Dc Villians


Literotica Guru
Jun 17, 2002
The Villain the Invisble Pervert walks in the warhouse. He was sent a letter telling him to be here. A new villian called the mastrmind said he and other would be sent on a mission. It said other would come

The invisble Pervert use to be some geek who got arrested for fraud. He made fake nude pics of Super heroes and said it was real. He also use to put cameras in there room. He was chace by batgirl for it. In the chace he fail in to some acids making him able to turn himself and object invisible. He namely like using his invisible camera

The perve sat and waited
Raven Claw

I watch the warehouse carefully from the out side looking for any sins of a trap. I watch as some guy walks in seemingly unhindered. I frown wondering why I accepted the invention to this gathering I had other things to do yet. I shrug a well I’m hear might as will check it out.

I shift in to mist drifting down the side of the building that I was looking down from. I drift in across the street and in threw a broken window. I move arund the walls making sheer know ones hiding in the shadows. I then move over to the man sitting in the center of the abandoned building. I swirl arund in front of him becoming soled once agene. I look at him emionlesly.

“So are you the one that summand me or where you summand as well?”
A Face appears in front of the villian. It is an Hologrphic image of a bald man in a robe. He seem to have a giant head

"I am Gotor. I'm what is called a Watcher. I'm of a race of people from a differnt realtiy. Our Job is to watch and record differnt reality but unlike my breatheren I grow weary of this. That why I will make a contest. You each will do act of villiany tonight. The person that does something that I think is the best or most interesting wins this"

He showed a hologram of a crystal "This is from a differnt reality. It was on what is called the Infinity gaulent. Even I'm not reckless enough to give you the whole glove but this one crytal will give you nearly ultimate power. There is no rules to this contest. feel free to stab each other in the back or work together. But I find the first option more fun. You have till tonight to perform do well my friends"

He then disapears.
I decided may I should humilate the superheroes by getting pictures of them naked