Death Of Tea Party?

I was just going to start a thread about the death of the Republicans in general.

The hole just keeps getting bigger...

Good thing you keep filling it back up with manure.
It's just a matter of time before the GOP finally implodes thanks to the wind bag Tea Party. And libs aren't the only ones saying this.
It's just a matter of time before the GOP finally implodes thanks to the wind bag Tea Party. And libs aren't the only ones saying this.

Naaah. The Tea Party intends to make a point with both Obama and the RINOs, that is, they cant govern without Tea Party cooperation.
Naaah. The Tea Party intends to make a point with both Obama and the RINOs, that is, they cant govern without Tea Party cooperation.

naah... They can only do this so many times. The majority of Americans are fed up with their antics as evidenced by the recent elections. The next election the remainder will be voted out.
Something tells me you spend a lot of time whistling past the graveyard.:D

Vette, you know who the real rino's are? It's the Tea Party and other like minded purists. The grave yard is where they will all end up, whining as usual about not being able to take "their" country back. Boo fucking who.
Seems UD, Merc, et al, may have signed a premature death warrant. Boehner might be about to get a big payback for his pogrom against conservatives in committee assignments:

Death of Tea Party appears exaggerated, members in House appear to hold key fiscal vote
Published December 29, 2012

What the TEA Party has done is raise taxes on 100% of Americans.

Are we taxed enough already, yet?
Death of Tea Party exaggerated; irrelevance of Republican Party not so much.
The public death of the TEA party is as necessary as the demise of any other collective which forms and eventually, naturally compromises the primary principle(s) it first sprouted from...

...the most feared patriots in this country now are the true political independents who revere individual liberty and the rule of law above all else - they are the ones who are in the process of resetting this great nation's course after over 100 years of progressive, socialist activism and over 50 years before that of blatant statism at its most imperialistic.
I would have been a vociferous supporter of the Tea Party, were it not for their social agenda.
Vette, you know who the real rino's are? It's the Tea Party and other like minded purists. The grave yard is where they will all end up, whining as usual about not being able to take "their" country back. Boo fucking who.

Look at you talkin' like a sailor.
Only if you believe the Republican base is all about protecting the interests of government. The Tea Party Republicans are about protecting the private sector's interests. Raising taxes on anyone in this economic environment is disastrous for the economy as a whole.

BTW, that would be Boo fucking Hoo.:D

The tea party is about protecting themselves at the expense of everyone else or regardless of anyone else. They also seem to think the U.S. is or should be a Christian theocracy and they can.force their irrational medieval beliefs on everyone else. November showed what the majority thinks of them as well as the GOP. Cwy me a wiver, Vetteman. :)
I would have been a vociferous supporter of the Tea Party, were it not for their social agenda.

They have no understanding of the Reagan 'revolution', which eschewed social politics.

Of course, they would have nothing to do with the liberal Reagan anyway:rolleyes:
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