Dead, But Still Feeling


Literotica Guru
Jun 24, 2012
Dead, But Still Feeling(closed for LovelyLuna)

Sean Nolan sat in the middle of his history class, bored out of his mind. He knew this material, had in fact covered it multiple years in high school, as well as his first year of college. Why was it that he had to take another history course that taught the same thing?!

As he pulled his phone out, he noticed a very gorgeous woman looking at him. He blushed and looked away. He wasn't exactly shy, but not having great luck with women so far in life had made him a bit, shall we say, timid. So when a beautiful woman was checking him out, he didn't quite know how to handle it.

He went back to checking his phone, then heard Dr. Garretty say, "Find a partner by the end of class, because that's your partner for the rest of the year. That's who you'll be writing your papers with, as well as presenting at the end of the semester." Sean groaned, knowing he would get stuck doing most of the work, and end up having a terrible partner anyways. He looked around, wondering who he'd end up partnering with.
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Anna Benoit seated herself directly next to the window in her new history class, letting the bright sunlight from outside fall across her raven-colored hair. Her locks fell around her head in a sexy, disheveled way, her green eyes outlined in dark smudgy kohl, her lips painted a bright red. She decided on a black lace corseted top today, along with a pair of tight, black jeans. She also wore knee-high black boots, her signature shoe. All that black was extremely striking against her abnormally pale complexion, and she knew it.

Listening half-heartedly to the drone of the boring professor that taught this class, Anna also used her superior hearing to eavesdrop on whispered conversations from the back of the classroom. She was attune to every click of the blonde girl's keyboard as she typed out a message to her friend on her cellphone. The gossip being exchanged between two nearly identical brunettes in the back of the room was mildly interesting but mostly just incessant. The information being related to Anna by the professor was old news for her... she had done more than just learned about all this history in the past. She had lived it. Anna was 427 years old as of last week. She had celebrated with a bag of B positive from the local blood bank, followed by a rich red wine.

Turning her head to survey some of the other students in the room, Anna's eyes fell upon one guy in particular. His hair was blonde, a bit shaggy, scruffy facial hair adorning his jawline. He was a big guy, tall with broad shoulders... it looked as if he could bench press all the girls in this classroom at once. And those eyes... sweet. Anna licked her red lips, then bit down, focusing hard on him. Almost as if by magic, he lifted his gaze to meet hers. She smiled slowly at him, unafraid, not embarrassed at all by the fact that she had been checking him out. He, however, was less confident, glancing away the moment he realized she was staring.

Anna chuckled inwardly, drawn somewhat to this new boy. He didn't seem like the type to be shy, yet here he was... turning from her. She would have to investigate...

A few moments later, her opportunity came, the professor informing the class that they would have to pick a partner for the duration of the year. Eager to keep her new target from slipping away, Anna was the first out of her seat at the announcement, strutting over to the desk of the burly blonde.

"Hi... Partners?" It was all she said, standing over him with one hand gripping the side of his desk, her nails painted the same deep red as her lips. She tilted her head to the side as she looked down, observing him, taking in his features. Yes, he certainly was goodlooking.
Sean looked up, seeing the stunning beauty at his desk. "Oh holy fuck," he exhaled softly. What had he done to deserve this good fortune. Not only was she gorgeous, but she wanted to be his partner. Sean quickly moved his bookbag, setting it on the floor. He nodded to the seat, and then pulled out another pen, waiting for the assignment. He pretty much knew what it was going to be. Just another research paper that the groups would have to co-author and turn in. Then came the peer assessment, then the final grade distribution for each paper. It was a pointless operation, but it was designed to keep the groups honest.

Sean got the feeling that he wouldn't be doing all the work in this group. In fact, he almost felt like this woman could do the project, without the research, and still get an A. He had always been told he was pretty perceptive, so he trusted his instincts.

"Hi. I'm Sean. Nice to meet you. Thanks for saving me from the awkwardness of being forced into a partnership neither party wanted. What you did probably also saved me a lot of work, considering you seem to be only of the only people in this class who even has a remote idea what Europe was like in the 1700s. I'm just glad I wasn't stuck with that blonde. She's been texting her girlfriend for the past 15 minutes, and at least two of those texts have been pictures of what's going on under her skirt," Sean said, rambling. He didn't mean to, and looked down, before looking up and meeting his new partner's eyes.

"Let me start over. Thank you for being my partner. I'm almost positive we will get along this semester, and you won't have to worry about the grade if you honestly don't feel like doing the work. It's a pleasure to be your partner, and I hope we get to have a lot of fun, even if this class has horrendously boring subject material," he said.

He looked down at his notebook, his flowing handwriting covering most of the page as he absentmindedly took notes on what the first project would be. Sure enough, it was exactly as he predicted. He shook his head, rolling his neck and shoulders, hearing the joints popping as he settled down. He was in his sandles, a pair of khakis, and a t-shirt, and realized that was a bad choice, as he started to fidget with his sandles.

Sean looked back at his partner, waiting politely for her to introduce herself.
Anna waited while Sean chattered on incessantly, thanking her for deciding to be his partner and simultaneously ragging on all the other students in the class. She stayed silent, watching him with that same smirk on her face as she settled herself into the chair that he had cleared off for her. Then she crossed her legs and arms, leaning back in the chair to watch as he started over, embarrassed by his own rambling. When he was finally done speaking, taking notes as he did so, he looked up to her, seemingly expecting an introduction.

"I'm Anna... and yeah, glad we're partners." Leaning forward to place her elbows on the desk, Anna let her black hair cascade forward as she feigned reading the notes that Sean had written down. She skimmed the words casually with her eyes, but her real motive was to get a whiff of the man before her. He smelled sweet, a bit like AB negative, which was incredibly rare around here. Even back home in France, it had been rare for Anna to ever snag one of his type, and she could feel her stomach burning a bit in hunger as she realized the treasure she had before her. But no... she had stopped feeding directly on humans (for the most part) decades ago. Occasionally she had an odd slip-up, but she never actually killed anyone. Just fed on them and then compelled them to forget all memory of the experience. She would have to put thoughts of sinking her teeth into this guy's neck far out of her head.

"This looks like a lot... and due in only a few weeks. The two of us should get together tonight at my apartment to get to know each other. That way we'll be comfortable shooting each other's ideas down when we get into the real work... that all right with you?" Anna slipped one hand over Sean's now to pry the pen from his fingers, then jotted her number down on the corner of his paper. "Text me when you're free tonight, and we can meet up... I've gotta run right now..." And with that, she was gone, standing and turning quickly on her heel to fetch her bag from her seat by the window and then exit the classroom. As soon as she was down the hall, she took a deep breath, the skin around her eyes tensing up a bit as she relived the sweet scent of Sean's blood. She needed to feed... now.
Sean noticed how she looked at him. He almost seemed like a food source. He shook it off quickly, not really caring how she looked at him. She had just written her number down, and wanted to get together. She was taking the initiative. This was great! He wasn't going to have to do all the work. He also realized that she had just invited him over. It had been a while since that had happened.

Sean got up quickly, slipping his things into his bag as me made his way to his next class. He wasn't too sure what to expect out of his classical mythology class, and was even more surprised to see Anna there as well. She looked agitated though, so he decided to take a seat a little away from her, so as not to disturb her mood. He tried to take notes, but kept glancing over at Anna. Finally, he just stopped taking notes, and just sat back, closing his eyes. He listened to the lesson, relaxing and not worrying yet.

Sean quickly woke up, feeling something move next to him. He kept his eyes closed, but wondered what was going on. He knew he was still in class, because he could hear the lecture going on. He sighed and then laid back, waiting until he could figure out what had moved. No one should be sitting by him, since it was a dark classroom and he was in the very back.
Anna could not keep the urges buried inside her much longer. When Sean had walked into the classroom where her Classical Mythology class was being held, she had been surprised and then annoyed. How did he get off being so goddamn delicious smelling? She was sure she knew what he tasted like... that his blood would be sweet, like candy. The most recent meal she had indulged in had been somewhat stale and had taken on that metallic taste that humans assumed all blood had. But they were wrong... blood was so radically different from person to person that Anna could only imagine what Sean's would be like. She knew it would be wonderful... but unlike anything she had drank before.

Before she knew it, he was sitting in the back of the room, near her. He noticed she was there but she must have been scowling, because he chose a seat far enough away that he would not have to interact with her. She liked to sit alone in the back of classrooms like this in the hopes that she could get some rest... recharge. She didn't need to sleep, exactly, but interactions with humans were exhausting on an entirely different level than any other sort of work was... especially when you considered who the humans were that Anna was forced to deal with at this school.

But now Sean was here and it was impossible to keep from smelling him. Anna closed her eyes and tried to focus on anything else. The professor's droning voice was a bit better than that of the history teacher but not by much. And she had taken this class 12 times now, so there was no way she needed to actually pay attention to get by. And even if she did... did she care at this point about mundane things like grades?

Suddenly, Anna was no longer in her seat. Before she had time to process it, she was standing behind Sean. He didn't see her get up... there was no way he would have been able to. And now here he was in front of her, his neck exposed on one side as his head drooped. He was asleep. She could hear the rush of blood through the veins in his neck... she could practically see it pulsing underneath his skin. And she needed to taste it...

Leaning in, running one fingernail along his jawline, Anna was struck momentarily by how attractive it was... how strong. She was clearly more powerful than him but for the first time, she was looking at a man who was far more masculine than she had initially assumed. But no matter.. more assessment of the physical could be saved for later.

Lowering her lips to his warm skin, Anna breathed deeply, her head becoming light and woozy with the intoxicating scent of him. She hadn't eaten properly in days... just one little bite. With exact precision, Anna sank her teeth quickly into the side of Sean's neck and began to drink. She could feel him stirring just a bit under her touch but he wasn't flailing, so she figured she was safe to take a little more. Tasting him like this, finally, was more than Anna had imagined it would be. His blood was sweet as she had assumed it would be, but it was also rich... full-bodied. Like a wine connoisseur, she had come to know the different types of blood intimately. And this boy was definitely AB negative.

Realizing that if she didn't stop soon she would probably kill him, Anna reluctantly pulled her teeth and lips from Sean's neck. She ran her tongue delicately across the fresh wound, sucking up any last drops of blood before planting a soft kiss above it. He had barely flinched... what a good boy. Straightening up now to walk back to her seat, Anna froze when she felt a hand grip her arm. It was Sean. He wasn't asleep anymore.
Sean felt a slightly pinching at his neck. He didn't stir, but knew someone else was with him. He was able to angle his eyes to see a shock of raven hair. He knew that hair. He had just seen it. He quickly placed the thoughts together and figured it out.

Anna was doing something to his neck. He could feel a gentle sucking on his neck, but he couldn't really move. He wasn't paralyzed, but the feeling was very pleasant. It wasn't unlike a very soft massage, only this one felt much deeper.

He felt Anna pull away. He felt her tongue slide along his skin. He felt when her tongue slid across the two puncture marks in his neck, sealing them and pulling the last of his life essence from out of those wounds.

Two puncture marks? Sean thought about it. Two puncture marks on his neck. What was she? Why did she bite his neck. Why was she drinking....his blood? It suddenly clicked to Sean. Why he had felt so distant from her, why she had felt so much older, why she had felt so much more powerful.

As Anna turned to walk away, Sean's hand shot out, clamping onto her wrist with a power he didn't realize. He quickly pulled her down into the seat next to him, amazed at his ability to do so. He looked at her, his hand moving to her leg to hold her down.

"You're a vampire, aren't you? If you are, tell me. I saw how you were looking at me, like I was food. If I am what you need, talk to me and we will figure out how to make this work. I saw the hunger and need in your eyes. I don't want you to feel like that," Sean said to Anna quietly, amazed at what was coming out of his mouth. He was willingly offering to be her very own supply of blood. He looked at her, waiting calmly. His insides were churning, but he was outwardly very calm.
Anna nearly panicked when she saw that Sean had grasped her arm. He wasn't supposed to have woken up. She thought she was in the clear... but here he was, looking up at her, surprisingly calm. With more power than she had assumed he had in him, Sean directed her into the seat next to him, pushing down on her leg to make her stay. She glanced forward to where the rest of the class was half-engrossed in a short film the professor was now playing. Swallowing hard, the taste of that delicious blood still ripe on her tongue, Anna listened.

His words were what threw her completely off balance. Was he... offering himself to her? Most people would run and scream, but he was actually willing to let her drink from him? That simply didn't make any sense. Anna was a powerful vampire, alive for centuries now. He couldn't understand what an agreement like this would mean...

Although, come to think of it, what would it mean exactly? Anna had been careful just now, hadn't she? She hadn't punctured the jugular or drained him too quickly. She had barely made enough movement for him to wake up. The puncture wounds would heal over the next day or two, her saliva would seal them and make them heal even faster.

Anna leaned in closer to Sean now, eyes focused on his, whispering. "Yes... Yes, everything you've said is true. Firstly, I want to apologize for what I've just done. I couldn't control myself... I generally don't feed on humans, just drink what I can grab from a blood bank or a hospital. But you smelled so wonderful...." At that, Anna leaned in closer and ran one finger down the pulsating veins of Sean's neck. "I couldn't help it. But you don't understand what it means, letting me feed on you... I will get stronger. I can control myself, I've had hundreds of years to do it... but you may be weak at times. I'm essentially taking the one thing that gives you life... and you're willing me to do it." Anna didn't want to take anything from Sean at all, let alone more of his blood. It was the best she had tasted in a long time, but it was more than any one person should ever have to offer another... even if the other was an undead person.

"Why don't you... still come to my place tonight? Forget the project, just for a day... we'll get to know each other. Here's the address... 7 pm? You can think about what I've just told you and what you've just offered and then decide if it's something you really want..." With that, Anna slipped a piece of paper into Sean's hand before standing, grabbing her bag and slipping out the back door of the classroom. She couldn't be in there anymore, not with him sitting there practically begging her to drink from him once more. Despite craving that sweet, hot liquid that she had just indulged in, Anna hoped that Sean would reevaluate the whole "blood supply" thing and change his mind... for his sake.
Sean watched Anna leave. He quickly followed suit, heading to his own house. He normally would have gone to the library, but needed to look up some facts. He made it home in record time, and quickly locked the doors before closing the blinds. To the casual observer, it might have looked like something illegal was going on.

Sean quickly turned his custom desktop computer on. He went incognito, scrambling his IP as well. He didn't know why he was taking these precautions, but felt like what he was looking up was wrong. He quickly researched human blood supply, and how to replenish the amount of blood in the body at one time. He wanted to do this for Anna, and could see that she needed it, or at least so it seemed.

He also looked up all the information he could on vampires. Most of it was just myths or legends, but some of it was all new to him. He quickly formed a list of what he knew, and what he would need for his 'blood supply' idea to go smoothly, and for himself to not wind up dead.

Sean shut his computer down, and then packed his things. He wasn't sure how things would go, but he was going to see. He got into his car and pulled out the slip of paper. he quickly punched the address into his GPS and headed to Anna's house.

He quickly pulled into her driveway, then knocked on her door. He was ready to agree, and knew that his first words when she opened the door would be "I'm in, but we need some guidelines."
When Anna reached her house, she was worked up. Sean had offered himself to her. She had never had as much energy as she did right now... well, not in the past 10 years, at least. Her body felt so alive, a feeling she had forgotten existed. His blood was like a drug to her... she could see now that it would be near impossible to give it up. And if he was willing to give himself over to it, then why should she hold back? It was a mite dangerous, yes, but it was so good....

Anna dropped her purse by the front door and strode back to her bedroom to get changed. All the while, her mind was on Sean and the gentle slope of his neck, the warmth of his blood, the sweet taste of it. Anna unbuttoned her jeans and slipped them down across her hips, then kicked them away. She undid the bustier she was wearing and dropped that away as well. Tonight, she would wear a dress. If this was going to happen between them, Anna wanted to appear as mild and non-threatening as she possibly could. She figured the black leather and stiletto boots didn't do much for a gentle image.

Heading to the closet, Anna finally settled in on a deep burgundy dress that hugged every curve of her body tightly. It was lacy and pretty and surely non-offensive to the human eye. Turning to view each side of her in a mirror, Anna was pleased. She decided to go barefoot (no need to wear shoes in her own home) and after fiddling with her hair to make sure it hung right, she padded in red-painted toes back out into the living room.

She made a pit stop in the kitchen and took a minute to observe her place, hands on her hips. The house looked normal from the outside, but it was quite large once you stepped inside. Despite being in a college neighborhood, Anna had found the one home that was as ornate and luxurious as her lifestyle had been hundreds of years ago, when she was first turned. The walls were dark cherry wood, the fixtures made of black castiron. The entire place was currently lit with a dim glow, lots of candles scattered about in every room. It was how Anna liked it, but she wasn't sure that anyone else would find it homey.

Nothing to be done about that now...., Anna thought as she busied herself with pouring two large glasses of red wine. Blood tinged with alcohol was a treat for Anna, and she wondered if Sean was a drinker at all. At the very least, she would sip and enjoy, alcohol seeming to curb her cravings much better than partaking in any other food and drink did. She didn't need that sort of sustenance to survive, of course, but it helped supplement a diet of week-old blood bags and little bunny rabbits. Hearing her doorbell ring, Anna quickly grabbed the two glasses of wine and headed to the front door. Opening it up tentatively, then seeing it was Sean, Anna welcomed him inside, already handing the glass over. "Here... hi... I'm glad you came..." She was nervous, for some reason, and as Sean stepped inside and dropped his bag, turning to observe the surroundings he was in, Anna felt butterflies in her tummy. What was going on?
Sean smiled and then looked around, observing the style of the home. He quickly dropped his bag and accepted the glass of wine. He wasn't very much of a drinker, but knew that the red wine was good for what he was going to propose. He smiled and then retrieved a notebook before placing his hand on Anna's lower back. He guided her to the couch gently, steeling himself for what he was going to say.

"Okay. I'm in, but there are some guidelines we need to establish. We need to set a limit of how many times you can "draw" blood from me. The only other thing I could think of would be for you to turn me. I know that I would become a "bloodless" being, but from my research, all the myths and legends tell of vampires still having blood in their systems that is replenished. If that is true, would that work? I researched and found foods and supplements that help speed the regeneration of my blood. There is another stipulation," Sean said, pausing.

"I want to know your story. I don't want to delve into your life too deeply, but I want to know some details about you. Anything else, that's just bonus. I'll try not to be disrespectful, but I feel as if you've been on this earth much longer than anyone I know. The one other thing is that if I say no, or enough, you have to stop, and you can't bleed me dry or kill me," Sean stopped, looking at Anna.

He smiled and took her hand slightly, then looked at her in the eyes. "Is that okay with you?" he asked, squeezing her hand softly. He wanted this to work, and hoped that she would agree to all of this. He smiled and waited patiently for her answer, taking a sip from his wine.
Anna was surprised again at the way Sean took the lead on all of this. He was so much stronger than she had assumed when she first laid eyes on him. Stronger than any human she had ever met before him. And he was so attractive... it wasn't just the taste of his blood, it was more than that. But Anna pushed those thoughts aside now and focused on what he had to say. She leaned back against the couch as Sean talked, sipping her wine slowly, impressed by his initiative on this whole matter. He had clearly gone home and done the research. Yes, it was true that there was a way for her to turn him and still drink from him, at least for a while. But the blood would run out eventually, leaving him like her...

"The fact of the matter is, I'm worried that this is just a novelty for you, Sean." Anna's own voice surprised her as she spoke up in protest. "I don't want you to end up regretting this decision. I'm old. I'm powerful. I'm more than you can probably understand just yet..." Anna ran her finger along the top rim of her wine glass, pondering her options.

"I could turn you, but I wouldn't be able to drink from you forever like that... There are ways to regenerate your blood at a quick pace... but only while you're still alive." Anna put the wine glass down now and took Sean's hand in hers, squeezing it. "And that's what you should be. Alive. So... for now... I will feed on you, if you'll allow me the pleasure of it all. I know what you should be eating and drinking to keep you healthy, and I will make sure to always seal the wounds so that they heal quickly." Reaching up to turn Sean's head, she ran a finger over the already scabbed over puncture wounds that she had left on his neck. "Sorry about those... I should never have just taken from you..."

At that, Anna stood from the couch and offered Sean her hand. The best place to show him who she really was... to let him know about her history, as much as she could get out in one night... was her bedroom. "Let's go... I can't promise that my story is very interesting, but... you should at least see the pictures."
Sean shivered slightly from Anna's touch on his neck. He had expected her touch to be cold, much like before, but it was warm now. He had no idea why. It was the most pleasant feeling he had ever had the pleasure of receiving.

He smiled as he listened to her, then shook his head. "If I am turned, I am turned. I've always been fascinated with vampire myths and legends, so if that happens, it happens. My family has never been around, not after my parents passed. But enough of that. As long as we both agree to take the precautions and make sure that this doesn't turn into a huge debacle. Let's get to know each other!" he said, smiling.

He followed her into her room, then sat down on her bed, waiting to see what she was going to show him. He was thinking on what all she had told him. He was thinking that maybe being immortal wouldn't be so bad if he got to spend it with her, but didn't know what it would turn out to be. He just sat calmly, finishing off the glass of wine he was given, and waited quietly.
Anna directed Sean to her bed, pushing him to sit on the edge of it before she headed over to her dresser in the corner of the room. She opened the bottom drawer and pushed aside a few old, tattered pieces of cloth before pulling out a large, leather-bound black book. Brushing some dust off the top of it, she headed back over to where Sean sat and settled in next to him.

"I was born in Paris in 1585...." Anna flipped to the beginning of the book, which was all copies of old paintings. She pointed to a family portrait, her finger running over the smudgy faces. "Ma mere et mon pere.. my mother and father... they were poor. We wanted for a lot those days. When I was young, we used to eat every other evening... until the day the Count came to see us." Anna flipped to another page with a portrait of a daunting man on it. "He was cold and calculated in his interactions with my sister Bella and I... but with my mother, he was always so kind. My father resented it, I could tell, even then... but I was only 14, I was so unsure of everything that was happening." Anna flipped a few pages to a portrait of two teenage girls. "Me and Bella... we were like two peas in a pod those days. Mother and Father met with the Count almost every evening and when he would leave, they would often just go to sleep. I was 18 the night it all went wrong...." Turning her head to look up at Sean, Anna stopped flipping pages. "It turns out my mother and father were being fed off of by the Count. One night, my father decided to step up and ask the Count never to come back. Unaccustomed to such defiance, the Count killed him instantly. My mother was killed shortly after... she wouldn't stop crying. He came to find me and Bella... he bit her, drained her.. all I could do was watch and sob. When he bit me, I bit back.. I don't know what came over me. But I must have ingested some of his blood, for that was the only way to turn a human... when I got away from him, I knew it wouldn't be long until he found me again and so.... I hung myself."

Anna paused here, trying to gauge Sean's reaction to her story. She wasn't sad about any of it anymore... she missed her family, but she was glad they were dead. Glad they weren't meant to suffer as she had for the past 400 years. "I didn't know I would wake up... I didn't know I couldn't die... I didn't understand what the Count was back then...."

Anna put the book down on the bed beside her, then leaned back on her hands as she looked at Sean. "I traveled for the next couple hundred years. Settled down here around 1850. Been here ever since... any questions?" She smirked, crossing her legs. It was a lot to take in, and a lot to fathom really... the fact that anyone could have been around for so long.
Sean smiled at the story. He understood the sadness, but also saw that she was past that. She had made peace with her past. So he would not be sad by it. He was, however, amazed that she had been born in 1585. That one threw him through a loop, but he quickly recovered, realizing that she could have been over 1000 years old, since she was undead.

"I have a feeling you've had a very interesting history. However, tonight is about adding another leaf to that. I still want to move forward with this, and, as long as you and I both try to stay safe, then feel free to feed," he said.

He immediately removed his shirt, letting her pick where to feed from her. He knew the neck was a very visible spot, so wanted her to feel comfortable about this. He would deny that she bit him and fed on him to anyone, but wanted her to feel safe. He thought about it and smiled, removing his shorts as well.

"I know the neck is a visible spot, so feel free to pick another spot if you would like to feed tonight. I think this will have to be the last time you feed from me for at least 4 weeks though. Otherwise I will be in danger of being low in blood," Sean said, looking at her patiently, showing off his chiseled physique, standing in only boxers, waiting for her.
Anna watched with darkening eyes as Sean began to remove his shirt, followed shortly afterwards by his shorts. It was as if he was offering himself up on a platter to her, for her to feast on. The boy had muscles, she would give him that. Strong arms made their way up to strong shoulders and down to firm pecs and a taut set of abs. He was healthy. Anna sat on the edge of her bed, eyes scanning each inch of his skin. Where would she bite? The neck was awfully visible, he was right.

Quick as a flash, Anna was standing in front of Sean; then she had him pinned down to the bed in a matter of seconds. Straddling his legs, she ran one finger down the middle of his chest, feeling his veins pulsing beneath his skin. Her eyes were stormy now, their deep green color dark and steady. She focused, leaning down to press her lips to the spot just above his right pec, careful to avoid the area above his heart. With one final glance up at Sean's face, Anna closed her eyes and sank her teeth into his flesh, beginning to feed.

His blood was just as sweet as before, and Anna was immediately grateful for this little arrangement that they had worked out. She wondered what Sean wanted out of all this... why it was that he was so willing to help her in a way that could seriously harm him. But she wasn't about to ask questions now... a deep, guttural moan resounded from Anna's throat as she sucked down Sean's blood, the hot thickness of it splashing across her tongue. After a few more seconds, she slowed her pace, then stopped altogether, lifting her head from Sean's chest.

Gasping, Anna swallowed the last of it, then licked a few errant drops from the puncture wounds she had left behind. Already they were sealing up, her saliva speeding up the process significantly. Licking her lips, still straddling him, Anna found Sean's eyes. "Did I hurt you...? Was that too much?"
Sean looked down at her, then watched as she stood. He realized she was sizing him up like a cattle being lead to slaughter. For some reason, it didn't bother him that this 400 plus year old vampire was looking at him as her dinner. Then suddenly realized he was looking up at her. He hadn't realized how she had done it, but he was pinned down to the bed under her.

Sean took a deep breath when he felt her finger running down his chest. He felt the heat from her, surprised to feel that. She was apparently full of surprises. When he felt her lips on his skin, he shivered from excitement. He couldn't help it. An attractive woman was on top of him, in a dress that completely accentuated her form, and was kissing his chest.

Sean smiled, and saw the slight hesitation in Anna's eyes. He nodded slightly and then watched, seemingly in slow motion, as her lips descended back down to his chest. He felt a slight prick as her fangs broke his skin. What he hadn't expected was the intense pleasure he felt from her drawing his blood. When he heard Anna moan, a loud, low moan slipped past his lips. He hadn't realized that her drawing his blood would feel this good.

When Anna stopped, Sean almost whimpered from the loss of feeling. He knew that he was in this for the long haul now. It had felt too good for him to stop. He smiled and then freed an arm as he gently wiped some of his own blood from those angelic lips. He could already feel the wounds healing, and knew it wouldn't bother him.

He took a ragged breath, then smiled at Anna. "That....felt amazing. Did you know it would feel this way?" he said slowly, trying to steady his pulse rate. He looked at Anna, amazed at this woman. He didn't know what he wanted out of this, but was now more than happy to just be her blood supply, as long as they were careful. He smiled and then gently caressed her cheek. "What now?" he asked, suddenly realizing their position.
Anna's eyes lightened again now that she had fed off of Sean, a smile spreading across her lips. At the touch of his thumb to her mouth, Anna was surprised. He was gentle... kind. He was unexpectedly soft with her. When he questioned her about how wonderful it felt, Anna simply chuckled. She knew that having blood drawn in this manner was often pleasurable. It had something to do with the venom in her saliva or some other strange thing like that. Stroking her finger down the healing wounds on Sean's chest, she nodded.

"Yeah, it doesn't feel horrible... I guess most people actually enjoy it, if they aren't being compelled into a catatonic state before being fed upon. That's what the Count did to my parents...." With that, Anna rolled her body off of Sean's, curling up next to him. She tossed her hair over her shoulder and draped an arm over Sean's chest, looking up at him.

"What now? Not sure... after feeding, I always feel so... euphoric. Like a post-sex kind of glow..." Anna bit her lip, wondering if Sean would take the bait. Seducing him wouldn't necessarily be easy, but it was certainly on her mind. Now that Sean was receptive to lovebites, who knew what else he would be willing to do? For a split second, Anna wondered if she was inadvertently compelling Sean to be so receptive. But no... she had never done something like that without being aware of it.
Sean smiled at Anna. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close. "Post-sex, eh?" he said. He felt just like he had had an intense orgasm. He was still extremely turned on, and knew that Anna was trying to seduce him. From what he said, Anna wouldn't try to compel him either.

Sean pulled Anna on top of him and then gently cupped her face. He leaned forward and kissed her softly. After the kiss ended, he looked at Anna seriously. "Anna, nothing turns me on more than an honest, open woman. If you are wanting to seduce me, say it and I'm yours. You have no idea what a woman who knows what she wants and isn't afraid to say it," he said quietly.

He gently stroked Anna's back. He was waiting for an answer, and knew that it would come when she was ready. He smiled up at her, showing her that he was indeed attracted to her, and that he wanted her just as badly as she seemed to want him. He kissed her softly again, then let the kiss linger.