Daydream_weaver's Refuge


*Emerging from the bathing room feeling refreshed and awake I select a sarong of pale blue to tie around my waist. Comfortable in my normal 'at home' attire I stop at the kitchen to pour myself a tall glass of cold fruit juice before heading out onto the back deck.

The morning sun filtering through the trees causes me to smile. Right now at this moment I am at peace.
The wolf awakens from her doze beneath Weaver's porch. Crawling out, she shakes away the furred shape, pulling her mortal form on from the ether. Eventually, she looks human. Short, curvy, brown skin and black hair. She is covered by a pair of black jeans and a tiny half top. Her feet are bare, as usual. With no thought, she climbs the steps that lead to Weaver's front door and taps, once.
*Feeling a tremble in my wards I sit up curiously. The alert came from more inside the wards than out. I set my glass on the table and pad through the cabin toward the front door just as I hear a light tap and feel familiar energy. A smile brightens my face and I wave toward the door, not wanting to wait to get there for it to open.

Good morning, Miss Luna...please come in. *I hold out a hand as I move toward her, eager for even such a casual contact*
I step inside and move to grab Weaver in a long over due hug

Hello beauty. Long time, no real cuddle.

Reaching up, I tug her face down so that I can greet her with a soft kiss.

You look delectable. What are you doing? Could you use a bit of company?
*sighing happily I hold her close, my hands brushing over her back*

I am just having a bit of a relaxing day and can think of no better way to spend some of it than with you. Come sit with me and tell me how you have been?
I take a step back, grabbing her hand with mine and lead us both to the nearest seat. I flop down, tugging her with, until she is draped across my lap. My arms wrap around her and my hands begin to stroke her bared back..

I work today. Going in about an hour. Been missing you a bit, my Weaver. Our schedules have not been so on point lately. I am doing ok. Not nearly as bad as I was, which is good. How bout yourself? I noticed your business yesterday. Was sad that I left just when you showed up.
*laughing softly as I settle onto her lap I let my fingers toy lightly with her hair, just enjoying the closeness of being with her*

It does seem we just keep catching each other in passing. But at least right now we have a few moments. I am glad you are doing better, hopefully you will have even better days to come.

My day yesterday was business that had me so terrified went very well, but I got lost in what to me is a big city. It took three hours to finally make it home, when it should have only taken half that. I despise traffic. So today I am just relaxing.
*Evening falls, the setting of the sun bringing a welcome relief from the day’s heat. A breeze stirs and I flick open the doors and windows of my cabin to allow it in. The night has a scent all its own, of cool shadows and secret places.

Candles spring to life as I pad softly through my cabin, giving off a warm glow. In the bathing room the candles throw flickering shapes on the walls. I step into the shower, the room filling with the scent of darkness and vanilla as I lather my body and hair. The rich bubbles feel good on my skin, my hands lingering a bit longer than needed. It’s been one of those days. My body is hungry, needy…aching.

I step from the shower and towel my hair and body nearly dry before leaving the room and entering the alcove. Stopping at the vanity I reach for a bottle of scented oils, my gaze lifting briefly to take in my reflection. For a moment I fancy violet eyes rather than ice blue, and hair of jet black rather than silver. I shake my head clearing the vision from my sight. Close to the surface, but still controlled, as it should be.

Taking the bottle of oil with me I climb onto the bed and settle in the middle. I begin to smooth the oil into my skin enjoying the feel as it softens, scents and soothes. Absently I start to hum, the humming becoming a song that drifts out into the night*

Spend all your time waiting
For that second chance
For a break that would make it okay
There’s always one reason
To feel not good enough
And it’s hard at the end of the day
I need some distraction
Oh beautiful release
Memory seeps from my veins
Let me be empty
And weightless and maybe
I’ll find some peace tonight

In the arms of an angel
Fly away from here
From this dark cold hotel room
And the endlessness that you fear
You are pulled from the wreckage
Of your silent reverie
You’re in the arms of the angel
May you find some comfort there

So tired of the straight line
And everywhere you turn
There’s vultures and thieves at your back
And the storm keeps on twisting
You keep on building the lie
That you make up for all that you lack
It don’t make no difference
Escaping one last time
It’s easier to believe in this sweet madness oh
This glorious sadness that brings me to my knees

In the arms of an angel
Fly away from here
From this dark cold hotel room
And the endlessness that you fear
You are pulled from the wreckage
Of your silent reverie
You’re in the arms of the angel
May you find some comfort there
You’re in the arms of the angel
May you find some comfort here

Dark is the night….dark is the hunger that burns within.​

Lighting candles set in the empty fireplace I being to pace. My shadow dances on the walls and ceiling, wavering and flickering. I feel like I could crawl out of my skin tonight. This place of peace and calm barely reaches me.

I tear at my clothes, shredding them and leaving the pieces on the floor. Closing my eyes I drop to my knees, hands limp and palm up on my thighs, my head falling back as I take deep shaky breaths.
drifts through...leaving a scrap of paper behind

"the next time you feel unright in your own skin, come find me, and I will make you and your body one again"
The wolf makes her way back to Weaver's Refuge....becoming a brown skinned female, once she reaches the front porch.

Hello Weaver, are you still here?
*looking up from where I have curled up on the sofa I smile, the front door swings open slowly*

I am...please come in, Miss Luna
Steps inside. Pushes the door closed behind me.

How have you been? Seems you are staying entertained.
*glancing down a the empty mug in my hands I set aside, rising to meet her, my lips brushing over hers softly*

It has been a quiet weekend, but I have met a few new people who seemed interesting...I have missed seeing you, though. You've had a long work week?
Smiles and wraps her in a close hug, my eyes drifting closed as I feel her body next to mine.

Yeah, my weekend was pretty horrid. Am thinking of opening my Den for play...I need something. And I am off tomorrow.

Pulls her with me toward her couch and flops down, angling us until she lands in my lap. I inhale her scent, my eyes sparkling.
*Slipping an arm behind her as we settle onto the sofa I let my fingers gently knead her neck and shoulders. I smile into her warm brown eyes unable to resist leaning forward to nuzzle her cheek*

What are you in need of, Miss Luna...what sort of playmate would give you the kind of release you seek?
A low growling purr sound that vibrates my skin beneath her hands.

What kind, sweetness? I don't know. I have an insane urge to be violent, to tease and provoke, to make someone cry, beg, scream....

Closing my eyes and pulling her closer...

Conversely, I want to make long, slow passionate love to someone...taking her body apart and putting it back together until she passes out from pleasure.
*shivering slightly at her words I curl my body against hers, the pressure of my fingers deepening, seeking to melt and relax any unwanted tension from her. My voice drops to a low soothing murmur close to her ear*

I think sometimes I understand the need to be hard on a person, especially if their needs compliments your own. I admire how you can let that out and yet keep such tight control. It's one of the things that draws me to you...your strength.
My control isn't as great as it should be. There aren't very many people who get that about me. So they prod and push when what they should do is leave me be until I get myself together.

Sighs and settles backward, my body relaxing under her fingers

I think that is why I prefer your company, you never push. You just are and it soothes me.
Oh, I may push a little...just tempt fate a tiny bit, but I know when to stop. *grins a bit impishly and shifts slightly on her lap to bring both hands to bear on her shoulders, working my way down her upper arms, fingers soft yet firm*

I have great respect for you, my Luna, even though our acquaintance is quite new. I like that I can be a calm place for you when you need one...among other things *leaning forward I place a whispery kiss on her lips*
Opens an eye to gaze at my Weaver

I swear, if I believed in claiming someone here and making them my personal playmate, to be teased and seduced all over the would so be it.
*Working my fingers back up along her shoulders to her neck I keep my gaze lowered a smile playing around my lips* would still be alright to tease and seduce me all you wanted...even if you did not lay claim to me...wouldn't it?

*glancing quickly into her eyes I look away, focusing on my fingers as they slip into her hair to gently massage her scalp*
I have every intention of doing so, sweetness. You are my Weaver. The one who eases my stress.

With those words, I flip us around until I am laying on top of her, my mouth nuzzling her throat...

Focus on this, love...

My tongue flicks out to touch her pulse, teeth joining in to nip the flesh located there...her scent works it's way into me~vanilla, woods, musk...that something that whispers Weaver, to me. My mouth drifts lower, nibbling her collar bone, my tongue tasting her skin.
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*With her body pressing mine into the sofa, her teeth sending tingles across my skin, I let my eyes drift shut. My head tilts back baring my neck and leaving myself vulnerable to her exploration. I let my hands trace lightly down her back, my thighs parting to accomodate her, legs curling around hers. My breasts, already sensitive to her mere presence, rise and fall with each quickly drawn breath.

I bite my lip, holding back a sigh of pleasure. There is no need for words, my surrender is there in the eagerness of my body beneath her.
I feel her warmth, her eager acceptance and give voice to a low growl of pleasure. Further I explore, my mouth finding nubbins begging to be tasted, teased, tormented. My teeth capture pale, puckered flesh as my hand grabs for her leg, nails burying themselves in her warm thigh. My tongue traces a cool line from nipple to nipple and I blow air on the line left behind.

What do you need, my Weaver?