dark fantasy dreams



how many of you have dreams that are disturbing and vivid?
Tell us what they are about.
De Sade said:
how many of you have dreams that are disturbing and vivid?
Tell us what they are about.

I do...but I am so not telling anyone other then my personal dream consultant Calypso.
I do...but I am so not telling anyone other then my personal dream consultant Kitte.
I once dreamt that I was a blonde woman in some hot woodsy area in the south. I went to a honkey tonk with a friend of mine, terrified because I knew he would find me though everyone said he was out of the state. He did. He showed up and dragged me and my friend out into the woods and he shot me in the head with a revolver. As I died, I knew the friend would get the blame and he would get away with murder.

KillerMuffin said:
I once dreamt that I was a blonde woman in some hot woodsy area in the south. I went to a honkey tonk with a friend of mine, terrified because I knew he would find me though everyone said he was out of the state. He did. He showed up and dragged me and my friend out into the woods and he shot me in the head with a revolver. As I died, I knew the friend would get the blame and he would get away with murder.


This is a REAL quiz, then?
I have MC Escher/Clive Barker type dreams, should that concern anyone?
IR, please, no housewives with BOB's (battery operated b/f's)
Re: I gotta ask..........

Backyard sweaty said:
Was this suppose to be an alarming thread?
no, just curious as to what dreams people have. I might write a book about how dreams relate to what we do in daily life.
I had this dream last nite that me and my lover were doing something sitting around a table with some people(can't for the life of me remember)but then he started flirting with another gurl and it actually got me so annoyed that I got up and left, I returned for something completely different(again don't ask for the life of me I cannot remember) and what every1 else was doing around that table was finished so as I pasted my lover he finally caught on to the fact that I had actually left and was still highly annoyed with him so he began walking with me asking what was wrong?? so of course I was tryin to ignore him which he wasn't buying for a minute, and so he pulled me into a school parking lot that we were walking past, no children were present only adults and proceeded to fuck me up the ass and then as we finished we proceeded walking up the street and he went his way and I went mine STRANGE eh......:confused:
I had a dream, once, that I was posting shit on a porn board.

It was frightening as I know that I would go straight to hell for something like that.


Someone pinch me....

Ya, wake me up, please!

Awww nuts....well, at least I will be warmer there than here!

De Sade said:
how many of you have dreams that are disturbing and vivid?
Tell us what they are about.

I had a dream one time that I hated hockey.. Couldn't stand it. Someone wore a Dallas Stars jersey in front of me and I scoffed such an evil scoff and remarked how lame asses would only wear hockey jerseys.

It was as disturbing a dream as I've ever had.
When I was younger I used to have a reoccuring dream of throbbing horizontal lines that got bigger evertime they throbbed. I would wake up in a sweat, scared out of my mind.

To this day I don't know what caused those dreams or why they scared me, I'm just glad that they've stopped!

might share one of my other reoccuring dreams later....
sade my bf likes clive barker and the sword of truth serie :| disturbing LOL anyways last night I dreamed my house was on fire. thats disturbing.
but one dream that was disturbingly vivid it was horrible I woke up thinking it was real. I dreamed a big meteor was hitting the earth. as it was happening. I never had a dream so... real.
I have a few recurring and very scary dreams. They're so scary to me because I don't realize that I'm dreaming.

One is where I'm running from someone in a house, but I'm also looking for something- a gold trophy. I go down into the basement where there are a ton of boxes, and I know the trophy is down there. I want to look for it, but I have to try to elude whoever it is that is chasing me, because I know they'll kill me if they catch me. The basement is huge, and I'm just running around through the maze of boxes, being chased.

I hate that dream.
foxinsox said:
I have recurring dreams of drowning in a rough ocean.

But seriously, is there anything more boring than being subjected to tales of other people's dreams?

A co-worker *insists* on telling everyone in the office last night's dreams in great detail every frigging morning.


I think once in a while it's interesting, depending on your relationship with the person who's telling it.