Dear ridddder:

Purple Haze

Literally Stimulated
Sep 19, 2000
Here's the thread to ask ridddder anything.

Remember there are no stupid questions.....
When my monkey is bad.....

I spank it....bad monkey....very bad monkey .....
Re: When my monkey is bad.....

ridddder said:
I spank it....bad monkey....very bad monkey .....

Omg Riddler, wtf are you doing??

Harder dammit! :devil:

Well the better question is what is a maroon?

Is it?

A)To put ashore on a deserted island?
B)To abandon with little hope of being found?
C)A fugitive Black slave in the West Indies in the 17th and 18th centuries.
D)A dark reddish brown to dark purplish red.
E) A cimarron wild, unruly, from cima the summit of a mountain.
F)A fugitive slave.
G)A large French chestnut.
H)An explosive shell.
I)A paper or pasteboard box or shell, wound about with strong twine, filled with an explosive, and ignited with a fuse.

Hmmmmm of all those excellent definitions in my dictionary, I doubt if any of them would be raspberry. So my answer to your question would be....ummm no thank you, but thanks for are too kind...
Siren said:
want to try a raspberry maroon?

Siren, if you dont put the damn maroons away I'm going to bring out the dancing bananas!

:nana: :nana: :nana:

Too late :D

Re: Well the better question is what is a maroon?

ridddder said:
Is it?

A)To put ashore on a deserted island?
B)To abandon with little hope of being found?
C)A fugitive Black slave in the West Indies in the 17th and 18th centuries.
D)A dark reddish brown to dark purplish red.
E) A cimarron wild, unruly, from cima the summit of a mountain.
F)A fugitive slave.
G)A large French chestnut.
H)An explosive shell.
I)A paper or pasteboard box or shell, wound about with strong twine, filled with an explosive, and ignited with a fuse.

Hmmmmm of all those excellent definitions in my dictionary, I doubt if any of them would be raspberry. So my answer to your question would be....ummm no thank you, but thanks for are too kind...

You've never been to a Passover seder, have you?
A Seder?

Olivianna said:
You've never been to a Passover seder, have you?

I wanna know which religion uses the word seder? Wiccan?

n : (Judaism) the ceremonial dinner on the first night (or both nights) of Passover [syn: Seder, Passover supper]
Source: WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton University

Ah it is a jewish thing, and how are those of use who are raised in the mideast as good Protestants supposed to know jewish things?

I know that southpark draddle*<sp> song, isn't that good enough?

Where should I tell the cops I was on the night in question?
Plausible deniability

Shaq said:
Where should I tell the cops I was on the night in question?

The 10 biggest rules of interrogation

1) Always plead innocense.

2) Deny everything.

3) Never give in to threats that you have been ratted out, this is the biggest trick used by authorities. By doing so they guilt you into confessing, never fall prey into that sort of deciept.

4) Never answer any questions without a lawyer present.

5) Do not look anyone in the eye.

6) Never take time to answer, answer quick and positively. For example.... if someone asked you if you did it....don't no...... I did not. Hesitation strikes suspicion.

7)If you need to lie, use a lie that is closest to the truth as possible. This way it is easier to feign if you are caught in the lie since it is based on truth.

8)Using alibi's with no witnesses, is a good tactic, but what is better is to actually do an errand while you are doing your deed. This way you can prove that you actually left the party to mail a letter......etc.

9)Practice details, know your story by heart like you did it, and stick to the same story with out deviation...consistancy is key.

10)Answer questions witha a question, so it appears as you are answering when you are in fact telling nobody anything.
Re: Re: Well the better question is what is a maroon?

Olivianna said:
You've never been to a Passover seder, have you?
Are you thinking of macaroons? I've never heard of maroons being referred to at a seder.
Where are the Lit people...?

Well let's see it is very late, a friday night....and everyone has nothing better to do than stay up and, and reply to the scourge of rhetorical comments by the few left online. And going to bed is a bad reply? Out of Nitol or Unisom?

Call me crazy, but something here is wayyyyy overrated.....maybe I am just a glutton for punishment.....

Yes have been very naughty.....;)
Re: Plausible deniability

Well suffering succotash

That is rich.......

I knight you sir loin of beef........

Now fetch me some Hasenpheffer boy