Dear Diary - Open for a male


Virginal Temptress
Apr 13, 2013
Michaela was pushing her cart along the corridors of the office. It was quiet with everyone gone. The law office had flourished during the day and an old woman got lonely on these night shifts. Her grand-niece, Kaela was her only bright spot lately. She worked as a secretary for Brent Wentworth and his partner, Eric Marquez. They specialized in getting victims of drunk drivers get their just settlement in court.

As Michaela reached her niece’s desk, she noticed the leather bound book sitting on top of the desk. It was flipped as if she had dropped as she was leaving. Michaela knew she shouldn’t but something had been bothering her honeybee the last few weeks and she needed to know what. One lone page caught her attention and opened her eyes to what was hurting her girl.

October 8, 2013

I see you but you never see me. Sometimes I wonder if you can feel me as I stare after you. Such a good man that never takes any credit for what he does. I keep hoping these feelings will pass, that I will go back to being a part of the background but I can’t. Ever since I started working here, you have occupied my thoughts. My own insecurities are what keeps me to myself. I am not one of those flashy girls with money and flashy looks.

My existence is mainly work and home but there is an empty spot there. I keep wondering if you will see what’s there in plain sight. I’m in love with you. I live for those smiles that turn your eyes into a warm caramel color and those dimples wink at me. Wish I had the courage to tell you this to your face but you already know how shy I can be.

Sincerely, Me

Michaela knew that she shouldn’t but someone needed to give this situation a little push. Eric had been the object of her niece’s affections for the last year and everyone but Eric could see that. She tore out the page with the letter and walked over to Eric’s office, laying the small piece of paper on his desk, praying that this would work. Both of these two individuals were good people but so neglectful of themselves. A person needed someone to come home to at night and neither rarely even gave it a thought.

This may blow up in her face but at least she tried something and just maybe it would be what they needed to finally push them together.