Dear Mike Yates, we get it, you like an ugly blonde girl

Not Normal

Literotica Guru
Dec 24, 2005
Can't you just have one thread about the ugly girl with the terrible bleach blonde hair and add to it instead of making a new thread each time she makes your dick hard?
it's pretty shitty to insult the girl's looks, just because she's not to your tastes and mike is an annoying twat. cut that shit out! it's beneath you.

it's pretty shitty to insult the girl's looks, just because she's not to your tastes and mike is an annoying twat. cut that shit out! it's beneath you.

It's not beneath me though.

For crying out loud, Mike. That is one ugly broad.

^^^if that is labelled ugly, how do you suppose that makes the average woman feel?

on the plus side, it helps to keep the multi billion pound diet, cosmetics & cosmetic surgery industries going. all these women feeling judged, insecure & self loathing are a cash cow!
on the plus side, it helps to keep the multi billion pound diet, cosmetics & cosmetic surgery industries going. all these women feeling judged, insecure & self loathing are a cash cow!

Who are you calling a cow?
I think that most men would probably agree.

She has gotten MUCH sexier in the past few years or so, she's changed a lot.

Yes, from the bottom right pic you can see how much she has evolved.

I'm glad she did.