Dear Nice Guys... ignore these women, avoid them, banish them from your life.


バクスター の
Apr 3, 2010

Women don't give a damn about you if you are suffering without a relationship. Why should you give a damn if they're in a crappy one?

Most importantly... never, EVER let her come cry on your shoulder. That's what her boyfriend is for. And if he abuses or cheats on her? Tough shit. She made her bed, she lies in it.

Of course you'll be called a misogynist or a heartless jerk if you take this attitude... but this is where you tell the women they are not entitled to your sympathy.

Women can't FORCE you to sympathize with their bad choices. Remember that!


  • hypocrite women tumblr_mimvt5Zfxj1qjrvz0o1_500.jpg
    hypocrite women tumblr_mimvt5Zfxj1qjrvz0o1_500.jpg
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It's a good thing you don't have any children.

Except for the fake ones, of course.
Stupid fucking midgetboy
Has no kids
No wife
No life except his online fantasy world

The hooker at the gas station must have turned him down again

Good thing she didn't growl at her
He would have put a bullet in her brain-pan
And laughed with the cops over an icey lemonade
LOL you guys trying to terrorize men into giving women what they're not owed? Hilarious. Suckers.
Dude, nobody's being intimidated by you.

Nice guys, women can't FORCE you to sympathize with their bad choices. KylesAlts has no power to force you to do so. Remember that!


Dude, you just don't know when to quit, do you?

In all the years I've been on here when have you EVER seen me not outlast, out-shout, and out-muscle bullies like you? My message is loudest, longest and strongest.

Nice guys, women are NOT entitled to your sympathy. If they make bad choices in men, let them deal with it. Do the smart thing and be out somewhere when she calls you for a shoulder to cry on. Remember that!
Dance Little Bitch

Pirouette For Us

Pay No Attention To The Rest Of Us
As We Point And Laugh At You

The Little Boy-child
Wants To Be A Man
But His Mama Dressed Him Like A Girl
And Now He Is Confused

But He Can Sure Talk Like A Big Boy

Put Your Tutu Back On And Dance Little Bitch
Dance Dance Dance
KylesAlts, dude, WOMEN ARE STILL NOT ENTITLED TO A MAN'S SYMPATHY when she dates a cheating abusive jerkwad.

No matter how many times you say or imply otherwise.

No, nay, never, nyet. Has it gotten through your thick skull yet?
What the fuck ever...anyone bitching about how women treat "nice" guys has obviously been friend zoned because they have no fucking balls.

They don't have the balls to tell her what's up and she smells that weakness on you like death....*sniff* what's that she detects? Is that the scent of a fuckin' bawss?'s lil bitch

And just like a scared lil bitch what does this emasculated lil bitch boy do?

That's right....hims lash out..... "WOMEN WHO TREAT NICE GUYS...BOOO FUCKIN' HOOO"
oh and let's not forget "THE FRIEND ZONE IS SUCH BULLSHIT!!! WAHHHHHH!!"
Suddenly you care about nice guys? You've been trying to crap on nice guys all your online life.

hey just thought I'd stop and say this is some of the funniest shit I've read to date on this site.
PLEASE!!! Keep it up.
What the fuck ever...anyone bitching about how women treat "nice" guys has obviously been friend zoned because they have no fucking balls.

They don't have the balls to tell her what's up and she smells that weakness on you like death....*sniff* what's that she detects? Is that the scent of a fuckin' bawss?'s lil bitch

And just like a scared lil bitch what does this emasculated lil bitch boy do?

That's right....hims lash out..... "WOMEN WHO TREAT NICE GUYS...BOOO FUCKIN' HOOO"
oh and let's not forget "THE FRIEND ZONE IS SUCH BULLSHIT!!! WAHHHHHH!!"
Lots of feminists scream that the 'Friendzone' is bullshit. But the Friendzone thing is quite real. It's another term for 'unrequited love', but with fewer letters and syllables, and it's catchier.

You'll note that women women get friendzoned, they write songs and bawl about it. Guys aren't allowed that luxury. And that's bullshit. Women go out of their way to deny men the right to have feelings about rejection and that bullshit has got to end. The enormous pushback by men about this issue is just the tip of the iceberg; the men are fighting back on this issue, big time. Feminists on Tumblr have found themselves dishing out hell only to get hell dished right back at them. And the feminists got utterly MAULED on Reddit and a few other places where the Friendzone debates raged.

The problem is that the men's fighting back is largely chaotic and unfocused, and when it is focused it is poorly directed. You have guys out there on Reddit and other places posting "She put you in the Friendzone? Put her in the RAPE ZONE!!!" bullshit and it's just frustrating to see how guys like that are still sitting outside a prison cell. For the most part, however, these guys are wasting too much time yelling that the feminists' crappy POV is not respected.

As badly as they're battering the feminists, though, their tactics ultimately fail. Calling a woman a bitch because she won't date you is 100% bad response. Pestering her is 100% bad response. Attempting to guilt trip her is 100% bad response. "I'm nice so why won't she fuck me" is just downright stupid. Feminists do have a point with that last one - "nice guys" come across as hoping to get sex by dropping proverbial niceness coins into the machine. If it really did work that way, then any guy who did that, could score with her. That would, of course, go poorly for the guy, as other guys come drop niceness coins for sex.

Beating the friendzone is doable. Easy for some, difficult for others, but it is doable.
No one asks us women what we want. Some of us may just prefer assholes. :(
Yes, but then you want us to listen to you when you run into troubles with these assholes. Then you get mad if we don't.
You unlock this door with the key of naivety.
Beyond it is another dimension, a dimension of fragile hearts and irrational minds.
It is a land of infatuations and rejections, where hope and despair are locked in an eternal struggle...
you've just crossed over into...

"Let's just be friends."
"You're a nice guy, but..."
"I love you like a brother..."

If you've had this happen to you then you, sir, have experienced what is called unrequited love. Or, as MTV and others have called it, the Friend Zone. If you have heard of the term "Friend Zone" then you probably have heard all the feminist and chivalrybot vitriol about how, for some reason or another, there is no such thing as a "friend zone".

NEWS FLASH. There is a such thing as the Friend Zone. As I said, it's a modern term for unrequited love, but catchier. For the women and male chivalrybots who keep insisting the Friend Zone doesn't exist, there is this immortal, epic and flawless rebuttal that all Friend Zoned guys should remember:

Oh, and did I forget to mention that women also complain about being friend zoned? Which totally annihilates that idiotic feminist "insecure men" argument.

Shall I also mention that women who get friend zoned, go nuts and even write songs about it? And they aren't nearly as demonized as men who complain about being friend zoned.

You know what, no, wait, just ignore the idiots who say there's no such thing as the Friend Zone. Would you stop and debate someone who says the Earth is flat? Of course not. These people are just obstructions meant to slow you down. Move past them. Plow through them if they don't get the fucking hint. The Friend Zone exist, and it must be resolved.

That having been settled, there are many ways to resolve the Friend Zone. Here are five of the basic resolutions.

1) The Ultra Chump. This guy put his life on hold while waiting patiently (read: foolishly) for the object of his affections to turn to him. The results were predictable, of course. One of the two WORST resolutions, ever.

2) The Tragic Flameout. Some guy pushed too hard, or called her a bitch for turning him down, or did something else stupid. Hence, the other one of the two worst resolution ever, for the Friend Zone dilemma:

3) Friendzone, Circumvented. She Friend Zoned him, and he moved on with his life and found himself in a relationship with someone else. My. Personal. Favorite. Ending. Of course when she found herself inconveniently stuck in the Friend Zone in the end, that just put the icing on the cake. But the most important thing is this guy got smart and moved on!!!

4) The Happy Ending. He got Friend Zoned, waited nonetheless, and later on got moved into the Relationship Zone. And many a men celebrated their rescued brethren!

5) The Opportunist. There's no picture for this one because nobody thinks this far outside the box. You're in her friend zone, she says? Well, you can use this to your advantage, if she is sincere. I'll let the feminists and chivalrybots howl with rage while they speculate about what I mean. I'll drop the bom-er, I'll get to this later.
Now... Which Path To Take?
To understand which path you need to take, let's look at how the Friend Zone game is playing out. And trust me, as long as unrequited love exists, the Friend Zone game is playing out... it is not played out, and it never gets old.

Lots of guys see the Friend Zone and imagine themselves doing this:

But you probably might want to check and see what kind of Friend Zone you are dealing with:

If this is her attitude, STOP. Don't try to cross the line. That runs you the risk of the Tragic Flameout scenario where you fall into the Creep Zone. Instead, take the Friendzone Circumvented approach: move on. Find someone else. Another thing you never want to do is rip the woman a new one for sticking you in the Friend Zone. The arguments for why are legion: basically, it's not an insult to be counted as one's friend. Moreover it makes you, not her, look bad. It also usually leads to the Tragic Flameout ending. Dunno about you, but for me, that would be... embarrassing. The other thing you never want to do, is put your life on hold for a woman. She's just one woman, for God's sake, and you only have one life to live. Spend it finding someone else to go out with. Obsession is a bad thing, 'k? There are plenty of fish in the sea... although you may not find that to be comforting if you feel this woman is your soul mate. Been there, done that. And I won't tell you that soul mates are overrated, because they're not. If you've been pining for this woman for x many years through thick and thin, getting over her is going to be absolute hell.


There is one thing to consider, though. Certain women are not good for you, even if you are pining over them like the proverbial Lucas from the movie of the same name. More than likely, if she's spouting hate for the Nice Guy, you should walk, not run away from her. Because running is cowardly and all that. Distance yourself calmly from this species of harpy. Don't bother to debate her or her chivalrybot manservants - they're just out to shower her with niceness coins until she lets them in her pants, so no logic or reasoning will get through to them. And they're a waste of time when you should be out looking for love.

The Nice Guy Syndrome
Many women are all up in arms about the Nice Guy connection with the Friend Zone meme. The trope goes as follows: a nice guy complains about "let's just be friends" and asks the world why won't she date him. The women say "it's her choice who she dates". All fine and well, so far, no foul there. Being a nice guy is not enough for a man to become boyfriend material. This is a reasonable point for a woman to make. Being a decent human being is a must, not a romantic bonus. This nice guy issue is at the very center of the Friend Zone debate. Nice guys who feel you are owed sex because you're nice, beware of the folly of your approach: if it really did work that way, then any guy who did that, could score with her. That would, of course, go poorly for the guy, as other guys come drop niceness coins for sex.

However, the nonsense factor in the women's argument starts to appear when you look a little closer at the situation. It turns out that there are an abundance of examples of women who date men who are not at all decent human beings. Rush Limbaugh's wives are a case in point; there's also all the women who date Jesse James, and of course Rihanna who got back with Chris Brown after he beat her down and then ejected her ass from his car. And Eminem, I'm definitely looking at you. Anyone who's been outside for a day has met a single mother whose baby's father left her. Anyone who's been outside for two days has met a woman whose CURRENT boyfriend has cheated on her. And she's still with this not so decent person. But you, sir, are not worthy of a girlfriend because you are a decent human being. Because she's dating a not so indecent one instead. But if you point this out to her, you are somehow creepy while the guy cheating on her or kicking her ass, is not? Wait, what?

Oh but you haven't even heard the worst part yet. Being a woman means she is also "entitled" to come cry on your shoulder when her not so decent human being of a boyfriend does her wrong. Yup, she's got you on speed dial. And like a nice guy you drop everything you're doing and go comfort her. One has to ask... has she ever done that for you? Probably not. If you weren't such an infatuated puppy-on-a-leash, you might have stopped to consider that. But you are, so you didn't. And here we are. You, the nice guy, and her, the emotional vampire. Feeding at your all too willing neck.

The other problem here is that women who do date these douchebags that they complain about, are equally as weak as you are. And they rationalize their sorry lives, too. They expect you to listen to them whine about their awful boyfriends, but if you as a guy say this is annoying, suddenly the angry feminists and male chivalrybots rise up to tell you to shut up. Like so:

News flash, chivalrybots: it's a thing, and it's getting to be a bigger thing as time goes on. You might as well suck it up and deal. Because it is annoying to listen to a woman whine about how bad she has it with her man - the man she chooses to stay with. The problem with you, as a nice guy, is not that you point out how annoying this hypocritical behavior is. The problem with you is that you keep lending this woman an ear so she can persist with her whining. By coddling this hypocrite, you are justifying her behavior, downright encouraging it to continue. And one thing that Mr. Chivalrybot in the picture above said, though, is true: if you are just listening to this whiny female child-in-an-adult-body just to get laid, then no, you aren't a decent person.

But now, have I made an argument for why this woman should date you and not her jerk ass boyfriend? No. Wait, not just no, but hell no. I know you're all tied up in this woman and your heart is breaking in two, so this just might not reach you: a woman who dates a jackass who treats her like crap is a lesser creature. She, like her boyfriend, fouls up the gene pool. She is garbage, trash, damaged goods. You'd better believe that if you were the one dating stupid women who messed you up, women would be saying the same thing about you.

What do women do to male damaged goods? Shitcan them. And so you should take a page from the woman's book and do the same to damaged women. SHITCAN THEM. Under no fucking circumstances should EVER you let yourself be this guy:

If that represents your situation, then it is time for you to re-think your life.

Women also like to say this a lot, even though feminists and chivalrybots like to deny it:

Men, in kind, respond in the only LOGICAL way possible:

Ultimately, it boils down to this:

The reality is: if you find yourself dealing with a woman like that, you're wasting your time waiting for an explanation. She's not even worth the time you would spend hearing her explanation. If you are even there to hear her explanation, then you are going about life the wrong way. Time to re-think your life.

And listening to a woman you love dearly, yapping about her abusive boyfriend, hurts just as badly. So here's what you do - don't argue with women like ones who spout the argument in that picture. Take action instead. Put a stop to your "friend" using you as an emotional sponge. Women don't think they owe you any emotional support for your woes... stop giving them any. Like for like. Any woman who disagrees with this is not worth the time. You do not owe her anything, anymore than she owes you. Repeat that, after me. You. Don't. Owe. Her. Emotional. Support. Capiche? No, really, don't go telling a woman how hurt you are that she won't date you. Cut that out. But if she ever comes back whining about her boyfriend... cut her short. Or just don't be there. You don't owe her that!!! She can't force or bully you into being her emotional sponge!!! There's no law forcing you to do that!

Seriously. I'm so dead serious. Do not bother arguing with women about any of this. This is simply for you to understand, this is for you to figure out which action you should take. The gist of what I am saying is, if you find yourself in an unrequited love situation with a woman who dates certified jerks, get away from her. Even if for some reason you are in her queue and your number comes up, this woman is unlikely to be an emotionally healthy woman. She will probably drag you down with her instability. Way down. And if she stayed with a guy who cheated on her, she may have been passed a sexually transmitted disease from this jackweed. Fuck feminism and political correctness, and chivalry can go eat a shotgun, too, we're talking about your nuts falling off because of her boyfriend's indiscretions. WTF!
Women who stay with loser boyfriends... lose them. They're 100% unsuitable for you. ESPECIALLY the ones who keep dating losers over and over again.

What better way to give her the middle finger than to move on with your life?

Once again:

If your "friend" keeps dating jerks and players and calls you to comfort her, be gone. Don't gripe at her about how unfair she is. Just. Be. Elsewhere! Be elsewhere having a life, pursuing other relationships. But do remember to return her calls and give her your sympathies when you get back. It's the gentlemanly thing to do, of course!

Actually, this is a good strategy. Don't just disappear on her outright. That is jerk behavior. The name of the game is to taper things off, but also not into oblivion. Taper it off just so that you have time and emotional space to bring someone else into your life - or heart, for that matter. Still, though, she is bringing her heartbreak upon herself, and it's up to her to stop putting herself through this. Because, in due time, you will be the one who has to listen to her whining about how all men are pigs - even while the man who isn't a pig, is sitting there, listening to her. Uh, fuck that. You need to be elsewhere pursuing your own life, not picking up the pieces of her fucked up life. She'll never be there to comfort you. Those types never are. She's a user. A classic user. Have the dignity not to let her bleed you out like that.
Now, for one of the most terrifyingly awful ways out of the Friend Zone: The Ultra Chump

This is also known as the Doormat. The puppy dog. The chump. It just goes without saying why these guys are Friend Zoned.

There's a saying that childish men have for women who "give away sex too easily": why buy the cow when the milk comes free? What few don't realize is that many women behave the same way. Why get into a relationship with a guy when you can have his generosity "for free" (as in, without any romantic ties)? As childish, perverse and sad as it is, a woman wants a man whose affections she has to work for. It's a genetic flaw; one that has a counterpart among men. If you are doing her toenails and buying her roses dipped in precious metals before she French kisses you, you, sir, are doing it all wrong.

If you are reading this and you see crowds of women and male chivalrybots declaring a Jihad, fuck them, ignore them. Heed what I say and act on it. And since there are so many of these gender jihadists out there, I'm going to tell you something else that's going to rattle their cages harder than anything: if you are giving a woman, a mere FRIEND, an expensive cell phone, a necklace, a FUCKING DIAMOND FUCKING RING!!! a pedicure, and buying her gold plated roses and all that shit... what the shit!!! Ask yourself, what do you have left to offer that special someone that is special and unique to you two and no one else? Gold plated roses and toenail polishing is pretty high up there, dude, not to mention a fucking DIAMONG RING!!! Seriously, though, that's a tough act to top when it comes to romance. If you gave this to your friend she knows you're not going to be able to top that in a relationship. And more than likely, if she waits around long enough, you'll give her more expensive shit, too. You just delivered to her the JACKPOT... all the money and gifts that come with the relationship, without the shackles of a relationship. She's probably also getting expensive swag from her boyfriend, too. You know those ambulance companies that bill you AND your health insurance carrier? Yeah, they're run by bitches like this. And you wonder why the feminists and their chivalrybot manservants are howling at the moon right now about this post? If you heed what I say, a lot of women's gravy trains are being derailed. Of course they're going to be pissed. You try prying a leech off your arm and ask it if it's happy.

Make note of these women. Put them in the creep zone. The "get the fuck away from me" zone. Quietly, though. These defective subsets of womankind hate being quietly dismissed. I'm married; all the hate in the world, from these harpies and their manservants, can't affect me. But the thing that ruins men's romantic chances is that they talk too much, instead of acting. Again, I ain't vulnerable to that - and if you follow these instructions, you won't be, either. Let me repeat! The best way to deal with this kind of woman is to be quiet about your decisions and let your actions do all the talking.