claim to be perfect, nor do I hold others short commings over them. Yet i find it amazing how angry people can get when you do something they view as unexceptable. I bet I have pissed quite a few people off with these pictures and taking sides with Hanns ( BTW, I could care less what Hanns thinks) but I did this to prove a point. We only except those things that we view exceptable in our mind and those things outside that view are looked upon as wrong.
Shouldn't this thread be titled;
Redneck Yahoos posting pix of their momma?
case in point, another Nut bag whos just come out of the wood work.
Roughneck said:
... I find it funny, with all the people on Lit, and the wide range of intrests, there is still so much anger towards those who walk a different path.

I don't think it is anger at 'people who walk a different path.' It is more like anger at those who preach oppression of those who walk a different path.

The main thrust of the comments by other people on this thread seem to have been not condemnation but confusion as to why you posted those pic. People usually post a pic with a comment to put the pic into context.

I see your point now in light of what you said in reply to my comment, but I thinkn your point might have been made more effectively if you had posted a comment along with the pics.
Naw Star, your an ok guy. I was refering to those people who get bent out of shape over someones views that conflicts with their own.
Ah, I gather you feel as though you're on a mission from this god you mention in your sigline.
Well, whatever gets your cogs a'turning.
Your quite right Mad_Jack, a few words should have been with the pictures. Well ya live and learn, hoping not to make the same mistakes twice.
Not so much on a mission Coolville, but more to prove a point.